
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 587: forced teleportation

Name: Zelrath the Corrupt

Level: 200

Class: Cultist

Health Points: 10,000,000

Mana Points: 8,000,000

Strength: 350,000

Dexterity: 250,000

Intelligence: 800,000

Wisdom: 700,000


Robes of the Necromancer (+1000 Intelligence, +500 Wisdom, +400 Charisma)

Staff of the Undying (+500 Intelligence, +300 Wisdom, +200 Strength)

Amulet of Dark Sacrifice (+400 Intelligence, +400 Mana Points, +250 Health Points)


Necromancy: Expert

Dark Magic: Master

Elemental Magic: Advanced

Ritual Casting: Expert

Summoning: Master

Tom trembled in fear. This figure was too powerful for him. Even a slight breath out of his mouth would erase him from existence.

"Hmmm, SON OF HUJARAR…" The skeletal figure spoke in a loud and clear tone. His voice did not hurt his ear, but the whole world seemed to vibrate because of it.

"Your souls are in shambles. Let me fix that for you." Zelrath slowly extended his skeletal arm out of his worn sleeves.

Tom could not move a muscle. He willed his body to run, but nothing happened. With strange elegance, the figure snapped his fingers, and Tom's head jolted back.

Suddenly, Aldred, who was inside his Divine Dimension, abruptly opened his eyes and tried to run away until a strange force pulled him out and then entered Tom's body. All parts of his soul condensed into one, and Tom's body transformed into Aldred's real body.

"How did you…" Aldred was sure that no power in this world had the ability to detect his Divine Dimension or even had the capacity to influence it. The fact that someone could pull him out so easily meant that his power wasn't as powerful as he imagined.

"The world is a lot more mysterious, young prince of hell," Zelrath laughed and patted Aldred's head. "This realm is too small for you. I will send you to another realm, where you will be trained and hammered into a great warrior. Your father will be so proud."

"Wait, I don't want to leave. I have friends and family here."

"You have no choice. Family and friends only weaken you. You must tread your path to greatness alone."

Zelrath grabbed Aldred's head. "Now, farewell, my prince. May fate let us meet again."

A black hole appeared in the air, and Zelrath immediately threw Aldred inside. Aldred was about to speak, but the force of the black hole stretched and compressed him into long, thin shapes like spaghetti. Everything turned dark after that. All of his senses were gone. Numerous times, Aldred wasn't even sure if he was conscious or not.

Other times, he even forgot that he existed. Then, after what felt like an extremely long time, Aldred was pushed out of the black hole.

He found himself falling in space. As his sight became clear, he realized he was heading towards a planet. The planet was mostly blue with some green on it, just like his home, Earth.

But then, a glance to the side made him realize that this wasn't Earth at all. A massive metropolis sprawled on the planet. Huge, tall buildings that would put the tallest buildings on his home planet to shame were numerous, and dozens of them were as large as mountains.

However, something was happening on this planet. He saw a sea of small dots clashing against an army of other small dots. A closer look revealed that they were actually demons fighting against soldiers with modern weapons. The soldiers were firing laser guns, while the demons looked like something that came from a terrible nightmare.

The demons' appearance shocked even Aldred, who had seen a lot of hideous stuff before. They had the appearance of humans, standing around 2.1 to 2.4 meters tall (7 to 8 feet tall). They had deep red skin, making it hard to recognize if it was the blood of their victims or their skin.

They were crushing through the soldiers with their muscular arms and clawed hands, easily rending through armor and flesh. When the soldiers retaliated with their laser guns, the demons used their legs, which ended with cloven hooves like a goat, enabling them to move with great speed and agility.

These nightmarish-looking demons did not seem to have any fear. They kept charging forward despite many of their comrades dying in battle. In fact, the death of their allies seemed to excite them instead.

Suddenly, a strange, gigantic, heavily armored spaceship appeared. The spaceship wore Gothic-style architecture with spires, buttresses, and intricate detailing. These features gave the spaceship an imposing appearance.

The spaceship hovered in low orbit above the besieged planet. The planet was a nightmarish sight filled with hordes of demonic creatures, threatening to overwhelm the human defenders.

That was when batteries and cannons protruded from the spaceship.

Aldred watched in awe as the more than 500 meter-long spaceship began to turn into battle mode.

Without warning, the dozen or so batteries on the battleship activated, firing intense crimson energy beams that pierced through the atmosphere, disintegrating demons and leaving smoldering craters in their wake.

The cannons rotated to adjust their aim. With a deafening roar, these massive guns unleashed a hail of high-explosive shells and kinetic projectiles. The ground, the sky, and the whole planet seemed to tremble as the cannons devastated entire swathes of demons, destroying them into smithereens.

The spaceship wasn't done yet. Multiple torpedo launchers sprang into action, firing torpedoes that streaked through the atmosphere like meteors. Each torpedo was equipped with warheads containing deadly payloads. As they impacted, they created massive explosions, engulfing large groups of demons in fire and plasma.

With each salvo, the demonic horde was thrown into disarray. Demons were reduced to smoldering ash, their once-mighty numbers dwindling rapidly. Columns of smoke and fire rose from the impact zones, obscuring the battlefield below.

Aldred was amazed. He wouldn't dare to imagine that his team of tech-nerds would be able to create something this gigantic and powerful. At least, it would take them a few hundred years to unlock this technology.

As the demonic horde retreated in disarray, the spaceship delivered a final, devastating salvo. Torpedoes rained down in a symphony of destruction, creating a blazing inferno that engulfed the remaining demons and left a scorched battlefield in its wake.

'It's finally over,' Aldred thought. He had somewhat mixed feelings about the scene he had just witnessed. Clearly, the people here were much more powerful than the warriors and magicians on his last planet, although they might not be strong in individual strength, but rather collective power that relied on technology.

He sighed as he kept falling closer and closer to the planet. He had been falling for hours, but the planet still seemed distant.

A small ship was deployed from the gigantic spaceship. It whirled its engine and approached Aldred.

"Zorplik m'gark! Flibberflop yarkonaxi klexaroon!"

"What?" Ald

red only heard gibberish, before he realized that the man inside the small ship was able to communicate with him in space, where there shouldn't be any sound!

[Translation process begins]

[Translation succeeds]

"Who are you? Identify yourself!"

After the second time, Aldred realized that it was telepathy. The sound directly entered his mind using strange magic, a kind of magic that he had never experienced before.

'So they do have magic in this world. Well, considering there were literal demons, why wouldn't magic exist here.'

"I come in peace," Aldred replied. "I mean no harm."

"Give your identification code!"

"Sorry, I don't have one."

The small spaceship revealed a gun that was aimed at him. "Only aliens don't have identification codes. This is your last chance."

"I don't come from this world, okay? Instead of shooting me, why don't you handcuff me and bring me on board of that big spaceship?"

"Why would we bring an alien inside our vital asset?"

'Damn, he makes a really good point,' Aldred thought.

"Okay, why don't you let me land on that planet first, and then we can talk properly. It's kind of hard communicating with you guys with a big gun in my face while I am falling through space."

The gun that was aimed at him was retracted. "Your request is accepted."

Aldred let out a sigh of relief.