
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 492: get to work!

"I want to be the first challenger!"

Right after that statement, silence followed.

A few seconds later, the whole coliseum burst into laughter.

"That boy thinks he's the main character of a novel! HAHAHA! Dumb ass!"

"Get out of there before you get your neck cut off boy! Hahaha!"

Everyone jeered and laughed at him. Aldred took a deep breath and sigh. Suddenly, he vanished and then appeared right in front of Mumud, Phantom Doomblade raised high and back over his shoulder.

With a powerful swing, Aldred slashed Mumud's head.


Blood splattered in the air, and head rolled in the sky.

Everybody was silence once again this time with widened eyes and mouth wide agape. Some jaws even dropped to the floor.

Three seconds later, the head fell and everyone roared in disbelief.

"How did the boy do that!?"

"Did he just kill the first challenger?"

"I did not see his movement at all. I am a Platinum Rank, but I cannot see it!"

"What in the hell! How old is he?"

"I can't be seeing this right! That kid just killed Mumud in a single slash!"

They all could not believe what they just saw, but reality did not need their beliefs. Facts would not change even if nobody believed it.

And in a few seconds, they all began to accept reality.

Even the host was speechless for a moment.

"It seems like we have a sudden change in plan. What is your name, boy?"

"Bhurud. Bhurud Hukhor," Aldred said with a smile. He decided to use the boy's name for now.

"Bhurud Hukhor! Isn't he that legendary warrior's son?"

"The former leader of this town years ago?"

"The one that reached Diamond Rank."

"It was said that Ferad Hanman did not leave the city after he reached Diamond Rank. Instead, he died of a mysterious cause."

Aldred heard that last statement and tried to dig into Bhurud's memories for the reason. He did not find any. Apparently, even Bhurud did not know why his father died.

He simply came home and were told that his father died. He did not even have the chance to see his father's body, because they said his body could not be recovered.

The city was going towards the right direction at that time under his lead. But without him, the town fell to this poor, dirty state.

Bhurud trained hard to be as strong as his father. He failed before he reached his goal and died. The more Aldred looked at that memory, the more he felt bad for the kid.

"Anyway, so can I be the first challenger?"

The host was shook by Aldred's calm bearing. "S—sure. That's part of the rule."

Aldred looked at Rhareid. "Let us fight."

Rhareid grinned. "You're fast kid, but speed alone won't sa—"

He did not have the chance to say that last word as it got stuck in his throat. The throat however would not be able to say another word ever again.


It was no longer there.



Blood painted all over the floor and the head rolled.

Once again, the whole coliseum was silenced. The audience could not speak, and even the host could not think of any words. They were completely frozen by the scene.

Only after a few seconds did the host finally let out some words. "T… the winner is Bhurud Hukhor! He is now the town leader of Towbone!"

The announcement was greeted by a wave of silence.

Then, suddenly, a burst of cheers came!

"Bhurud! Bhurud! Bhurud!"

"Bhurud! Bhurud! Bhurud!"

"Bhurud! Bhurud! Bhurud!"

Now that they knew Bhurud was the son of a legendary warrior, his feat today seemed realistic, and they were happy as well that Ferad's son would lead the town.

The town had a bright future when he was steering it. They expected the same result when his son would take over the wheel.

And judging by how he killed the two most powerful fighter, that possibility seemed really high. Since he was this powerful, he must be very smart as well.

The fighters that were waiting for their turn to fight could only look at each other and sigh.

But some could not accept the result and thought that it was rigged. They punched through the cage and, with big, wide steps, walked into the arena.

"Just because he is the son of a legendary warrior, does not mean he is fit to be the town leader. My name is Zarrur, and I am here to challenge you. Be prepared to eat my punch!"

Zarrur rushed forward and raised his fist. But suddenly, his right fist blurred and disappeared as if it was deleted.

A second later, blood burst out of his right hand, and Zarrur screamed in pain. "What did you do to me? I did not see you move!"

"Maybe I am just that fast." Aldred smiled.

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

His head disappeared, and blood burst out of his neck. The body fell with a thud.

The rebellious fighters stopped in their track when they see this. At first, they did not believe it, but now they do.

But that was only for a second. They believed Aldred was strong, but they cannot accept that a 12 year old boy took their chance at being the leader of this town!

And so all of them rushed towards him.

Aldred simply brandished his sword with a wide smile plastered on his face. As they approached he moved forward, gracefully, like a dancing peacock.

He smoothly moved left and right, his blade flowing like water as it slashed through all the enemies that came towards him.

For Aldred, the fight happened in a slow motion, but for the audience, all they saw was a blur of movement.

In one minute, all the fighters were minced to pieces. This made some of the audience puked after seeing Aldred's brutality.

Aldred rarely ever showed mercy to his enemies. He made sure to destroy them completely, and never return to make troubles for him again.

He learned that past enemies could make a troublesome future. His enemies such as Thinker and Pharder had continuously make his life difficult.

He killed the two of them, and even killed Victor, so he had no past enemies anymore. Not that he knew of.

"So, do I own this town now?" Aldred asked the host.

"Y—yeah… well, you don't exactly own it. More like the leader of it."

"So who owns it?

"The Count of Withokere. This town is under his juridiscation. Formally, anyway."

"Hmmm, so basically, I own the town now, right?"

"I have no comment on that, boy… sir."

"Great. I will take that as a yes. I have big plans for this town."

The audience were excited to hear that. They wondered if this town could return to the golden age it once was.

Aldred did not waste any time, he immediately entered the city's government office and asked all the staff for reports.

He found that the staff did not do any actual work. They were just there to… exist.

Apparently, their former town leader did not even care, and all the budget were cut off.

"Well, now the budget is going to increase 1 thousand times, so I need everyone to work properly. All of your salary will be increased by a hundred times. Get to work or get fired!"