
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 543: learning legendary skill

[Scroll of Beastly Rip (Legendary)]

Transforming mana nearby into its most chaotic and violence nature, enabling the user to rip apart objects and even space itself.

Tom looked at the scroll in his hand with a wide smile. He was sitting cross legged in his room, preparing to learn the skill.

'Okay system, learn this skill.'

[Unable to learn this skill]

'Eh, why? Did I not meet the requirement?'

[The Scroll of Beastly Rip (Legendary) is a type of incomplete script. To learn this skill, the user has to comprehend it on their own]

'Fuck! An incomplete script? Why would miss Claudia give me an incomplete script?'

[User, most legendary skill in this world is incomplete, and the same skill might have different effect, fatality, and mana consumption depending on who and how they comprehend it. It's a unique skill that will come out differently each time someone tried to learn it]

'So if I learn it, there is a chance that it might be much stronger than it intended to.'


Tom sighed. 'Alright. I will comprehend this skill on my own then. With my intelligence points, this should not be a problem.'

His highest attribute was his intelligence point. Even though he rarely used his magic now days and mainly used his Phantom Doomblade to defeat his enemy. But if he did use his magic, his enemies would be shock at how powerful they are.

Opening the scroll, Tom found out that the script was written in languages he had never seen before. Activating his godly eyes, the words moved around and warped to writings he finally understand. Apparently, it was the language of dragons. Like humans, dragons had different languages because they also had different races among other dragons; Silver, Gold, Black, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Green, Platinum, Red, White, and many more. There were even vampiric dragon and demonic dragon. Each had their own specialty, weakness, strength, culture, and behavior.

Some species of dragons loved to gather in a herd like sheep, and some loved to hunt alone like a tiger.

Tom wasn't sure which part of the dragon language this was, because even among the silver dragons, they had different languages.

In fact, there were so many different languages in this kingdom. The only reason why he could communicate with them was because the system translated their voice and his voice back to back.

Without the system, he had to learn their language one by one.

"Okay, let's begin learning this skill. Elfie, please don't let anyone to disturb me at this time."

Elfie bowed. "Yes, master." She then left and closed the door.

After she left, Tom called: "Corduul."

The space beside him warped and Corduul stepped out.

"Make sure no one is able to disturb me. There are people who wanted to obtain this legendary skill. Your first priority is to prevent them from coming to my room, and the second is to extract the memories of the attackers and find out who send them here."

"What if no one attacks, master?"

"Then, it's a good thing."

Corduul bowed and vanished with a flash of light.

Robots and golems came out of the basement and stood guards at every corner and every hallway. They stood watch atop the rooftop, the garden, and even the sky.

Small drones were flying everywhere. Scanning everything in their path. There were even sensors to detect heat, vibration, and sound under the ground. Every wiggling worms and other insects under the ground were detected and quickly terminated with precision bullets.

Meanwhile, Elfie was standing still behind Tom's door, not knowing that the whole mansion was fully protected and even ready to fight a whole army.

Ten thousands golems stayed under the ground, ready to be teleported to places that needed support. And fifty thousands more were stationary back home, while Corduul opened a large mechanical portal in front of them. Should Tom needed more golems for reinforcements, they would be ready.

A dragon with eagle-like eyes flew above a mountain, 12,000 meters away from Tom's mansion. It stared Tom's mansion with watchful eyes.

"The protection is too tight. We need more soldiers if we want a chance to succeed," the dragon spoke.

A man with tall stature and bulky armor stood atop a boulder at the top of the mountain looked at the dragon. "Are you sure what you see is correct?"

"Are you questioning my eyes, Khebar?"

"What about Tom? Where is he?"

"He is in the center of the mansion, trying to learn the legendary skill. Are you sure we are allowed to do this?"

"Don't worry. No one will bother us," Khebar said. "We will gather more soldiers. You keep a watch on them."

The dragon nodded and gazed towards the mansion. "Wait, the golems are doing something weird."

