
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 553: kill me or die trying

"Warships! They have flying warships!" Atop the city wall, a captain muttered in fear.

The archers were ashen-faced, hands trembling.

Warships were one of the most powerful weapons in this world. Most warships could only exist in the sea because of their weight and size, but further development had made it possible for some of these ships to be walking on land and even flying in the air. Their actual names were not warships, but since warships became the symbol of destructive power, they call everything as that.

It's like people would call anything that explode a 'bomb'.

It was known that only warships could fight against another warships. It would be impossible to fight a warship because their destructive capabilities was just too monstrous. The soldiers were all trained to hide under cover when they encountered a warship, because it was simply impossible for foot soldiers to destroy them.

All the soldiers here were Gold Rank at the lowest, and there were tens of thousands of Platinum Rank here as guards as well.

Back in his former continent, a Gold Rank was big deal. They would become a leader of a division. But here, they were just another foot soldier.

The warrior robots immediately rushed into the broken gates like crazed ants. Arrows rained from above, most of them ricocheted against the strong armor.

"Fire the ballista!"

Dozens of ballista began firing their 12 meter bolts towards the gate. Since the gate was quite narrow, the bolt manage to skewered dozens of robots at once, and knocked many of them aside.

But these ballistas only survived for a while before the LWAF Pulsar turned around and fired laser beams at them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ballistas exploded in flames, throwing the soldiers that man them into the air.

Aldred watched the city covered in flames and corpses. Some guards still fought atop the city wall, but they were completely swarmed a few minutes later.

Most of the robots Aldred sent had a Platinum Rank strength with a few thousands having pseudo low Diamond Rank warrior strength.

Aldred wanted to overwhelm his enemies with number first. The Platinum Rank robots were basically worthless to his eyes. No matter how many of them were destroyed, he wouldn't care.

"This city is too weak. It's too easy to take."

If anyone heard that statement, they would look at him with a weird expression. Taking a city guarded by hundreds of thousands of Gold Ranks and Platinum Ranks and a couple of low Diamond Ranks were not easy at all.

The only reason why it was easy was because of Corduul's systematic attack. Information gathering, sufficient fire power, and overwhelming numbers gave the enemy no chance to survive the attack at all.

In less than a day, the city guards surrendered and the whole city was for him to take.

Aldred calmly put both of his hands on his back as he glanced at the burning city. "Corduul, kill the fire and rebuild the city."

"Yes, Master."

Behind the hill Aldred stood upon, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of thick, long, metallic trucks were parked neatly.

Construction robots came out of the trucks and rushed into the city. A part of them immediately approached a nearby well, pushed a pipe down onto the bottom and then used the water to spray on the fire.

Aldred rubbed his chin. "We need a magic division to take care of this kind of thing."

He could cast a spell to summon heavy rain to befall upon the city, but he felt like he needed to create a system in which someone else will do all the work for him. Because that was what a ruler would do. Aldred needed to be a proper ruler, if not, the nobles would look down on him.

"I will take care of it, master," Corduul replied.

"Hmm." Aldred nodded in satisfaction. Corduul had been his right-hand man since he came to this continent. He proved to be very competent and any assignment given to him would be done with great result.

Aldred suddenly vanished from atop the hill and appeared in front of the gate. He walked into the city as thousands of mechanical ants walked passed him. They crawled to the broken buildings and quickly fixed them up. The broken roads were made brand new, and everything looked so sparkling and shiny.

Some bums tried to steal from an abandoned shop but the ants quickly chomped them in half. Although these ants were not designed for killing, they were still capable of it.

The people trembled in fear behind closed windows as the ants crawled on their rooftops, fixing the hole created by the battle.

Aldred was fine if the people here fear or hated him. Soon, they will come to love him anyway, because any city he conquer would flourish and bloom like flowers. With high living standard, great education, and a little bit of propaganda to make his picture seen in a brighter light, the people of Nordence City would consider him their rightful ruler.

As Aldred was walking on the street, looking at his newly conquered city, Corduul suddenly appeared beside him. "Master, be careful!"

Time and space stopped and suddenly two dark figures came rushing at Aldred with incredible spreed. They pulled a small green blade out of their waist and pounced at him like a venomous snake.

Their blades were about to pierced through his neck, until Aldred's eyes turned red and glared at them.


The attacker widened their eyes and suddenly, they felt hollow under their waist. Looking down, they realized that half of their bodies were completely ripped away.

"Beastly Rip!"

Time and space returned to normal again as the attacker fell to the ground with only their upper bodies. Their eyes looked at Aldred with horror.

"Early stage high Diamond Rank. Truly, the enemies don't play around this time," Aldred said.

"They probably know that you are a high value target, master," Corduul said.

The two assassins bit their tongue and they vanished into green smoke.

Corduul opened his palm and a metallic ring floated before letting out a bright glow. A barrier appeared around them and prevented the assassins from escaping.

"You cannot kill us!"

"Matter of a fact, I can. This is war, gentlemen. You either kill me or die trying," Aldred said as he swiped his hand and Phantom Doomblade appeared.

The two attackers had now regenerated their lower body parts back. Losing limbs or even getting their bodies cut in half were never much of a problem for Diamond Ranks, especially not for a high Diamond Ranks. But of course the more fatal the wound, the more energy and resources it require to heal.

The wounds they received from Aldred took a huge toll on their bodies. It was only one attack, but it was enough for them to decide to retreat right away.

"Now, will you please knelt and extent your neck for me to cut?" Aldred said.

The attackers were enraged.

"You will regret this! Come, brother. Let us bring him down with us!"

They rushed towards him again.

Aldred laughed and appeared in front of one of them and beheaded the man immediately. He was about to kill the other one, but he saw Corduul, slashing a long sword covered with thick electricity through the man's neck.

When the heads fell, Aldred looked at him. "You have become stronger."

"We are always yearning to improve, master. That is our ultimate mission."

"The last fight must have taught you a lot."

"That's correct."

"Is all tech priest as strong as you?" Aldred asked.

"No, master. Currently, I have the strongest battle power out of all of them, but we never really focus on individual power, instead, we rely on overwhelming numbers."

"But sometimes you do need an ultimate weapon, right?"

"That's what the CK-47 is for."

"Well, it's side effect is that it destroys everything around it. Can you create a laser beam that can regenerate the same amount of power?"

"Currently not, but that is in development. We might need stronger materials and more knowledge."

"What about Victor's knowledge? You can access them right?"

"We can, but we haven't fully comprehend them yet."

"I see. Even you guys take time to learn his knowledge, huh?"

"His mind is much more powerful than ours. It takes all of the Tech Priest in the Mechanicum just to match his processing power."

"That's very powerful."

"But we continue to increase our numbers and improving our brain capacities and capabilities. Soon, we will become better than him."

"That's good to hear. You can also explore the treasury and see if there's any potions to improve the brain. This is a magical world after all."

Aldred looked at the drones flying over the assassins head and stabbed through it with a spinning needle. The lights on the drones glowed as they absorbed every information out of the brain.

"Welp, I guess you guys already know that."