
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 560: long range battle

Ehlem Puma rushed atop the wall, full of rage of the fact that his head officers were killed. As he arrived on the wall, the guards stepped back and made space for him as he looked into the distance.

Thousands of metallic golems stretched far and beyond the horizon. They were on the ground, and on the sky, making a weird thumping and humming sound.

"Whose army is this?" Ehlem frowned.

"My lord, reports said that this is the famous steel golem army of Aldred."

"Who the fuck is Aldred?"

"He's a foreign. Not from this continent."

"So that's him. Aldred. I have heard. The Conquerer of The West. So this is his army?"

"That would be so, my lord. He is famous for his weird golem that most people call steel golem, although for some reason he call them robots or something."

"I could care less what they were called. Start the defensive spells!"

"Yes, my lord! Prepare for siege!"

The other soldiers heard that and shouted. "Prepare for siege!"

Suddenly, tall and black towers all over the city lit up. Bright mist gathered all around them. If one looked close, one would realize that the mist was actually a clump of mana coming together, covering the tower.

Then, the mist rushed up into the air and an intricate magic circle lit up the entire sky.

Aldred's eyes flashed with curiosity. "What is that?"

Ehlem raised his bow. "Aim!"

"AIM!" his soldiers repeated.

"Draw!" Ehlem shouted.

"DRAW!" his soldiers shouted back as they drew their bowstring.



They each fired an arrow into the magic circle. The arrows went flying upward at the same time. And then, the moment they went through the magic circle, something miraculous happened. All the arrows multiplied by a thousand times, and then their speed increased ten thousand times, making them rocketed through the clouds.

But then the arrows seemed to come alive as they all want in every directions and then flying towards the robots.

"Shit!" Aldred cursed.

Each arrows pierced through one robot, punching a large hole through their chest, making them fall to the ground as if they were scrap metals.

The aircrafts above tried to escape, but the arrows manage to catch up to them, and pierced through their engines. Some of the aircrafts exploded in mid-air, most of them crashed to the ground.

"Hahaha! You didn't expect that did you?" Ehlem raised his bow in triumph.

Aldred turned to Corduul. "Tell me you have a plan to counter that."

Corduul's eyes flickered and rotated, indicating that he was thinking. Seconds later, he spoke: "I have discussed this matter with the Tech Priest and we do indeed have a solution, but Master, you will have to contribute to this plan."

"What is it?"

"You need to bring Ehlem Puma away from the city. Ehlem Puma is the ruler of this city, and is one of the strongest high Diamond Rank of this nation."

"So he's one of them." Aldred recalled that Corduul told him about the six powerful individuals. "I would fight him, but I want to create a military that can fight my battle without my personal involvement. Do you have a solution to that?"

Corduul went silent for 3 seconds before he reply: "We do have a solution, but it will consume more resources than our original plan. And there is a high chance that we will take a huge loss just to take this city."

"What do you mean?" Aldred asked.

"We might lose one or two of our CS-Armageddon-57."

"Can you just use the CK-47?"

"Our objective is to capture the city, Master. Not destroy it."

"So, I really have to be involved, huh?" Aldred did not want his valuable aircrafts to be destroyed when he can prevent it. Although, more of these aircrafts were in production, it would take time and lots of resources.

"I will take care of it." Aldred vanished from the spot.

And then appeared in the battlefield.

All around him, metallic corpses filled the landscape like landfill. In the distance, he saw Ehlem Puma laughing like a maniac as he destroyed dozens of golems with each attack of his bow.

"Seems like I need to get more distance." Aldred teleported away.

He looked around. It was a comfortable spot with green grass and even surface. "Okay, this is a good spot."

Aldred summoned his Phantom Doomblade, and then it transformed into Long-range precision gun. It looked like a 4 meter long sniper rifle with an extremely long barrel.

He then aimed it at Ehlem's face, then without hesitation, pulled the trigger.

