
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 590: defending the city

Aldred reluctantly entered the glass chamber, and as the door sealed shut behind him, he felt a growing sense of unease.

The chamber was filled with an eerie, bluish light, and strange symbols adorned the walls.

Inside the chamber, there was a peculiar, futuristic-looking apparatus with various wires and sensors attached to it. Aldred gulped as he looked at the contraption. It seemed like something out of a sci-fi horror movie.

The scientists outside the chamber began adjusting controls and monitoring screens, their faces obscured by masks and goggles.

The tension in the room was palpable.

This was where they would decide if they would need to kill Aldred or not after all.

Aldred's newfound companions, Cleome, Salamander, and Shinari, watched through the transparent walls of the chamber, concern and curiosity etched on their faces.

They had read the reports about Aldred able to survive outside the planet's atmosphere which was impossible for a normal human to do. Not even all supers could achieve such a feat.

But, most aliens such as orcs, demons, and elves could survive without equipments. Although the appearance of these races were very distinct from human, some of them had the capacity to shape-shift and disguise themselves as human.

A scientist's voice crackled through an intercom inside the chamber. "Aldred, please stand still and relax. This won't take long. We're going to scan your body to determine your true nature."

Aldred nodded nervously, trying to suppress his fear. He knew that if they discovered his non-human heritage, the consequences could be dire. His mind raced, considering all possible outcomes.

'Would they torture me if they know I am not a human? Fuck, I shouldn't have agreed to do this test.'

Still, even if Aldred regretted his decision, he couldn't runaway with his magic power being loss for now. The spaceship that massacred the demons were still on this planet. Trying to run away would be futile from a ship like that.

He realized he really was powerless right now. It had been a long time since he felt that way. For almost all of his time in his new life, he had always able to overpower his opponents and defeat them. His fate was always in his hands.

But now, his life would be decided by the result of this test.

The apparatus hummed to life, emitting a low, steady sound that sent shivers down Aldred's spine. A soft, bluish glow enveloped him as the scanning process began.

As the seconds ticked by, Aldred couldn't help but think about his parents. His father, a demon king, and his mother, a vampire—both powerful beings from different realms. He had always known about his mixed heritage, but it had never been a problem until now.

The world he was put into didn't had racism at all. Different mix of races were put together in school and society never even considered racism.

Everything was equal, instead, their social status was determined by strength. If you're powerful, it didn't matter if you're an orc, elf, or human.

Being teleported to this strange place gave Aldred a culture shock.

The scientists observed the data on their screens with growing interest, their hushed discussions barely audible through the intercom. Aldred's heart raced as he wondered if they had already discovered his secret.

He did not want to be tortured like animals.

Suddenly, An alarm blared throughout the chamber, and red alert light went on and off.

"Attention to all personnel! Please proceed immediately to the designated evacuation route and ensure your safety. This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"

The scientists looked at each other before the guards came in and escorted them.

"Hey! Hey! What about me! Don't leave me here!" Aldred shouted.

Before they could response an explosion blasted the south side of the chamber, sending rubbles and flames all over.

Aldred, however, was protected by the thick glass. The flame couldn't reach him.

"Holy shit!" Aldred was shocked by the sudden explosion. He was scared right now because he did not know if his body was as strong as before or not.

"I cannot stay here! This building might get bombed again!"

Aldred walked to the door and pulled the door. To his surprise, the whole steel door got pulled from its base. He threw the door to the side, but the door went flying instead. He threw it so fast that it lodged into the wall.

"Okay, at least I know I still have my strength," Aldred said.

He looked around the room and saw a person with silver hair under a fallen wall. He quickly approached and lifted the wall and throwing it away.

"Are you okay?" Aldred lightly slapped her face.

The woman opened her eyes and groan. When she saw Aldred she stood up immediately, her face serious. "Where are the others?"

"Over here!" a mechanical voice said as he used his heavy mechanical arms to lift a wall, revealing Shinari, the agile rogue with jet black hair.

Salamander touched the young woman with his steel finger, sending small amount of electricity that jolted her awake.

"What happened?" She said as she stood up.

"Something attacked us. We need to exit this building to assess the situation." Salamander glanced at Aldred. "You, come with us."

"No." Cleome stepped forward. "No. The attack came right when he appeared on this planet. He might be a demon in disguise."

"If that is the case we will kill him," Salamander replied. "For now, we need an extra hand. We also need to contact the Captain-Commander for our order."

Cleome relented and the four of them rushed out of the building and looked towards the sky.

A massive ball of fire spread out in the sky, followed by a massive explosion that increased the size of the fire.

"That's our battleship!" Shinari watched in horror.

Above the atmosphere. A gigantic red warp portal spewed out three red, grotesque-looking battleships that kept firing missiles and laser beams towards the ball of fire.

"The demons! They are destroying the battleship!" Salamander remarked.

"This is not good. It will take a while for reinforcements to arrive. The demons will overtake this planet before then."

A massive object fell from the ball of fire. It was the human's battleship, covered in flame, and much of its parts scattered as it fell to the ground.


The whole planet vibrated followed by a massive explosion when the battleship crashed onto a mountain.

Salamander activated his communication device. "This is WC-S-1. Is anyone there? Over."

His call received no reply. Salamander tried again. "This is WC-S-1. Is anyone there? Over."

Skrrt! Skrrt!

"This is WC-IG-5. The demons are deploying their army. The Imperial Guardsman squadron will try to shoot them in the air. In the meantime, we need you to kill those who manage to land on the planet."

They looked towards the sky and saw a massive amount of red dots falling from the demon battleship.

They were falling like raindrops. When Salamander used the zooming function on his helmet he saw these things were actually demons.

Suddenly, massive anti-aircraft guns fired 100 of shells per seconds into the air, before exploding and sending numerous tiny steel balls that destroyed the demons. Still, even with that, there were some demons that manage to evade all the attack.

"How can the four of us help defending the entire city from these demons?" Shinari said.

"We are supers. It is our duty to do the impossible," Cleome said.

Her current attitude surprised Aldred a bit. Her first impression was a playful young woman who smiled easily, but now, looking at her, it was hard to imagine she ever smiled.

"I will help you guys," Aldred said. He did not understand the situations he fully. He didn't know anything about those demons. But his chance of survival right now depends on the people living on this planet. If they died, Aldred was not certain those vicious demons would let him live either.