
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 574: terrible thing

After crushing the heart, Armaita watched the captain fall to the ground with amusement. "These guys are too weak. How come a man this weak manage to become a captain. Perhaps the Divine Empire of Stotford isn't as strong as people think."

Armaita looked at the corpse and flipped her hand of which a long mechanical needle appeared. At the tip of the needle, fine strands of golden hair twitched, ready to attach itself to any brain nerves to absorb memories.

She approached the corpse. Raising the needle high before thrusting it down. The needle stopped an inch away from the left eye. Armaita was shocked to see the hand moved and grabbed the needle.

"What is this? Undead? No… there is a dark evil soul hiding inside!"

Dark mist moved around the captain. He still looked dead. Armaita felt no lifeforce from the body and the heart did not beat. But suddenly, the captain's body moved. His heels stuck to the ground while his body slowly moved into a standing position. It was as if someone lifted him up from the back of his head.

Armaita leaped back and summoned his Phantom Doomblade. But instead of in the shape of a demonic blade, it looked like a dark long needle with crimson hue. She stood normally but she was actually in a battle stance, ready to strike at any moment.

She walked around the captain. But suddenly, the head snapped 180 degrees and the eyes opened. The eye had no flicker of life in them, but they moved, staring towards Armaita. The mouth opened and then the standing corpse began to laugh.


"What are you?" Armaita asked.

The corpse stopped laughing and looked at Armaita up and down. "SoN Of HuJARrar."

Armaita frowned. She activated her godly eyes to scan for any information, but she only got the information of the captain. She knew this wasn't the captain talking, but the dark soul.

She suddenly felt a tinge of pain in her nose. The corpse let out a powerful stench. It was so powerful that even breathing became slightly harder.

But she was more worried about how the evil soul knew that she was the son of Hujarar. Armaita was Aldred's clone, but no one should know about that.

"Who are you?" Armaita asked. She intentionally did not confirm the corpse's statement.

"We HaVe WhAt yOu LoOk fOr. CoMe wItH uS, sOn Of HuJaRrar."

The stench became stronger than before. It was like the smell of rotten corpse but intensified for one hundred thousand times. It was suffocating, and Armaita's body felt a little sluggish .

She couldn't understand what kind of power this was. There was no mana or energy involved. It was pure smell, and yet, even though she blocked her sense of smell, the stench managed to penetrate that. It did not make any sense at all as it did not follow the rules of this reality.

Armaita groaned. "I don't know what you are, but stop bothering me. Otherwise, I will destroy you."

"We ArE THe DvEeRrour."

"The Cult of Devourer… so it is you people. What do you mean you have what I look for?"

"The pOwEr to attaIN AdaMantitE RaNk iS No lOnGer aVailAbLe iN tHis wOrlD. No One cAN REAch AdaMAntite aNY loNGer. But wITh yOU, wE CAn brEAk This shACKle aND rULE ThIS WoRLd aNd maNY othERs."

Armaita frowned. "I am open to rule the world, but I am going to do it on my own terms!"

She attacked. The needle in her hand flashed like a streak of lightning, glinting in the sunlight as it sliced through the air. In an instant, it was upon its target, the edge biting into flesh with a sickening crunch.

The attack was so swift that it seemed to happen in slow motion. The victim stumbled backwards, but he didn't even make a change in expression. He just looked at the wound in his chest and calmly looked at Armaita again.

"We wiLL coME tO SeE YoU aGain, SoN Of HuJJarRar."

The captain's body exploded before violent blood particles completely consumed every molecular cell that was left.

After all of that, Armaita finally put her guard down as she looked into the distance. Still, what the corpse said stuck in her mind.

"It's impossible to attain Adamantite Rank… humph! As if I would believe that."

The system only needed him to gather experience points to level up. As long as he consumes pills, potions, and kills powerful creatures, he could gather enough experience to level up to a certain level and reach Adamantite Rank.

"They think they know everything." Armaita sneered and formed a blood spear in her hand before throwing it with all her might. The spear went flying with airsonic speed, and then it piercec through a Diamond Rank beast inside a cave.

[You have killed Scally Draconic Mud]

[You received 5,450 Experience Points]

Armaita smiled. "See. I just have to do this over and over again until I level up."

[Error! Error! Error!]

"Eh? The fuck is going on?"

[You have failed to receive any experience points]

She widened her eyes in horror. Her legs trembled like crazy as she clenched her fist. She could not accept this fact. How come she could not receive the experience points? This had never happened before. Armaita thought that the system was a tool that was all powerful. After all, it was a blessing from a thousand gods and also from his father and mother.

This tiny planet should not be able to constrict the system in any way. Armaita felt weird. At first, the godly eyes power was countered by people who could enter the spiritual realm, and now his leveling system was hindered.

"Someone must be behind this. Perhaps my father's enemies."

That might be it! He hadn't heard from his parents for a while, so they might be fighting something powerful. So powerful in fact that they could even affect his leveling system in this world.

But then what about those Cult of Devourer? They said they knew something about attaining Adamantite Rank.

"Attaining Adamantite Rank is my first priority right now. Getting to that level will answer a lot of questions."

Tarrar sprinted and stopped beside her. "Armaita, is everything fine now?"

"No. Not really. In fact something terrible had happened."

"What? Is it that bad?" Tarrar showed a concerned expression.

"I cannot reach Adamantite Rank anytime soon."

Tarrar expressions change from concerned to confused. "That's the problem?"

"You think it isn't a big problem?"

"From what I know, it took hundreds if not thousands of years for someone to reach Adamantite Rank. We just arrived on this continent for around a year. Nobody expect you to reach Adamantite yet."

"Ughh, you don't understand."

"Maybe you worked a little too hard. Now, listen to me. Pull back the clones, and only leave one in our capital. Focus on meditating. We will only talk about this in a few years."


"Of course. Things usually take time to come into fruition. You are too hasty. It's a good thing, but this time, you need to slow down. Now go and meditate. Let your subordinates do the job."

Armaita was silent at first before she teleported them away. They arrived in a grand hall where a large round wooden table was placed in the center.

Corduul teleported in and slightly bowed. "You call for me, master?"

Armaita nodded. "I call the both of you here to talk about what would happen when I leave. Only one clone will stay."

"Which clone?" Corduul asked.

"Tom. He is studying in Withokere University. I cannot make him disappear all of a sudden."

"What about the capital? And the war?" Corduul asked.

"This war will last for decades anyway. I am sure you can hold on while I am away."

Tarrar nodded. "We will take care of everything. Have trust in us."

"I shall call the tech priests to delegate their work to someone else. They shall help me run this organization."

"I am confident that all of you will be fine while I am away."

"You can count on it with my life," Tarrar said.

"Thank you. I am counting on all of you."

Aldred sat cross legged atop a beautiful hill in his divine dimension. He was the original Aldred. Not a clone. A few seconds later, two dots of light fell from the sky and entered his body. Suddenly, his breathing became much calmer and the mana circulating in his body improved. Soothing sensation wrapped around his head.

For months, his mind had been stressed to the limit. The stress was so high that steam could even come out of his head. The temperature of his body dropped. Stronger entities had hotter body temperature. If they want to interact with entities that were much weaker than them, or if they did not want to destroy the environtment, they had to regulate their temperature.

They were too strong that just by existing they could kill and destroy everything around them.

Suddenly, Aldred opened his eyes. "I want to see my wives."