
"Are you ready to order yet, master?" Cai Tia asked as she stroked up and down softly.

"Hmmm, sure. Give me the Magical Giant lobsters of Eastern Pesterian Sea, the Sea Blue Dragon of Northern Stotford, and The Ox of Haydonian Mountain."

Tom listed some side dish and snacks, and sweet desserts after the main dish.

The three main dish he mentioned cost 20 Epic Mana Crystal each. They were worth the price though, because the animals could only be found outside the kingdom and it took many weeks for the fishermen to catch one. They were extremely popular in their home country as well which increased the cost even further.

20 Epic Mana Crystal would ruin a small noble family if they consume a dish like this often.

Even Tom was slightly reluctant to spend his crystals on such food, but he had the philosophy of enjoying everything the world has to offer.

Money could be made at anytime, but there might be time where he would lose everything and die, so might as well enjoy every moment while he could.

Cai Tia stood up. "Is that all, master?"

"For now." Tom nodded.

"In that case, please wait as our chef is cooking them. Unlike other food, the dish you mentioned are special which require more time to cook."

"I am fine with that."

Tom already knew that special dish require time to cook. Magic could cook normal dish with a snap of a finger, turning raw meat into cooked meat in a blink of an eye. Newly made wine could be aged up to hundreds of years with a simple spell, and water could be turned hot or cold at their command.

Such was the power of magic. Technology could do those things, but it wasn't as convenient. Technology needs electricity, etc, but magic only need mana. And mana is everywhere, like oxygen. Even under water, they still exist.

"In the meantime, I can entertain you as you wait, master. Cai Tia sat on his lap. Her skin directly touched his as she wore nothing under her red dress.

Tom smiled and enjoyed her voluptuous body for half an hour in every way he could.

When he was done, Cai Tia was completely wet and red, especially her butt cheeks from all the spanking.

Tom then excused her.

She left with a smile.

The other waiter and waitress were also done and so they left.

In fact, it was improper to call them waiter and waitress, because they did nothing a normal waiter and waitress do.

Tom could only laugh as he thought of that.

"No wonder you are a regular here," Tom said to Zerdar.

Zerdar laughed. "How is it? Did you enjoy it? All the waiter and waitress here are low Diamond Rank, so they are beautiful inside and outside, unlike those low quality peasants."

Tom didn't really like how Zerdar word that out, but it was true that the more powerful you became the better you look. Everyone that reached Diamond Rank look like they were A-Class celebrities, Kpop star, and top class korean actor that many male and female would envy.

If they were teleported to earth, they would immediately rise to become the top models and actor in no time. Not to mention that their voice were also beautiful, and if they were taught how to sing, they could even make the entire world resonate.

Such was the power of Diamond Rank individuals. They were demi-god like existence which was so much better in any human realm either intellectually, mentally, physically, spiritually, and everything else.

To be a Diamond Rank, one naturally had to have the talent. Which mean, they were all top students. But of course, there were always dragons that flew higher above the clouds, sky above skies.

In front of Tom, Zerdar, and the nobles around him, these Diamond Rank were nothing special. If they were demi-gods, then Tom and Zerdar would be considered true gods because they have higher talent and more capabilities.

Of course Diamond Ranks were not exactly cannon fodder. The only restaurants that manage to hire Diamond Ranks as their waiter had to be one of the best restaurants in the entire world.

Not just any restaurant could hire them for this kind of position.

Tom chatted with the others for a good two hours before the food finally came.

Cai Tia masterfully brought stacks of plates and presented them in front of Tom one by one.

She then kissed Tom and give him a ring. "You can use that whenever to call me."

Tom smiled. "Alright."

Cai Tia then clapped her beautiful hands and the lid on the plates vanished, revealing the glowing and sparkling food on the table.

The smell permeated all around them. The place they were sitting right now were decorated with magical flowers and trees with thick white mist moving all around them.

