
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 572: armaita’s pet

Tarrar trembled in fear for his life when he saw an entire army with full gear was waiting for him.

Their numbers stretched on and on beyond the horizon armed with swords, shields, bows, halberds. At the back, divisions of magicians were at the ready with their magic staff. They were prepared to bombard them with magic.

They surrounded the hill from all sides, making it impossible to escape without fighting a tough battle. Even the sky was not left without thousands of dragon riders with spears and bows.

"Heretics!" A captain stepped forwards and called out. "You dare to come here and stain this holy land with your presence and foul breath. The fact that we allow you to step in our divine land should make you grateful enough. But you dare to step over the boundary and make a plan for your escape. For that you deserve to be punished."

Armaita clicked her tongue. "Is this the kind of people that I am making business with?"

"In business, there are all kinds of people. A lot of them are weirder and nastier than you possibly think."

"Yeah, I shouldn't even be surprised by this. But can we just conduct business with normal people?"

"We wouldn't be able to grow properly if we work with normal people. Sadly, the people at the top, and those that are in charge are not normal. Almost none of them are."

Armaita groaned and sighed. "I am going to consider doing business with them is me stealing their money. That will make me feel better."

"You can consider it that way. It's better if the money went through us, instead of someone else."

"So what do we do now? Should I kill them all?"

"It's going to be very hard to conduct business with then if you do that. Can you teleport us away now that we are outside the dungeon?"

"Impossible." Armaita shook her head. "This whole place is covered with anti-teleportation spells."

"Is it possible to destroy them?"

Armaita became silent. "I might have to call one of my pets to do that."

"Pets?" Tarrar was confused.

Armaita smiled.

Suddenly, the captain shouted: "Put your guards down and let us put an anti-energy shackle on you! Otherwise, we will give you something worse than death!"

"Sigh… these weakling bastards make me sick!"

"What did you say!?"

Armaita grinnes. "I said all of you bastards are weak! Even my pet can defeat you."

The captain's body shook like crazy as he glared at Armaita. How dare this woman underestimate him?! He was the leader of 200,000 men. Everyone respected and would bow down when they noticed his presence. Who was this woman to be so daring towards him? Was she not scared of the army surrounding her? And what was this pet she talked about?

Armaita pointed forward. "My dear lovely pet. Today is a feast day for you. Come out! Xer Xai!"

Suddenly, the entire earth seemed to shake. The ground moved left and right like an extreme earthquake. The soldiers barely able to stand on their two feet, and even the dragons in the sky felt the vibration.

"What is going on?" The captain frowned.

The ground trembled as an enormous, mountain-sized creature emerged from the earth in front of the terrified army. It was a menacing sight, with four massive legs ending in two powerful claws each, perfect for digging through the earth. The creature had a sleek, armored carapace instead of fur, made up of interlocking plates that looked impenetrable.

The creature's eyes glowed with a fierce, angry light as it let out a deafening roar that echoed through the valley. Its enormous jaws were filled with razor-sharp teeth, and its breath was hot enough to scorch the air. The soldiers were frozen in fear, knowing that they were facing a nearly unbeatable opponent.

"Is that Xer Xai???" Tarrar glanced at the magnificent creature in awe. "She's a Diamond Rank now! And a powerful one at that!"

Armaita smiled. Her eyes lit up. "Yeah, she's beautiful."

As the creature advanced towards them, its claws dug deep furrows in the ground, sending rocks and dirt flying through the air. The soldiers could feel the tremors from its massive footsteps all the way to their bones. They knew that they were facing an impossible challenge, but they refused to give up.

"Men! Don't be scared. We are fighting for our holy land! The divine protector is with us!"

The soldiers drew their swords, bows, and other weapons, forming a tight perimeter around their leaders. They knew that their only chance was to work together and attack the creature from all sides. The archers took aim, and the swordsmen prepared to charge.

The two sides were silent at first, until the captain shouted: "Attack!!!"

