
"What? What are they doing?" a captain on the flying warships widened his eyes as he saw a streak of silver lights soared into the air, dodging all of their attacks.

"Sire, they are approaching! In a few minutes, they will reach our ships!"

"What are you scared of? This is a warships! They cannot penetrate our armor before we burn them to crisps! Deploy our main weapon!"

"Prepare the Frost Charge!"

The air around the warships turned icy cold. Freezing mist spilled out of the ships and the series of fire vortex stopped.

"They stopped firing. Be prepared for their main weapon!" Nirder shouted as he hastened his pace.

The warships above shone, turning the surrounding air into snows.

"Fuck, we're not going to make it!" Meben shouted.

"We can! Everyone, gather around! We will pierce through with everything we got!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The Silver Swarm Army positioned themselves in such a way that they looked like a silver spear from the distance with Nirder, Meben, and Roa at the tip.

The warships above let out a loud humming sounds and then blasted out an icy beam energy, all of them directed towards the tip of the silver spear.

"Silver Swarm!!!" Nirder roared. "Penetrate!"

"PENETRATE!" the soldiers shouted back before all of them brandished their blades and stabbed upward.

The icy beam of frost engulfed the whole spear.

But then, a few seconds later, the icy beam let out a blinding light and then exploded, as the Silver Swarm Army flew ever higher and punctured through one of the warships like a silver spear through a wooden shield.

"YEAH!!!" Nirder and his men roared in triumph.

They kept pushing, flying higher into the air and penetrating one warships after the other.

The captain panicked. "Quick, get us out of here!"

Suddenly, the whole warship tremble and it broke in half. The captain stumbled as he saw the other half of the ship broke off.

"How is this possible…" The captain widened his eyes.

The broken warships crashed onto the ground one after another. The magicians quickly flew out and make their escape, but suddenly, silver arrows punctured through their hearts, and they too began to fell from the sky.

Meben and Roa was sending arrows after arrows as they shouted: "Kill them all! Let no one return alive!"

"Sir, there's a high Diamond Rank Magician over there!"

"Quick, activate the anti-teleportation treasure!"

Meben quickly pulled out a silver turtle from his storage ring and then raised it to the sky. "Silver Turtle Space Barrier!"

The turtle moaned and then its whole body shattered like glass.

A thin, transparent film of energy covered the area of 15 KM around them.

The captain gritted his teeth. "For fuck sake!"

He grabbed a small wooden staff out of his storage ring and then smashed it against the barrier. The staff shattered, but the barrier only trembled slightly.

"You cannot get away," Meben said, slowly approaching him in the sky. Diamond Ranks warriors generally could float and fly. Their physique was too strong that a lot of them could even mimic some magical abilities. For people on earth, that would be a hard concept to grasp. How could someone be so powerful physically that the laws of physics bent to their will?

In theory, it didn't make sense. But that was Earth's theory, not this world.

The captain scoffed. "Bring me to your leader! You two do not have the right to speak to me."

"I believe they do." Nirder appeared between Meben and Roa. "In fact, you are not even worthy to set your filthy gaze upon these two warriors."

The captain gritted his teeth in anger. "I am Dacordun Analdi. I am the Captain of the 12th Sky Ship division. Invader, if you kill me here, the entire Sky Ship Division will come for you. Let me leave, and you can have your victory."

"I have another offer. Leave your head here, and you can walk home without it."

Meben and Roa laughed at their lord's joke.

"Are you mocking me?" The captain frowned.

"If you don't want to do it yourself, then let me do it for you!" Nirder vanished and then appeared right in front of Dacordun. His blade pierced through his flesh immediately.

Dacordun spat out a mouthful of blood as he saw the silver blade went through his heart and out of his back. "You…dare?"

Nirder smiled wide. "Why would I not?"

"You… fool. All of you are dead."

Nirder scoffed until he heard something from the distance. He looked to the side and then saw hundreds of warships appear in the distance.

"For fuck sake!" Roa cursed as he watched an entire battalion of warships came approaching.

Nirder frowned. "This doesn't make any sense at all. Why did they deploy warships so early into the war? Warships should only be deployed when they were really struggling. The war only began for less than a week."

"My lord, we have to retreat now. We cannot play the same game as before. Our energy is expended, and the enemies is too much for our current army," Meben said.

"The current army is only intended to test the water anyway. Our main battalion is resting in the rear," Roa said.

"We need to retreat. Now!"

All of them kicked the air like it was a hard concrete wall. The action propelled them high into the air before the space below them glittered with silver lights and their horses with wings appeared.

"Ride as fast as you can!"

Suddenly, a beam of icy frost went passed them and turned dozens of soldiers into sculptures of ice.

"Fuck! Move faster!" Meben shouted as he urged his horse to be quick. He then saw his lord stopping mid air and turning around. "My lord, please don't be a fool today. A smart and great warrior survive to fight for another day."

"I know. I am not stupid. All of you retreat quickly! I will stall them behind you!"

All the soldiers stopped.

Nirder slashed out, the a silver aura exploded from his sword and cut all of the icy beams that came his way into pieces.

He did not need to turn around to know that his soldiers hesitate to retreat. "Never hesitate! Follow my orders with absolute obedience! Retreat! Now!"

The soldiers moved immediately, going as fast as they could. Meanwhile, Meben and Roa pulled their bows and fired at the icy beams.

Exploding them one by one, but the numbers of beams increased overtime, and they struggled as each time passed.

"We can't hold on any longer!" Roa shouted.

"Hold on a little bit longer!" Nirder ordered.

Suddenly, the warships stopped firing and they took a second to power up, the whole body of the warships turned into ice as they all shot a bright, thick beam of frost.

"Fuck! We can't handle that!" Roa gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, a fast flying object flew towards the beam and exploded with a powerful force, creating a huge ball of fire in the sky. The power pushed Nirder, Meben, and Roa a few meters away.

"What was that?" Nirder looked around and saw Thousands of V-shaped metallic objects flying around in the sky, circling around the warships and sending hot laser beams towards their magical armor.

"Those small V-shaped warships is too small and weak! They cannot fight for long!"

Just after Roa finished his sentence, a wide thin beam of light flashed like lightning, in less then a second later, the world was blinded by bright explosions.


Dozens upon dozens of warships exploded at once.

Nirder looked to the side and saw a bunch of gigantic, weird-looking, metallic warships. They were much bigger than the warships enemy had.

"Those warships… those are Aldred's!"

A small circular drone floated in front of him. It fired a projection of Aldred.

"Lord Nirder," Aldred greeted.

"Aldred, thank you for saving us," Nirder said which surprised Aldred quite a lot.

"It is very rare for someone to thank me these days."

"As warriors, anyone that aid us in battle is naturally our ally. We only have respect and honor for our allies."

Aldred raised an eyebrow. He rarely met a person with a status as high as Nirder with his humility. Most nobles were too arrogant to say thank you, that even the thought of saying it shame them.

Nirder, without hesitation, expressed his thanks to Aldred. Even though they were just words, it gave him a sense of what kind of person Nirder was.

"Lord Nirder, perhaps you want to join me in my ship and watch as I burn your enemies to the ground?"

"That would be a view to watch. Please, let me join you."

Aldred laughed at his enthusiasm. "Come on in."

The three of them were scanned by a ray of light and then were quickly pulled into the ship.

There, the three of them looked around like a caveman at all the complicated devices around them.

"Is this magic?" Meben asked.

"Welcome to my aircraft! You people would call it warships, but whatever. Take a seat and let me show you the power of this thing."