
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 609: end of battle

"You have that kind of power all these time?" Salamander asked, but he received no reply.

He then realized that Aldred was unconscious.

Shinari and Cleome approached with a glass sphere encasing their head to provide a safe environment in the vacuum of space.

The ship no longer provided them with the much needed oxygen.

One of the common traits that almost every living beings in this galaxy had was the need to breath in oxygen.

Not every creatures needed oxygen to breath, but most civilization-building-capable creatures need oxygen in order to survive.

So when they traveled through space, everyone need to be in a safe-oxygen-rich chamber if they want to live.

Even demons, who posses incredible physical strength so powerful they could survive from a crashing themselves into a planet from low orbit. And unlike most humans, they could actually live and survive much longer without oxygen. Some experiment done by the humans revealed that the average demons could survive 3-7 days.

And that did not included the special types of demons.

Some say the higher the level of the demons, the longer they were able to survive without oxygens, with some scientists proposed that a small proportions of demons were capable of surviving without oxygen at all.

Shinari knelt beside Aldred and checked on his status with a device. "His breathing is normal. There is no anomaly detected."

"What about oxygen level?" Cleome asked.

"Oxygen level is normal."

"How is that possible? We're in a vacuum."

Shinari thought for a moment. "This might be a crazy idea, but from what I can tell, Aldred breathed in cosmic energy and then his body turn them into oxygen."

They all looked at each other in shock.

"For now, let's get him to a safe place." Salamander lifted him up. "The Galactic Rover should still be working."

They all returned to where they came. Some demons hindered their path, but Cleome blasted them away.

When they arrived inside the Galactic Rover, Salamander turned it on and pulled back out of the Destroyer-Class battleship.

The Galactic Rover came out with its drill completely destroyed and the external armor were almost completely gone.

The spaceship's hull was also full of dents and some tiny holes. Thankfully that was just the first layer so they still had oxygen inside.

The view outside the Galactic Rover were as chaotic as ever. The battle still ongoing.

Spacecraft bombarded and crashed into one another, creating an endless fireworks of explosions. Parts and debris of these exploding spacecraft flew in every direction, sometimes hitting on a unaware spacecraft and damaging them.

However, the main players were those big ships. The Destroyer-Class battleship, and then there was that one.

The Battlecruiser-Class Battleship.

The Battlecruiser-Class Battleship, a titanic juggernaut of interstellar warfare, loomed like a metallic mountain against the backdrop of the cosmic battleground. Its hull, armored with impenetrable alloys, bore the scars of previous battles, a testament to its resilience.

Towering spires and colossal cannons adorned its surface, each weapon designed for annihilation. With a length that stretched over 800 meters, it dwarfed the surrounding vessels, commanding respect and awe.

Salamander kept staring at it with all kinds of emotion welled up in his chest. "Such magnificence of creation."

Cleome admired it as well.

Shinari was tending to Aldred in the back as she looked at the spacecraft.

Numerous laser beams, missiles, and energy blasters attacked the humongous ship, but its advanced-shielding technology blocked everything that came in its way.

On its surface, an array of advanced weaponry bristled like a metallic forest. Heavy plasma cannons, capable of unleashing devastating energy bolts, glowed with ominous hues as they charged. Pulse laser batteries, resembling clusters of celestial diamonds, fired rapid bursts of energy, intercepting incoming enemy missiles and fighters with pinpoint accuracy. Ion disruptor beams, long-range lances of pure energy, lashed out, disabling demon ships with a blinding brilliance.

Missile launchers, strategically positioned across the battleship's expanse, unleashed a barrage of warheads.

High-explosive, antimatter, and electromagnetic pulse missiles streaked across space, seeking out demonic vessels and obliterating them in blinding explosions.

Railgun batteries fired kinetic projectiles at speeds that defied comprehension, tearing through demon shields and armor with sheer brute force.

Amidst the cacophony of battle, the Battlecruiser's advanced sensor arrays scanned the cosmic battlefield. Each enemy ship, no matter how stealthily cloaked, was detected with uncanny precision. The battleship's tactical AI processed this data, predicting enemy movements and weaknesses with unparalleled accuracy.

And not only that. These processed data were then shared to every allied group, giving everyone a full view of the situations.

