
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 507: powerful technology

The CS-Armageddon-57 came out of its camouflage mode. Cannons appeared all over its sides. They made a whirling sound as if they were engines heating up.

Ekham's ear trembled and then he looked to the side. Squinting his eyes, he noticed something shocking. "Crap! Activate the barrier!"


All of the magicians raised their staff and casted a barrier as the high-caliber bullets stormed at them. Thousands upon thousands of car-sized shells slammed into these barriers endlessly. The magicians that saw the size of these shells were terribly shocked.

If they did not activate the barrier earlier, they would have been shredded to pieces.

"The barriers are breaking down!"

"Use the mana crystals and the treasures!"

They began to unload the mana crystals and shattered it to fuel the barrier.

"Activate the buff!"

"Quick Mana Regeneration!"

"Spatial Slowness!"

"Reduced Acceleration!"


The magicians casted all kinds of spells to reduce the impact created by the shells, and also strengthened the barriers.

But even though they used everything in their arsenal, the never-ending shells would soon or later destroy them if they do nothing about it.

Ekham grunted. "Hold the barrier and counter-attack!"

The dragons opened their mouth and shot a bunch of fireballs towards the aircraft. The aircraft shook, but the armor stood strong.

Despite the constant fireballs, the CS-Armageddon-57 was unfazed as ever. All of its cannon roared louder than a thousand dragons combined, and it vicious firepower made the enemy struggled.

Ekham's eyes flashed with graveness and he slowly spoke: "What kind of contraption is this? I have never seen a warship that could fly and expend so much firepower. Although it couldn't be compared to a spell of a Diamond Rank magician, but its still scary when there's no end to the attack."

An army of warriors would stand no chance against this weird floating warships. Even with powerful armor and shields, the ship would eradicate them all with time. Beside that, the ship was terrifyingly fast as well.

Ekham had seen it move earlier, and its speed was simply unheard of for its size.

A normal warship usually had to take some time to reload and properly aim the cannon for each shot, but this one was completely different.

Of course, the kingdom had powerful weapons for land battle as well.

But he did not bring it with him, because he thought he wouldn't need it.

"But, it's not impossible to destroy. In the end, true strength come from a magician!" Ekham roared and the space around him bent before being torn apart, creating a hole of darkness. A bunch of mystical paper came out from the hole, and floated around him. THey were glowing.

Suddenly, all of the paper was engulfed by a dark flame and turned into blobs of darkness. The blobs shot out of the barrier and consumed the shells. Every time they consumed a shell, the blobs became bigger and bigger.

They moved faster and consumed more shells at an alarming rate.

The A.I wasn't foolish however. Detecting a problem, it quickly generated a possible solution. In seconds, it changed the shells to explosive shells.

Explosions began to reverberate in the sky right after, filling it flames.

The dark blobs were reduced in size as they got burned by the fire.

Ekham clicked his tongue. "Warriors, charge forward!"

The dragons flew at high speed towards the aircraft.

The smaller cannon on its belly began to move and aimed at them, firing bullets.

The dragons agilely dodged left and right, up and down. Some bullets manage to struck the tough scales on its body. The warriors atop protected themselves with shield.

"Archers, release the arrows!"

Imbued with powerful life force, the arrows zipped towards the ship, penetrated 0,5 cm of its armor and then exploded with green energy.

Hundreds of arrows flew towards the aircraft.

Aldred looked at this scene from the throne room. "Corduul, why is the aircraft sit still in the sky? Can't you just ram them? With its size and speed, it should be able to do that."

"That would incur significant damage to the ship. Those dragons were quite heavy and durable."

Aldred thought for a moment. "Indeed, some of them even wear armor. Then, release the missiles."

"Yes, master."

More holes opened on the CS-Armageddon-57, and dozens of missiles flew out of them.

They streaked in the air, leaving a trail of smoke before they rushed towards the enemy.

"What the hell is that?" Ekham frowned.

Suddenly, a series of large explosion rang in the air. A huge ball of flame combusted and devoured hundreds of dragons at once.

Those at the edge of the fireball got blown away by the shock wave. Even those at around a hundred meters felt the heat from the fireballs.

The dragons roared in pain.

Ekham could not believe his eyes. This floating metal had so much power inside it! And this was just one ship, Ekham had heard that the enemy had multiple numbers of them.

He was not scared however. He was enraged. Exploding with a powerful energy, he leaped from his dragon and flew directly towards the aircraft.

Gripping his spear, he pierced forward. A powerful light beam came out from the tip, and blasted twelve cannons at once.

The aircraft changed its focus on Ekham, almost all the cannons aimed and fired at him. The missiles were about to hit something else, but they changed trajectory and slammed into him.


A ball flame expanded more than 200 meters. Suddenly, Ekham came out of the fireball.

He was wounded, but it did not stop him from approaching the aircraft.

"I will destroy you!"

Ekham was deeply enraged because his army was defeated so easily by a single aircraft. This army was his pride, his symbol of status, and also strength. Who would have thought that almost half of them were already killed.

The dragons were especially expensive. He had to buy them when they were still an egg, and groom them for decades before they become big and strong.

It pained his heart for every dragons killed, and he wanted to destroy the aircraft more than anything.

Just as Ekham was about to pierce the aircraft with his spear, a small cannon appeared at the front and fired a powerful concentrated beam of light.

Ekham took the beam and stopped in the air. When he looked to the right, he saw his right arm was gone.

"Powerful, too powerful," Aldred commented. "Technology could even injure a mid Diamond Rank so badly."

"It's all because of the materials we mined in this continent," Corduul replied.

"We should obtain more materials in the future. I want to see how strong technology can be."

Corduul's mechanical eyes lit up when he heard that. Even though almost all of his organs were replaced with mechanical parts, his obsession with technology was as human as ever.

So when Aldred looked like he had the same enthusiasm as him about technology, he became excited as well.

Becoming Aldred's' subordinate was the correct choice. Not only they were given so many resources to advance and expand, he also wanted to see how far technology can go.

Corduul transmitted this information to the Mechanicum, and in less than a second, every member of the organization worked slightly differently. They were not only working for the Mechanicum anymore, they were also working for their Emperor.