With a loud bang, the bullet, with a small part of the Phantom Doomblade inside flew at rocket speed. It was so fast that it left a trail of heat behind.

Ehlem noticed. His reaction was quick, drawing, aiming, and firing in less than a thousandth of a second.

His arrows went straight against the bullet and they both shattered in mid-air.

"Hoo, not a bad bow," Aldred praised before he fired a bunch of times.

Ehlem grunted as he accepted the challenge and fired back. Every time he released the string, violent wind would explode around him, making the soldiers nearby to stay at a distance.

"Who is the lord, fighting?"

"I don't know. I cannot see. He is too far away."

"All I can see is the lord's arrows shattering into dust numerous times. None of the arrows ever reached their target."

"How is that possible? Lord Ehlem is the best bowman in this kingdom. No one should be able to match him in ranged battle."

"Wait, let me use my magic to see who it is."

One of the magician casted a spell on his eyes, and his frown got deeper and deeper. "This… this person is more than 150 KM away."

"150 KM?! This person can shoot targets accurately at that distance?"

"Fuck, I can't even see the target at that distance."

"Wait, I know who that is. That's the Conquerer of The West himself!!!"

"Conquerer of The West??? Aldred? A noble of Withokere personally come and challenge Lord Ehlam?"

"I have heard that Aldred need to prove his loyalty to King Withokere."

"But still, almost no nobles would be willing to fight in the battlefield without their entire army following with them. Aldred must have a lot of guards around him right now."

"No… in fact, he's all alone."

"Then we should go there and attack him!"

"NO!" Ehlam shouted. "This is my battle. Stay out of my way!"

The guards stopped in their track and stayed silent as they watched the battle.

More and more bullets and arrows came flying towards each other, destroying one another in an endless cycle.

"How long can you keep it up?" Ehlam smiled. "I can do this for eternity if you want to."

As Aldred was busy firing his bullets, a portal appeared beside him, and an extremely beautiful woman stepped out.

It was Armaita Nicholas, Aldred's other clone that act as Tom's mother.

"Sorry, I am late. I got a little business deal to make," She said sweetly before summoning her own Phantom Doomblade and transformed it into a sniper rifle.

Ehlem saw this and was in disbelief.

When Armaita started firing, Ehlem struggled to keep up. The storm of bullets increased, forcing Ehlem to increase his pace as well.

"Fuck! This is not fair!"

A bullet struck his left shoulder, instantly destroying it. "Fuck!"

Another blasted his right arm, forcing him to drop his bow. And for some unknown reason, the lord became unconscious.

"His soul faltered! Protect the lord!"

"Protect the lord!"

More than a dozen guards covered Lord Ehlem with thick shield which were quickly penetrated through.

"Lord Ehlem, let's get to safety!" The guards lifted their lord and jumped off the wall. Landing on the ground, they rushed into the distance to make sure it was safe.

Suddenly, bullets punctured through the wall and killed one of the guard.

"Fuck! Get the shield!"

Two guards lifted their shield up, only for a hole to appeared on their shield, and also… on their heart.

They slowly looked at their bleeding chest before they fell to their death.

"Get behind a wall!"

"No! The wall is not safe. Even a shield is not safe as well! We should get some distance. Bring the lord back to the castle!"

While the guards ran to save their lord, bullets kept on coming at them. One by one the guards, sacrificed their life to protect their lord.

Suddenly, Ehlem woke up, his wounds healed instantly, and he roared in rage as he pushed the guards away.

Raising his hand, the Grand Bow on the wall lit up, and flew to his hand instantly.

He pulled the string to its maximum length, and a large arrow created purely out of light came into being.

"Take this!"

The light arrow shot into the air, punctured through the wall and came at Aldred and Armaita.

They both stood up and pushed their palm forward.

"Blood Wall!"

A thick red wall seemingly made out of blood formed in front of them and blocked the arrow of light, destroying the red wall instantaneously.

Both of them immediately picked up their weapon and fired at the same time.