
After the guardsmen cleaned up the underground lair, all of them, Salamander and allies included, reach for the surface.

After they finally got out of the underground lair, they saw the battle was already over. Guardsmen began to put out the fire and cleaned the rubbles. The city began rebuilding itself in no time as citizen also came to help, slowly fixing the destroyed buildings en mass.

Aldred was amazed by how efficient the people were.

"That was one tiring day," Cleome said with a sigh of relief. "And I am glad it's over."

"Me too," Shinari said, taking in a deep breath. "Let's go back and have a rest."

The group returned to head base along with the guardsmen.

After they arrived, a familiar face greeted them. It was Commander Brenea.

"All of you have done well. It was because of you that we manage to survive," Commander Brenea said.

"We only do our job," Salamander replied. "Besides, we don't do much. I am sure the super soldiers will take care of everything anyway."

"Yes. I am not denying that. But it is still because of your efforts that we don't suffer as much casualties. When the dark energy disappear, the demon forces weaken significantly, allowing us to push them back."

"That's correct. Thanks to you lot, I am still alive."

Another familiar face appeared, but it was a shocking sight, because the person was actually Captain-Commander Gaius Vallon.

He was the Captain of Daemonhunter Purity's Edge that was destroyed in battle. Apparently, he had survived.

The man limped his way towards them, and the all saluted.

"I was wrong about you, Aldred. You really hold great power. Not just anyone can defeat sub-lord demon."

"What's a sub-lord demon?"

"It means the demon lord's direct subordinates."

"Wait, so Azrakar wasn't even a demon lord?" Aldred asked.

Captain Gaius laughed. "Of course not. He's just one of the lackeys."

"Then who is the true demon lord?"

Captain Gaius' face turned dead serious. "There are many demon lord in this galaxy. One of them is called Lord Malgorth. He is a demon lord of immense power, known for his ruthless ambition and insatiable hunger for conquest. I am not even sure if he attacked humans for resources or territory or simply to spill blood on the galaxy. He doesn't differentiate strategic planet or not. He attacked and destroyed them all the same."

"Damn, what a Blood Lord."

"That's exactly what people call him. Blood Lord. And many argues that it isn't a fitting name because no one has ever seen him manipulate blood. But he does have power to seemingly control space. He can bring an entire army to a specific point which made him a terrifying presence."

"If this demon lord come here, we are basically fucked right?"

"Well, we would need something stronger than the super soldiers to face him."

Suddenly, the sound of heavy steel hitting steel approached. It was one of the super soldier with thick, hulking armor standing over 2 meter tall. "This planet is safe. The teleportation portal has been closed. The Imperium is expecting you to rebuild in seven days and prepare for any Abyssal Onslaught in the future."

"Are we going to get any extra materials or weapons?" Commander Brenea asked.

"The Imperium is large and resources are stretched thin. Sending 24 of us here is already a gift from the Emperor. And now, we will have to leave. There are far more worlds under siege by the demonic forces. Your world is only one of them."

Commander Brenea let out a breath and nodded. "Thank you for your help."

The Super Soldiers nodded before a jet engine roared on his backpack and he streaked into the air along with the other Super Soldiers.

A large and robust yet sleek and aerodynamic spaceship appeared to pick them up before immediately flying away. The ship then shimmered and distorted as if the fabric of reality around it were being stretched and warped. Lights and energy patterns on the surface flickered and danced erratically, creating a dazzling display of colors and shapes.

Lights and energy patterns on the ship's surface might flicker and dance erratically, creating a dazzling display of colors and shapes.

The ship's form fluctuated constantly shifting and warping before it vanished.

'Teleportation,' Aldred thought. He wondered if his tech nerds back on his last world could make something like that.

Actually, magic could do teleportation with rituals and by expending a lot of mana crystals, but they for sure could not teleport stuff out of the planet.

Those spaceships could probably travel around the galaxy which was a scale way beyond the planet or even the entire star system.

Aldred realized again that this was a completely brand new world, not just world, but a brand new galaxy.

He sighed. 'My dad can probably explode this galaxy to pieces though.'

The more he lived his life, the more he admired his father's strength. And the more that level of power seemed so unreachable for him.

Shinari looked at Aldred who was watching the stars above. "Have you ever think of exploring the galaxy?"

"What? Oh." Aldred thought for a minute inside his head. Since he was a child, he was actually very curios of the stars and the galaxy. Such a huge distant, and uncountable amount of worlds. He wondered what existed in each of those worlds.

"Actually, I always imagine how it would feel like exploring the stars."

Shinari smiled. "Me too. Since I was born, I've always stayed on this planet. I am happy and proud of my home world, but I can't help but keep imagining to sail the galaxy."

"I don't know," Aldred said with a smile. "I don't see anything stopping us from doing that."

"We have a duty on this planet. Protecting humanity is a number one priority."

"That's correct," Salamander joined. "Whatever we do, it must contribute to humanity. Anyway, why don't you all have a rest. It's been a long day."

The group entered their assigned room and all of them slept right away except Aldred.

He was standing on the balcony, staring at the stars, wondering which one of those planets were his.

His wives were still back there. Aldred felt terrible for leaving them so suddenly. And what happened to his divine dimension? His wife were inside the dimension.

Were they still in the dimension or were they got sucked out and entered reality?

There were many questions that he could not find the answer to.

"System, are you there?" Aldred asked.

There was no reply. He had tried to communicate with it a bunch of times, but nothing appeared.

Sighing, he leaned on the railing and stared at the stars once again.

"Can't sleep?" Shinari approached him with two cups of tea in her hand. "Take this. It might help you relax."

"Thank you." Aldred received the cup of tea before staring at the stars again.

The both of them leaned on the steel fence in silent as the wind softly brushed against their hair.

"This scene reminds me of a story," Shinari began. "It's just a folktale told to children around here. It's about the demon. I don't remember the exact words, but deep within the Celestia Nebula, dwelt a fearsome being named Malgorth. He was said to be the embodiment of darkness, possessing a wicked mind with cunning intellect and mysterious power that enables him to tear open rifts between worlds, summoning hordes of loyal demons to his command."

"That's all I can remember. His power is often exaggerated, but it's true he can travel to any worlds because of his magic scepter."

Aldred was intrigued. "And he can travel to any part of the galaxy with this scepter?"

"Not just this galaxy. It was said he could travel to anywhere he wanted."

"Can the humans also travel beyond this galaxy?"

"They can, but such journeys are very rare and perilous. Traveling beyond our galaxy would be exponentially more hazardous and practically insurmountable due to the vastness of space and the chaotic nature of the dark energy that constantly stretched space infinitely. Also, the Astronomican, the devices that provide navigational references for the ships will not be able to aid our navigation system. So if you tried you will most likely get lost in complete and eternal darkness."

"I see," Aldred said as he was deep in thoughts. "Have anyone tried to steal Malgorth's magic scepter before?"
