
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 607: space battle

With a rush of adrenaline, Aldred and his companions braced themselves as they throttled forward.

The chaos unfolding around them was staggering. Countless spacecraft, both small and colossal, were engaged in a fierce cosmic dance, firing lasers and missiles, illuminating the void of space with their explosive clashes. The atmosphere inside their spacecraft became tense as they beheld the sheer magnitude of the conflict.

Aldred was speechless at the scale of this battle. It seemed so chaotic and out of order.

But soon his focus was shifted elsewhere.

"Everyone brace for impact!" Salamander shouted as the Galactic Rover activated its drilling machine and punctured through a demon's spacecraft.

The enemy spacecraft exploded immediately as he managed to hit its vital compartment. Flames spread everywhere.

Salamander laughed. "This is so fucking great!"

Suddenly, the Galactic Rover got barraged by hail of laser beams. The external armor installed on it hold on.

Salamander looked at the status indicator of the armor and cursed. "Shit! Our external armor won't last for long! Help me man the guns while I make maneuvers!"

The Galactic Rover could actually be manned by one person. But to properly function in battle, it would at least need a total of 5 crews.

There were only four of them, but that was fine.

Aldred, Cleome, and Shinari quickly entered their battle stations. They quickly grabbed control of the weapons on the Galactic Rover and fired back.

Aldred on the other hand was confused and did not know the function of each buttons on his control board. He pressed every button that was available to him and learned the function of each one.

Salamander noticed his predicament but could not help as he was too busy making a maneuver in space.

The Galactic Rover moved with incredible trajectory. It flipped, rolled, and went up and down as it dodged the laser attacks.

Aldred stared at the screen in front of him with the view of his gun barrel underneath. He aimed and fired at every enemy spacecraft he saw.

The Galactic Rover managed to down a bunch of small spacecraft with its laser beams which was quite surprising.

Then, the spacecraft shook again as Salamander rammed another spacecraft.

Salamander laughed like a crazed maniac. "HAHAHA! Die you demons! DIE!!!"

He controlled one of the laser guns on the ship and fried the demons inside the spacecraft he just rammed.

After puncturing through the enemy spacecraft, Salamander did not felt satisfied. "This is not enough. We cannot just attack on these small fries. Let's attack the bigger one."

Shinari and Cleome nodded in agreement as they anticipated for another battle.

"Uhh, don't you think it would be wiser to just stick to the small fries? If you don't remember, we are small fries as well," Aldred commented.

"How can we show the great power of humanity by doing that? If a small fry human can defeat the big demons, they will surely fear us. There is no time to waste. Get your hands ready on the white lever next to you. That is the lever for your breaching pod. We will infiltrate one of their bigger spacecraft and destroy it from the inside."

Salamander throttled the spacecraft to the maximum and immediately headed to.

Aldred saw they were headed to one of those 500-meter Destroyer-Class spaceship.

His heart thudding in rapid rate. The enemy Destroyer Class boasted formidable armaments, including Heavy Plasma Cannons that fired endlessly towards the allied spacecraft, creating a firework of explosions as their spacecraft exploded in an instant.

"I thought that thing boasted thick armor. How are we going to puncture that thing?" Aldred asked.

Salamander laughed yet again. He made a call: "This is Galactic Rover from group 2453. Requesting assistance in breaching enemy Destroyer-Class spaceship at our current trajectory."

"Request accepted," a man quickly answered at the other end of the call.

Suddenly, one of the allied Destroyer-Class ship send a hail of laser beams.

The laser beams struck a specific point of the enemy's Destroyer-Class ship, weakening its armor significantly.

"Alright!" Salamander shouted. "We're going overdrive!"

The Galactic Rover hummed loudly as Salamander did everything to increase its momentum and speed. The spinning drill at the nose spun so fast it shook the spacecraft.

The enemy Destroyer-Class noticed the Galactic Rover and want to attack it, but the allied ships suddenly increase its attack.

The effort combination prevented the enemy from destroying the Galactic Rover.


The Galactic Rover's drill punched through the enemy ship's weakened hull.

However, the armor was still durable, and the Galactic Rover shook violently as it forced its way in.

The Galactic Rover managed to punctured through the fifth layer of the armor.

"Pull the lever!"

Aldred did as instructed immediately of which he was quickly encased in some sort of pop and launched out of the Galactic Rover. The pod then slammed itself onto the last layer of the armor and then created a concentrated explosion that created a tiny hole on the armor.

However, the hole was too small for Aldred to enter.

"The last layer of the spaceship is not that powerful!" Salamander's voice came from the device on his left wrist. "It is designed to stop shrapnels, but not blunt damage. Attack it with your power!"

Aldred punched through the armor, expanding the hole, and quickly entered. There he saw Salamander, Cleome, and Shinari also entering a hole they made.

A few seconds later, the floor under their feet shook a bunch of times, and then a few more holes appeared on the wall.

Humans crawled out of the holes.

One of the men nodded at them. "Let's wreck havoc on this thing."

Salamander nodded back and together they charged towards a direction.

Aldred did not know where they were going, but he followed suit.

Demons with tall swords immediately appeared in the corridor and charged at them.

The humans fired their weapons, killing any demons that approached. After they finished, they continued to advance and faced with three different corridors.

"Let's split up!" Salamander led them to another direction.

"Where are we going?" Aldred asked.

"To the Engine Room!"

"Won't that be heavily guarded?"


Aldred was worried. He had never seen Salamander this battle-crazed before. Even back on Wasteland Citadel. The man always seemed rational and careful before.

Why did he become so reckless after leaving the planet?

Suddenly, four demons appeared and charged at them. Salamander's arms turned into a pair of machine guns and ripped them to shreds.

More demons came to their way, but then Cleome jumped at the front. "Don't take all the demons for yourself. Give some to me!"

She whipped her arms forward, surging two bolt of lightning that turned the demons into charcoal.

Two landed from above behind them, then Shinari quickly vanished and re-appeared behind them, cutting off their heads in an instant.

Aldred felt useless after seeing them fight. "I cannot stay like this. I must wreck havoc as well."

With a roar, Aldred gathered his strength in his right fist and slammed the wall.


His fist created a massive hole on the wall, and shook the compartment they were in.

"What are you doing?" Salamander asked.

"We're going to the engine room right? Tell me which direction. I will create a path for you."

Salamander raised an eyebrow at the surprising idea, but he quickly smiled and pointed at the direction.

Aldred grinned back and punched through the wall to create a path for themselves.

With each punch, the whole place seem to shake. While Aldred was making a path for them, the rest of the group killed every demons that came their way.

After half-an-hour the group reached the inside of a church of some kind.

The church was dark and gloomy with no one in sight. There was an altar in the center. Candles flickered on the altar, and their flickering casted shadows on the walls.

Behind the altar, stained glass windows, depicting a scene of desperate humans wailing and bowing towards a dark god as it ripped a baby's neck with its rotten teeth.

"Are we going to the right place?" Aldred asked.

"I have read things very much about every spacecraft type and learned its blueprint," Salamander said. "I am sure we're going to the right direction."

"Is it behind that altar?"


"Let me destroy it." Cleome whipped her hand down, lightning crackled all over her body as she gathered her power.

With a quick swept of her hand, she released a thick energy bolt that went towards the Altar.

However, a dark form landed from above and blocked the bolt, creating a smoke screen that blocked it from sight.

Salamander's sensor activated and he urged everyone to be careful.

After the smoke vanished, the form revealed itself. It was a beautiful woman with complete dark-gothic clothings and a sword in her hand.

Behind her, a gigantic dark-furred wolf stood ready to attack under her command.

"This is not good."