
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 598: fighting azrakar

The malevolent eyes watched from the shadows as the chaos unfolded within the underground city. The sinister presence, previously dormant, began to awaken with a newfound intensity. Azrakar, the demonic ruler of the underground lair, felt the disruption in his dark magic. His twisted mind, filled with malice and hunger for power, sensed an intrusion into his domain.

With a wave of his clawed hand, Azrakar sent out a mental command to his demonic minions. He ordered them to find the intruders and bring them to him alive. He desired to personally deal with those who dared to challenge his reign.

Meanwhile, the Aldred, along with Salamander, Cleome, and Shinari, continued to battle the demons, their every move calculated and fierce. Despite the overwhelming numbers, the group fought valiantly.

The first clone, also called as second Aldred, having shattered the obsidian obelisk, now faced an onslaught of demons closing in from all sides. He used all of his strength within his body to swing the crimson-dark sword in precise arcs, each strike taking down multiple demons.

His stamina seemed endless as more and more demons flooded him like tsunami.

The third Aldred, amidst the collapsing structures and exploding demons, moved with swift efficiency. His clones danced through the chaos, striking with lethal precision. Each swing of his sword sent demons to their demise, their forms disintegrating into the air like ashes in the wind.

As the battles intensified, the group's communication devices crackled to life. It was Aldred's voice, calm and determined, reaching out to his allies.

"We need to regroup," he said, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle. "Our distraction is working, but we can't keep this up forever. We need to find the source of their power and destroy it."

Salamander agreed. "I agree with your plan. Killing these demons will not contribute much to the war. We need to find Azrakar and kill him."

Cleome blasted the demons around her. Lightning crackled all over her body. "We have destroyed their steel crosses. That should reduce the demon's strength significantly, but still, I agree that we should kill Azrakar. He is still the true source of the dark energy that strengthen the demons. Killing him will reduce casualties on our side."

With all of them agreeing to the plan, they fought their way through the demons, carving a path toward the heart of the underground city.

Amidst the chaos, the malevolent eyes in the shadows narrowed. Azrakar's curiosity turned into something more sinister—an eagerness to confront these intruders and crush their hopes. He began to gather his dark energy, preparing for the inevitable clash.

The group, unaware of the dark presence watching their every move, pressed on. They knew that the final battle loomed ahead, a battle that would decide the fate of Desolatia Primena.

Deep within the bowels of the underground city, the group advanced. They feared the thing that waited for them. They knew Azrakar wouldn't be an easy enemy to defeat, but they've come this far and could not afford to go back until they achieved their objective.

As the group ventured deeper, the air grew thick with the scent of sulfur and decay. Sinister whispers echoed through the twisting tunnels, carrying the malevolent laughter of demons. The walls seemed to close in around them, the illusion made them slightly suffocate and had a hard time breathing.

This feeling lasted for hours as they moved through the tunnels until they came upon a massive chamber.

Its walls adorned with grotesque carvings and symbols of dark power. At the center of the chamber stood Azrakar, his form towering and imposing. His eyes glowed with malevolence, and his voice resonated with a chilling echo.

"You are brave to venture this far," Azrakar sneered, his voice sending shivers down their spines. "But your bravery shall be your undoing. Desolatia Primena will fall, and your defiance will be but a footnote in its history."

"This is my first encounter with a talking demon," Aldred said. "I hope you're smarter and stronger than the demons I killed."

Azrakar frowned at the human's attitude. How dare such a weakling spoke to him that way.

"The demons will lose," Salamander said. "Humans will prevail once again. No matter how much of you come to invade this world, humanity will always win."

"Arrogance!" With a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the underground city, Azrakar, his monstrous form illuminated by an eerie, malevolent glow, surged forward.

The chamber echoed with the clash of steel, the crackle of lightning, and the roar of energy blasts. The group fought with all their might, each member unleashing their most powerful abilities in a desperate bid to defeat the demonic ruler.

Three Aldreds advanced at the same time, raising their sword up high before swing down at the demon lord.

Azrakar raised his claws to block and swiftly counter-attacked, ripping two Aldred into shreds.

"Hahaha! I will kill you one by one!"

Suddenly, however, two Aldred clones appeared again.

Aldred smiled. "Good luck with that."

The two clones moved forward and attacked without a care if they were going to be killed or not. When one of them die, another appeared immediately, replacing them.

Shinari was shocked to see this. A clone required a large amount of energy to summon and sustain. If a clone died, the user usually couldn't summon another one again for some time.

Aldred, on the other hand, summoned clones as easily as breathing. The clones died over and over again but they keep on coming towards Azrakar.

Azrakar, initially confident in his power, found himself increasingly overwhelmed by the relentless assault of the Aldred clones. His frustration grew as the clones recklessly charged at him.

His clawed hands moved furiously to defend himself, but with every strike, he found himself met with another clone, each as skilled and determined as the last. The demon lord's frustration grew with each passing moment.

Salamander continued to unleash his devastating energy blasts, targeting Azrakar's vulnerable spots with pinpoint accuracy. Cleome's lightning arced through the chamber, striking the demon lord from multiple angles, preventing him from focusing on a single target. Shinari manipulated the shadows to create illusions, further confusing and disorienting their foe.

It was a grand battle within the chamber with sparks, lightning, and shadow all over.

Despite their combined efforts, Azrakar proved to be a formidable adversary. His monstrous form allowed him to endure their attacks with unnatural resilience.

The battle raged on, with neither side giving an inch.

"You're finished, Azrakar!" Aldred shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Your defeat is only a matter of time!"

Azrakar's response was a deafening roar, his dark energy surging to new heights. His form seemed to shift and contort, growing even more grotesque and nightmarish. With a burst of power, he shattered the Aldred clones that had been hounding him, their forms dissipating into smoke.

"You haven't even seen my true power!" Azrakar, in his form, spoke with nightmarish voice. "Now, face my wrath!"

But before he could revel in his new strength, Cleome emerged with incredible power. Her lightning surged to their peak and then she unleashed a devastating bolt of electricity that struck Azrakar head-on.

The demon lord howled in pain as the lightning coursed through his monstrous form, leaving it charred and smoked

Shinari appeared from behind and stabbed the demon's neck with two blades before vanishing.

Salamander, seizing the opportunity, fired a series of energy blasts at the weakened Azrakar. The demon lord's defenses crumbled under the onslaught, and with a final, powerful blast, Salamander struck a decisive blow.

Azrakar's monstrous form shattered into countless fragments, his malevolent presence dissipating into the air. The chamber trembled, and the grotesque carvings on the walls crumbled, falling to the ground in pieces.

"Is it over?" Aldred asked.

Suddenly, the fragments on the ground burst into crimson fire and then flew in the air, circling the chamber before forming a gigantic demon made out of flame.

It stared at the group before roaring in anger, making the whole chamber to shook violently.

"Be prepared to die!"