It seemed to be an open-space, but it was actually a large private garden, and they were the only ones in here.

This was a special room, and not every students could have access to this place.

It was only possible to get a table in here, because Zerdar was a regular.

Tom grabbed one of the fork and stabbed through the soft blue dragon's scale. When it was alive, it naturally isn't this soft. The cook intentionally made it soft so its easier for the consumer to eat it.

That was very thoughtful of them. Aldred had ate leftover crabs before, and it was so hard to get the meat because of their hard shell.

Putting a chunk in his mouth, Tom immediately trembled in bliss. The food was so good, that he didn't bother to chew more than 5 times before swallowing it.

He believed that the taste of food reduce the more he chew them, and so he ate fairly quickly.

And then something happened, his whole body, and his mana trembled, and even increased in strength. According to his analysis, his strength increased at around 0,5%.

It wasn't bad at all. For Diamond Ranks, every percent could decide victory or defeat.

And it wasn't only his strength, his clarity of mind increased as well, making it easier for him to comprehend things that weren't as clear before.

After a few minutes, Tom grabbed his drink: sparkling iced orange juice and drank it with joy.

"Ahh… it's really good."

"Hehe, I told you I know a good place," Zerdar said to him.

"Melisa, please fetch my drink."

"Certainly, master." The waitress took the glass and drank it before she sat on Zerdar's lap and mouth-feed the juice into his mouth.

Tom was quite speechless after seeing this.

"Master, would you like me to do the same to you?" Cai Tia asked.

"Maybe someday," Tom said.

They spend the rest of their time talking and ordering more food.

After a few hours, they stood up and decided it was time to go.

"See you again, master." Cai Tia hugged his arm and kissed his lips.

It was kind of awkward to be hugged by her, because she was tall, and Tom was quite short in his child form.

When hugged by her, his mouth were at the same level as her boobs.

"Before I go, let me give a farewell gift." Tom bared his fangs and bit onto her neck.

Tom sucked her blood which made Cai Tia moan in pain, but she actually felt more pleasure than pain in that moment.

She let Tom sucked on her blood, but then something happened. A hot liquid rushed through her bloodstream, and her whole body trembled in strength.

Tom released her and smiled.

"What… what just happened?" Cai Tia asked.

"Thank me later." Tom turned around and walked away, leaving Cai Tia dumbfounded.

She might not realize it yet, but her blood was now mixed with Tom's blood essence which will expand her mana capacity and quality while also increasing her physical prowess, making her far stronger than before.

Not only that, it would improve her talent which gave her the chance to rise above low Diamond Rank.

If she manage to improve her strength, it would be life changing for her. Diamond Ranks require a lot of money to maintain and even more to improve their strength.

A lot of Diamond Ranks do jobs they did not want to do for resources. This wasn't the case for Platinum Ranks and below since the resources they need were in abundance and pretty much limitless because most of the materials they needed is renewable.

"What did you do to her?" Zerdar asked.

"Nothing. I just drink her blood. That's all."

"You really like drinking a women's blood?"

"From time to time," Tom replied.

"Not gonna blame you. If I was a vampire, I would drink their blood as well."

Tom looked up and saw that it was already nighttime, though the place was still brimming with people. There were a lot of students here which mean a lot of Diamond Rank magicians.

Tom still could not believe his eyes. Back in Coureroy Continent, it was almost impossible for more than 10 Diamond Ranks to gather.

But here, there were thousands of them. And some even worked as waitress and waiter.

It almost felt like the whole world flipped upside down. Of course, Tom knew that this was one of the few places that this could even. Diamond Ranks were still rare compared to overall population.

Perhaps 5% of the population was at the Diamond Rank level. If there were 8 billion people in this continent, then there would be 400,000,000 Diamond Rank.

That seemed like a large number, but still nothing compared to the 8 billion people.

Suddenly, Elfie came running from the distance and stopped in front of Tom. "Master, Miss Claudia is waiting for you."