"What are they doing?"

"They are gathering towards one golem, and then they merge to become a large and very long pillar. Oh, the pillar is now installed atop one golem. There is a hole on the pillar and its pointing her—"


The dragon exploded in mid-air. Blood and hard scales rained on the mountain.

Khebar widened his eyes and leaped to the side as the boulder below him shattered into pieces.

"Fuck!" Khebar ran to the back of the mountain as another boulder beside him got blown apart. He slid down as a large piece of iron went over his head.

"Shit. What kind of weapon is that?" Khebar's heard thumped before he calmed himself down. And then he slammed the ground in anger. "Bastard!"

He did not detect any mana fluctuation from the weapon at all. One could usually anticipate an attack by sensing the mana around them. Powerful weapon usually fluctuate the mana around them even stronger and more violent than most weapon, so he should be able to detect the attack.

The fact that he couldn't detect such a powerful attack made him reconsider his plan of attacking Tom.

"No. I cannot miss the chance of obtaining a legendary skill. I have to obtain it."

Meanwhile, Tom was in the beginning stage of the learning process.

[Beastly Rip (Legendary): 15%]

Tom smiled when he saw the number increased. It had only been a few hours, and he made huge progress that would normally take decades for most people.

A few hours passed.

[Beastly Rip (Legendary): 19%]

Just a little bit more and he would be a quarter of the way.

[Beastly Rip (Legendary): 20%]

'Yes!' Tom was excited. Seemed like it might be possible for him to learn this skill today.

Suddenly, tremendous pain came all over his body. A dominating pressure came from the scroll and slammed onto him, as if it tried to crush him into pulp making him difficult to breathe and he felt like he was shouldering three stacks of mountains.

'The Spiritbound Tower pressure is much easier than this!'

Tom could even feel heavy strain on his bones, threatening to crack.

'I should stop and continue later. This is too much.'

[User, if you stop the learning process now, you will explode into a thousand pieces, and the legendary scroll will be destroyed]

'What the fuck! I thought most people learned it in decades! Why do I have to learn it in a day?'

[User, most people doesn't reach 20% comprehension in a day]

'Ah crap! I really cannot stand the pressure!'

Blood trickled out of his nose. And even his soul felt the pain.

Quickly, he opened the inventory and pulled thousands of healing potions, strengthening potions, and numerous other potions that could temporarily boost his attributes.

Using telekinesis, the corks all opened up and the liquid entered his mouth. Tom gulped and the pressure eased a bit.

He began closing his eyes and focus his spiritual senses on the scroll, trying to comprehend it using his spirituality.

After hours of point-focus concentration and holding the pain, a notification appeared.

[Beastly Rip (Legendary): 21%]

The pressure increased instead of easing, but Tom had to keep comprehending the skill or he would lose the skill.

He began to focus again, but suddenly, the whole ground trembled and a loud explosion came from outside.

'Fuck! What the hell is that!' The noise disturb his focus which increased the pressure even more.

[User, regain your focus]

'I am trying!'

Tom then quickly connected his mind to Corduul. "Corduul! What the hell happened outside. Listen, do not let any noise or disturbance again or I will lose a legendary skill!"

Corduul received the message as he stood on the highest point of the mansion, overlooking the entire battle below.

Tens of thousands of Platinum Rank fought against thousands of robots and golems. Bullets and arrows flew towards each other and metal against metal clashed while bombs exploded in every direction.

A bunch of magicians threw bottle of potions in the air which shattered and enveloped the area with green smoke that withered the plants nearby and decaying the robots' armor.

Corduul lifted his steel arms, then suddenly, four more steel arms came out from his body. With a flash of electricity, weapons appeared on each hands: a steel whip, a large mace, a battle-axe, a giant hammer, a machine gun, and an extremely large sniper rifle.

His robotic eyes flashed with blue-electric light. "I have to end this battle quickly."