
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 566: awry business

Dual Cultivation. Tom had heard of that terms before out of the countless novels he had read. Everyone knew what Dual Cultivation is. Well… everyone of those that were cultured anyway.

For the uncultured audience, the meaning of Dual Cultivation was very simple. It was the act of bonding two bodies of separate genders into one to increase or improve one's strength. It was a term usually used for eastern nations where cultivators with great power strive for greatness.

It was very similar to the world here, except there were no cultivators. Instead, they were called magicians or warriors.

'But how come Claudia know something about dual cultivation? Does cultivator exist in this world? If so, how different is their power compared to magicians or warriors?'

For Tom, warriors mainly rely on their physical prowess while magicians rely on their mana to bend reality. That did not mean magicians had a fragile body and warriors could not bend reality at all.

They just focus on different aspect and was extremely limited in the other. It was like building a war tank. Do you want it to be fast or tough? It was almost impossible to get a fast and tough tank. One had to decide which aspect to prioritize.

As for cultivators… Tom only knew them from fantasy novels. From what he had read, they usually had the power to fight with all kinds of abilities and can learn anything they wanted. But of course, they always focus on one thing, because a master of all is a master of none.

"But dual cultivation is not good if both parties doesn't have the same level of strength," Tom said. "It will not be good for me."

Claudia's eyes gleamed. "You will be fine. Because of your blood, this restriction will not apply to you. But before that… tell me, how do you know about this restriction? Dual cultivation is a forbidden technique. It's so forbidden that even the king might not have heard about it."

'Crap!' Tom panicked. 'I opened my mouth too soon!'

"I…I am just very knowledgeable," Tom said with slight arrogance, acting a little mysterious.

"You are really interesting." Claudia approached him and then whispered into his ear. "I just want to rip that head of yours and see what's inside. But that's not possible. After all, you're just a clone."

Tom's eyes widened as Claudia stepped back and looked at him with a smile.

"How did you…"

He was in a state of shock. How did this woman knew that he was a clone? Could she read mind? That was impossible. After the encounter with that mermaid in the library, Tom had implemented a secret treasure to prevent mind readers to read his mind. But it might be possible for her to have a powerful treasure to counter that as well.

If that was the case, then why Claudia showed no indication that she could read his mind before? She only knew that Tom was a clone, but she didn't seem to know anything else. If she was a mind reader, then this was a very terrible thing because all of his secrets would be exposed.

'No wait. If she read my mind. The system would have notified me.'

Tom was relieved after that realization. She wasn't a mind reader, but somehow she knew that I was a clone.

"How… how did you come to that conclusion," Tom said as if he was dismissing that statement.

Claudia squinted. "You do not need to know. For now, return to your dwelling and come to me by tomorrow morning. I will be preparing for our dual cultivation." She turned around.

Tom gnashed his teeth. 'Ordering me around like that. It pissed me off.'

"Do you have any problem?" She turned again to look at him.

Tom smiled. "Nope."

"Good. Now leave." Claudia reached out her palm and suddenly he was pushed with the force of an entire mountain. The door behind him slapped open as he was thrown outside the tower. He landed on a grass before the tower vanished.

"Fuck!" Tom stood up in anger. "Just watch! Just you watch!"


A woman voice called behind him.

It was Elfie.

"Master, I have been looking for you everywhere."

"Why? I am used to go out on my own."

"Master, you have been gone for three month. It's not that long if you are entering a meditation state, but students usually inform their head maids about it."

"No. I wasn't in meditation. I was in Claudia's tower. Why does she manipulate time faster than reality? What's the need for that?"

"I do not know, master," Elfie replied. She didn't understand why teacher Claudia would do something like that.

"She probably do it just to piss me off." Tom sighed. "Anyway, I heard there will be a competition in the near future. Tell me more about that."

"Are you talking about the Three Great Dragon Competition?"

"Great Dragon?" Tom asked.

"It refers to the three continents: Ezo, Presbuton, and Tarford. Yes, the competition will be held in around a year."

"I see. What about the competition in Withokere to pick the best student?"

"I believe they have canceled that."

"Canceled? Why?"

"The Three Great Dragon Competition has now changed. They no longer send the best students into the spirit realm. Instead, they send all the students that wants to participate."

"All the students? What will be of the competition?"

"I am not sure. The information about that is not disclosed yet."

"Hmmm. In that case, I must prepare myself. Elfie, buy me everything I need for my meditation. And don't forget to wake me tomorrow morning. I have an appointment with miss Claudia."

"Yes, master."

Armaita and Tarrar walked side by side. They were escorted by ten elite guards. Five marching in front of them, and the other five behind them.

They were currently in the city of Leford. It was one of the biggest city in the Divine Empire of Stotford, was also the capital province of Watchia Parish. One of the largest territory in Stotford.

The Divine Empire of Stotford ruled with religion at the center. So in every province, and in every city, a priest of some kind will act as the ruler.

They had a complex system that Armaita could barely understand. She didn't know how their hierarchies worked yet, but she knew that the ruler of this parish was called a Parish Priest.

Basically, he would be a noble that owned the entire territory and was responsible for it.

Formally, each city was still led by a town leader, but the shot callers were the church. Their religion was called Oluxism or something. Armaita did not know how their god worked. Do they worship nature? The universe? Or an entity that they thought as all powerful and all knowing?

Stotford was complicated because it wasn't really a theocracy. It was still ruled by an Emperor, but a lot of stuff were still managed by priests.

In any case, the Divine Empire of Stotford was one of the largest nation in Ezo, and had one of the most complex government system they had ever seen.

Armaita and Tarrar were not here for politics however. They were here for business. But of course studying the political situations would be beneficial as they could avoid which rock to step on.

"We have arrived," one of the guard said. "Remember to be careful of your words. You are talking to the Parish Priest. In this city, he is the most respected figure and you should talk to him as if he is your god. Not that you heretics would know the concept or meaning of god."

Armaita and Tarrar stayed silent. They were already used to the insults and the rudeness of the people here. Apparently, they really think of people that didn't join their religion as heretics.

Whenever people saw them, they would showed an expression of disgust. Apparently, the believers had a way of telling if someone was a heretic or not, and it was said to be very potent and useful to know if someone was an enemy or an ally.

That didn't mean they refuse to do business with someone outside their nation though. Faith is important, but money is important as well.

Armaita and Tarrar was at least relieved that these people talk the same language as them: Money.

The guard opened the gate, and there they saw an old priest sitting on a chair with a quill on his hand as he quickly jotted down something on a scroll.

"Greetings, father."

"Speak to the point. I wish not to dirt this holy place with your breath."

Tarrar did not mind. "We are here to make business. We will open seven type of business in your territory, and in return you will receive 30% of our profit."

"Not enough."

Armaita stepped forward and put her hand on the desk. "I am sure we can negotiate the deal as we walk around."

Her eyes shone and her aura changed. The guards standing near the gate trembled as they looked at her curves. Suddenly, the heretic in front of them seem so beautiful and amazing as if she was an angel.

"Herecy! To dare to seduce a priest like me! The two of you must be burn at the stake!"

"Master, please awake."

Tom opened his eyes. "Is it morning already?"

"Yes, master. You said you need to meet teacher Claudia today."

"Right. I have to meet her."