
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 580: city of light

Soon after, the train arrived at their destination.

The tinted window if the train opened itself, revealing the perfect view of the Xorfast City.

They were greeted by the sight of tall white towers that reached towards the sky, adorned with intricate golden carvings and glowing with a soft, magical light. The city was nestled among rolling hills and surrounded by lush greenery, giving it a sense of peace and tranquility.

The train stopped at a train station. Just like the city, the station was full of open space where the sun lights could bless everyone and anyone freely.

As they entered the city, they were immediately struck by the beauty of its architecture. The buildings were made of pure white stone, with arched doorways and soaring pillars that created a sense of grandeur and elegance. Each building was adorned with intricate carvings and magical symbols that seemed to dance in the light, creating a sense of wonder and enchantment.

"So this is Xorfast city…" Wilma looked all around her. "What a beautiful place."

Suddenly, she stumbled on her feet, almost falling, but Hemur quickly caught her.

"Are you okay?" Hemur asked gently. Hemur was a big bulky man, but he actually had gentle hearts towards women.

Wilma smiled. "I am fine. Can… can I hold your hands so I don't fall again?"

"If you want to."

Wilma quickly wrapped herself around his big, strong arm. She hid her face with her hair, but she was actually smiling wide.

Tom and Zerdar could only look at each other after seeing this. Both of them already knew they had feelings for each other but one was too arrogant to say it while the other was too dumb to understand.

Hard to believe that these two were actually Diamond Ranks, one of the top existences in this continent.

"You know. Xorfast city is also called the city of love. Many couples went here for vacation or wedding," Zerdar said.

"I thought it was called the city of light," Tom said.

"That too. But light shines upon beauty, and beauty ignites love."

"Is that what the people here say?" Tom laughed.

The streets of the city were lined with trees and gardens, with colorful flowers blooming in every direction. As they walk through the city, they can hear the soft sound of a gentle breeze, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

In the heart of the majestic fantasy city stood a grand and majestic colosseum that would take anyone's breath away. The colosseum was an architectural masterpiece, with towering walls made of gleaming white marble and adorned with intricate golden carvings.

"Even in this city of love and light, fighting still exist," Tom commented.

"What are you talking about, Tom?"

"This is supposed to be the city of love, right? Isn't fighting the opposite of love?"

"I don't think that's how the people here understand it. I believe they see beauty in battle, in victory. And I believe they see love within each warrior as they strive to be the greatest."

"I agree with that. Their philosophy is not as shallow as most people think."

"So they are not contradicting themselves?"

"I believe not. Otherwise, why would this city have such a wonderful reputation?"

As his friends admired the colosseum, Tom's eyes began to look elsewhere. Specifically, to the people that populate this city.

The people of this majestic fantasy city were as diverse and enchanting as the city itself. They were a culture of magic and wonder, with a deep respect for nature and the elements. Tom could see that on the houses that were decorated with plants, flowers of which animals happily perched and lived alongside the home owners.

A lady walked past , caught Tom's glance, and nodded with a smile.

The people here were known for their gracious hospitality and their love of beauty. They welcomed visitors with open arms and were always eager to share their culture and traditions. They took great pride in their city, and worked tirelessly to maintain its beauty and magic.

The clothing worn by the people of this city reflects their love of beauty and magic. The garments are made of the finest materials, with intricate embroidery and delicate details. The most common colors are white and gold, which represent purity, light, and magic.

Women often wore long, flowing dresses that were made of silk or other fine materials. The dresses were adorned with intricate embroidery, delicate beading, and shimmering jewels. They also wore ornate headpieces and jewelry, which were passed down from generation to generation.

These headpieces and jewelry could not be bought so easily. They were proof of identity that they were the citizens of this city.

Men wear long, flowing robes that were made of fine linen or silk. The robes were often adorned with gold trim and embroidery, and they were worn over loose-fitting pants. They also wore ornate jewelry and headwear, which symbolize their status and importance within the community.

But despite all this light, beauty, and love, Tom knew there was darkness, vile, and evil hiding under the light.

The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.

Corduul had detected a cult activity within this city. He had to find out where.

"Tom," Zerdar called. "Everyone is going to visit the inn. Are you coming?"

"I will come later. I want to explore the city by myself first."

"Okay, suit yourself."

"Should I come with you, master?" Elfie asked.

"You should go with them. I will contact you later should I get lost."

Elfie nodded.

After chatting with her for a little more, Tom said his goodbye and walked around the city. A few minutes later, he arrived in front of a library.

As Tom approached, he was greeted by a grand entranceway with tall, majestic doors that seemed to beckon him inside.

The doors opened into a spacious foyer, where Tom was greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with books of every shape, size, and subject. The air was thick with the scent of old paper and leather, and the soft glow of lamps illuminated the room.