
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 499: battle in the sky

In the middle of the palace, a vast garden with all kinds of magical botanical plants grew. A three stories tall majestic towers, made out of royal white bricks, stood firm at the center of the garden.

Count Heled tread upon the pathway that led towards the tower. Four magicians bowed when he him passed by. He was not only the Count of Waralia, but he was also a powerful magician himself. It was mandatory that a magician should be the one who controlled a territory.

Warriors simply did not have the qualification most of the time.

Entering the tower, Count Heled closed the door. Inside, the tower was completely empty from ground level all they way to the top.

This was magic tower, made with extraordinarily expensive materials. But its function far worth the cost. It let magicians such as himself to increase their strength far quickly. Not only that, the tower could help magicians gather more mana, or even combining their power to defend against intruder.

His city had never been attacked before, so the tower was never used, but its existence had kept the enemies at bay.

Count Heled was a mid Diamond Rank. But with this magic tower, and a bunch of low Diamond Ranks, he could even defeat a top Diamond Rank magician.

Every vital cities needed this kind of tower to defend itself.

Count Heled sat down and closed his eyes before he began to chant his spell. The walls lit up, and from outside, energies began to form in the sky and circled around the tower.

After a few minutes, the energy dispersed and formed a barrier around the city.

Count Heled exited the tower and looked at the sky. Nodding in satisfaction, he said: "This should be enough to protect the city."

"Are we going to wait for them, my lord?" a magician asked.

"No. We will attack. Send 30 magicians to attack them."

"Yes, Master."

Hours later, 30 magicians and around a hundred warrior rode upon a giant dragon and flew to the sky. The dragon was 100 meters in length, and its back was so wide that the people on it could move around freely.

It was a literal flying castle.

Aldred and Corduul watched this through a projection screen.

"More than 130 Diamond Ranks are sent towards us." Aldred smiled. "Only an emperor could do that kind of thing. But in this continent, even the smallest county have a lot of Diamond Ranks."

"Should we eradicate them, master?" Corduul asked.

"Wait." Aldred watched the screen as more dragons flew out of the city.

The dragons were smaller and they brought magicians and warriors with Platinum Rank strength.

Aldred laughed. "This kind of army would be enough to threaten the Ceraisian Empire. Though we are likely to win, we would surely incur a large damage."

But now that Aldred had built a powerful mechanical legion and golems, this was not enough to defeat him.

"Send our sky legion," Aldred said.

The underground base lit up, and the ceiling began to move to the side, revealing the sky. The mechanical army activated and all kinds of high tech robots began to enter the aircraft. The golems entered as well before the advanced aircraft flew to the sky.

Thousands of them set out from under ground.

Khisam Rommom looked straight ahead as he stood atop the dragon's head. He was the leader of this operation, and he was also the strongest magician of this team. He was informed about the existence of a golem master, and he was excited to fight.

"Sir, there are enemies ahead."

Khisam frowned. "In the sky?"

"… yes sir."

Suddenly, huge metallic objects dived down, coming out of the clouds like a group of powerful wolves.

The dragons roared and belched their dragon breath towards the metallic objects. Flames engulfed the sky for a few seconds until the iron aircraft came out of the flame.


With only some damage to their surface pain, the gigantic aircraft flew strong and then began firing.


Shells the size of a human were fired like a machine gun at the rate of 5,000 rounds per minute.

"Quick, summon the barrier!"

The magicians raised their hand and a field of energy covered them and the dragons.

The shells slammed into these barriers and were deflected. But in a few minutes, the barriers cracked.

Khisam gritted his teeth and grabbed a crystal out of his pocket. Energy came out of the crystal and it turned into dust, but the barrier was repaired and strengthened.

"Fight back!"

"Magic Projectile Storm!"

Tens of thousands Purple shards began to form in the air, glistening under the sun, and then they all shot towards the aircraft.

With clanging sound, the shards ricocheted off the armor but a lot manage to pierce through and destroyed vital parts of the aircraft.

With a whirling sound, some of the aircrafts began to experience engine failure and began to fell with flames all over them.

"Haha! Take that you piece of shit!"

Suddenly, the door of the aircrafts opened and thousands of robots and golems spat flames from their back, flying into the air before rushing towards the enemies.

More and more of them fill the sky.


The magicians were troubled and they casted spells in every directions.

"Melting shards!"

"Explosive orb!"

"Storm of Razor!"

All kinds of magic spells exploded in the sky. The golems and robots were flying all over, trying to dodge the spells while also approaching them.

The gunner robots and gunner golems supported from the back.

A few minutes later, the bladed robots and golems closed the distance and attacked the barrier, swarming it like bees.

"The barrier will hold on! Destroy these golems!"

Right after Khisam said that, the falling aircraft suddenly jolted in the air and then flew to the sky again.

Every aircraft had an engineer robots within them to fix any damage that it might receive. This was very useful since any aircraft could be repaired during the battle.

With all the aircrafts flying to the sky again, they began to rain storms of large caliber bullets to the barrier.

The barrier shattered and the bladed robots and golems swarmed in.

"Burning Fist!" Khisam charged towards a bladed robot and punched out. His fist exploded a powerful fire in a cone shape that blasted all the enemies in front of him.

"Draconic transformation!" a magician transformed himself into half human and half dragon creatures. A powerful, thick tail grew behind him. With hideous claws and scales all over him, he charged towards the bladed robots and fought them.

Hundreds of robots fell from the sky, broken and tattered. They shattered into pieces when they hit the ground.

Aldred's eyes lit up. "Interesting, the magicians here are truly stronger And they also have all kinds of interesting spells."

The stronger the people in this continent were, the more excited Aldred became. He could not wait to expand his empire to this territory. And he also wanted to grow stronger as well.

"Don't let a single one leave! Each golem cost a fortune to make, especially the big ones! Destroy them all!"


Aldred laughed when he saw their spirit. "Corduul, send the big ones."