The creature lunged forward with terrifying speed, its enormous claws slicing through the air. The soldiers scattered, trying to dodge the creature's attacks. But its armored carapace seemed impervious to their swords and arrows, and the creature seemed unstoppable.

"What kind of creature is that?! I have never seen anything like it before!"

The monstrous creature towered over the battlefield, its enormous body blocking out the sun as it advanced towards the division of swordsmen. It was a terrifying sight, with its hulking frame covered in thick, armored scales that seemed impervious to any weapon the soldiers could wield.

"Attack it with everything you got!!!"

The swordsmen charged towards the creature, their blades gleaming in the sunlight. But their courage quickly turned to terror as the creature unleashed its fury upon them. With one swift movement of its massive claws, it sliced through the first line of soldiers, sending them flying in all directions, their innards spilling out.

Those that survived quickly healed their wounds and stood up. The swordsmen tried to regroup, but the creature was too fast and too powerful. It lashed out with its enormous tail, sending soldiers crashing into each other and the ground. Its massive jaws opened wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that glinted in the sunlight. The soldiers tried to strike at the creature's unprotected underbelly, but its quick reflexes and armored scales deflected their blows.

Dragon riders dived from above. Firing arrows as their dragon belched out powerful fireballs. But their attack resulted in nothing but slight itch.

The creature seemed to relish in the slaughter, letting out a deafening roar as it tore through the division of swordsmen. It seemed almost invincible, shrugging off any attack as if it were a mere annoyance. The soldiers fought with all their might, but it was clear that they were no match for the monstrous creature.

As the battle raged on, the ground became slick with blood and littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers. The cries of the wounded and dying filled the air, and the stench of death was overpowering

The captain watched this scene from a distance away and every second of it horrified him to the soul. Today, his ego and pride was crushed. He thought he was invisible because he had an army with him, but the creature flipped his world upside down.

"This can't be true…"

"Captain! What should we do? Should we retreat?"

The captain came out of his thoughts and quickly thought of a strategy. He could not retreat. If he retreated, he would lose everything. The respect from his soldiers, the trust from the higher ups. He would lose his positions, status, and wealth! He might even be executed for his failure.

He used his cold expression, making him look brave, wise, and unaffected despite their situation looking so desperate.

"The beast is tired. Keep attacking. Our army is undefeatable within the holy land."

Tarrar watched all the blood and death bodies on the battlefield. "She gave no mercy to the soldiers at all."

"Why would we give them mercy?" Armaita smiled. "They want to kill us, so we have to kill them."

"Well, we are much more powerful than them. So a little mercy should be fine."

"Hmmm, wait until they put you into the dungeon again."

"No thanks. Wait, look! What is that?"

In the distance, hundreds of wooden contraptions moved at a high speed. The wooden contraptions had six wheels, and they were lifting an extremely large ballista.

From Armaita's perspective, they looked like tanks.

Suddenly, loud sounds rang in the air, like a clap of thunder. Then, with powerful force, giant bolts struck Xer Xai, pinning her onto the hill.

Xer Xai roared in anger and slapped the giant bolts off her body.

"Those things are too far," Tarrar said. "Xer Xai won't be able to destroy them in a short time."

Armaita lightly smiled. "She isn't just grow strong in strength and speed. She also has new abilities."

"What abilities?"

The captain smiled. "The reinforcements have come! Distract the creature and don't let it escape. The giant bolts will kill it!"

Xer xai roared into the sky before leaping into the air and vanished. It was not teleportation, because that was impossible to do in the area with powerful anti-teleportation spell.

But where did she go? All the soldiers looked around. Wondering where she went.

And then, in the distance, where the wooden contraptions were located, a cloud of mist appeared and Xer Xai suddenly leaped out from it. Claws reaching forward and swipe, destroying dozens of wooden contraptions at once.

"How did she do that?" Tarrar wondered.

"She's such a good pet, right?" Armaita smiled happily.