The Battlecruiser was like the spear and eyes. It behold massive armaments to destroy its enemies and provide vital information for the allies.

As the demonic forces, equipped with their own advanced spacecraft technology, attempted to breach the Battlecruiser's defenses, they were met with a storm of retaliatory fire.

Brilliant energy shields, generated by the battleship's shield emitters, absorbed enemy attacks, flickering with the impact of each strike.

Countermeasures, deployed in a dazzling display of electronic warfare, jammed enemy communication signals and disrupted their targeting systems.

"God damn! That thing is too fucking strong!"

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

Because the one who shout that was Aldred.

"You're awake already?"

"Am I not supposed to?" Aldred asked as he heaved himself off the table and approached to take a closer look.

"That thing is really powerful. I wonder if I can ever get my hands on that kind of ship."

Salamander laughed. "That would be nice. But something like that is impossible for us. It cost more than 86,4 million Galactic Credits and that's just for the ship. I haven't count the cost of weapons, ammunitions, energies, maintenance, and the amount of people just to crew that thing."

"Enough talking about spaceships like a nerd," Cleome said. "Aldred, what are you exactly?"

"What do you mean?"

"You created a massive hole that punctured through all five-layer of a Destroyer-Class ship. Not just any human can do that."

"Maybe I am the special kind of human. Didn't I tell you guys that I am not from here?"

"Are all the people on your planet have the same power as you?" Shinari asked.

"Well… not exactly. But I met a lot of powerful people."

"Your planet are full of super?"

"Not everyone, but a lot."

"That must be a very special planet," Salamander said. "A planet that can birth a lot of supers are very rare and can be a valuable asset for humanity. You really don't know where it is?"

"Actually, part of my reason to do this journey is exactly to return to that planet. I don't know how, but I believe the Spaceweaver scepter owned by Lord Malgorth can help me with it."

"Hmmm, your goal align with humanity," Salamander said. "Your goal is returning to your planet, our goal is to find it. We will help you with that."

"Maybe we can ask for someone else to help us as well," Cleome suggested.

"Will anyone believe me?" Aldred asked. "I don't think I have a reputation credible enough to ask for help from a powerful organizations. My best bet is to gather as much resource and grow our strength all the while looking for Lord Malgorth's location. And I am not stupid to fight head on. I will consider the odds of my victory and decide what the best course of action will be."

"Ohh." Cleome scratched her head. "Sorry, I thought you were a reckless idiot that will kill himself to bring down a demon."

"Yeah, I thought the same," Salamander said. "That's why I am going crazy today. I thought all of us wanted to die."

"What?" Aldred was speechless.

'These guys think that I am planning to kill myself to eliminate as many demons as possible?' Aldred thought to himself.

"What kind of idiots would do that?"

"A lot actually," Salamander replied. "Well, enough about that. Look, the battle is about to end."

The Battlecruiser-Class Battleship quickly cleansed the cosmic battlefield with overwhelming firepower.

Quickly, the demon army retreated after losing more than half of their spaceships.

"Attention to all personnels! We have claimed victory!"

The stations entered and all-open channel and hundreds of thousands of screaming of victory reverberated in the Galactic Rover.

Everyone was cheering for their victory. Aldred and his group also cheered in excitement.

After they cheered for their victory, the officers ordered them to gather on planet Aegis IV

Aegis IV was a heavily fortified planet on the outer edges of NovaGuardia star system. It was home to NovaGuardia's Fleet Command, overseeing the defense and patrol of the entire system.

Its moon, Fortis Luna, housed one of the most advanced shipyards in this stellar clusters.

The surviving ships numbering in tens of thousands began to arrive in droves. They were badly damaged and battered.

It was fine though as soon the officers offered them free repair-service and an incentive for their much-needed help.

Aldred was happy with that as well, but then he saw the BattleCruiser ship did not stay in this star system for long. It soon entered the warp and went somewhere else along with some Destroyer-Class ships.

"Where are they going?" Aldred asked.

"The galaxy is unimaginably huge, Aldred," Salamander said. "Conflicts and battles sparked in almost every star of this galaxy. Those guys have important duties to keep order in the territory of the Imperium. They are much much busier than us. While we celebrate our victory, they already go somewhere else to fight another battle."

Aldred looked at the spaceships slowly distorting out of reality.

"Those must be very brave men."