
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 488: problem & solution

Aldred and Brago continued to fight. Their power even manage to damage the ships even though it was created with tough materials. Average Diamond Ranks would need to attack it a hundred times to make a dent.

Brago did not even try, but they managed to tore apart the ships from the inside.

Aldred punched Brago right in the face, but the huge man took it with a smile. "Is that all you got? Your punches are weak!"

"Then you will like my blade!" Aldred slashed, the tip of the blade created a mark across Brago's nose.

Brago took a few steps back and wiped the blood on his face. "Is that all you got?"

"No," Aldred said. "It's not even my full power yet."

Suddenly, a burst of mana came out of him, and his armor lit up. Some mana leaked out of the armor as if it failed to consume the excess energy given to it.

Dobbs said that this armor could only be used by Aldred. He got that damn right. Only him had the capacity to use this armor to its fullest potential.

Brago frowned. "What are you going to do?"

Aldred grinned.

Brago, for the first time, felt a tinge of fear when he saw that grin. He suddenly recalled the first time he encountered a dragon. At that time, he was still a boy with only a stick in his hand. But.

He killed that dragon nonetheless.

But still. It reminded him of the thrill. Of the feeling of fear and then overcoming it.

"ALDRED! I WILL KILL YOU!" He said that with a smile on his face. It was not anger. It was bliss and nostalgic.

Aldred rushed forward. His speed was so fast that Brago seemed like he was moving in a slow motion.

The Phantom Doomblade transformed into a pair of terrifying gauntlet that wrapped around Aldred's fist and covered part of his forearm.

With full power, Aldred swung his fist right at Brago's chest.

His fist moved at rapid speed. Speed of which that Brago's armor cracked after the impact and then his chest caved in. It was not over yet. His chest then exploded from the impact.

The mana in his armor was completely used up and steam came out.

Brago staggered and his back leaned against the wall. His feet trembling before they could not hold his weight and he slowly dropped down.

Brago's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"How could you… how could you be so powerful?"

"I am not that powerful. Without this armor, it might take me a while to defeat you."

"No. I can see by the quality of your mana. You only just recently achieve Diamond Ranks. And yet, you defeated me."

"I guess I am just abnormal."

Brago coughed before he said his last word. "Perhaps…"

The light in his eyes slowly disappeared.

Aldred let out a breath. "Finally."

[You leveled up. Level 120 -> Level 121]

[You leveled up. Level 121 -> Level 122]

[You have received 2 teleportation points]

[Your Divine Dimension has now expanded to 200 KM in diameter]

[Your maximum undead capacity is now 10,000]


Health Points: 38,880/38,880

Level: 122 (Diamond Rank)

Titles: Treasure Boy, Giant Killer, Little Hunter, True Warrior


-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Air Manipulation

-Earth Manipulation

-Mana Manipulation


-Shape Shift Lv. 2 (Click to show the list of morphs)

-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)

-Sword Art (Click to show the list of Sword Art)


-Strength: 3,667

-Vitality: 3,920

-Intelligence: 6,890

-Dexterity: 4,150

Stat points: 86

Skill points: 86

Aldred looked at his stats for a moment before he decided on what to do. He dumped all the stat points to dexterity.

And decided to upgrade his blood cloning ability.

[Skill: 'Blood Cloning' has been upgraded. Now you can summon 4 clones at once]

Aldred smiled in satisfaction even though upgrading the skill cost him all of his skill points.

Stella teleported right beside him. With a smile on her beautiful face, she ran up to Aldred and hugged him.

"Did I gave you a good show?"

"You did. That Brago guy worried me. I thought I would need to come and help you."

Aldred giggled. "Let's go back."

Stella nodded.

Aldred waved his hand and the warships were teleported into his divine dimension. And then both he and Stella vanished.

They re-appeared in Edeline's room of which all of his wives were there.

"Aldred!" They all came running at him and hugged him.

Aldred closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

"I miss you all."

His wives smiled and gave him a kiss.

"Now, they are safe," Edeline said. "For now. They are still your weakness, Aldred. Someone with a vengeful heart might still try to take them hostage. Or worse, take them away from you, forever."

Aldred sighed. "I thought getting to Diamond Ranks would solve my problem. Turns out, it gives me more trouble than before."

"It's okay, Aldred. Aren't we going to leave this continent and explore the world?" Mary asked.

"Are you all going to come?"

Mareona pouted. "Are you planning to leave us?"

Aldred looked at his wives and realized that they wanted to come with him. He then glanced at Edeline.

"I will have to stay here," Edeline said. "I am looking forward to explore the world with you and accompany you in your journey, but, this Empire will not last long if I leave it now."

Aldred nodded. "I understand."

"I will need to find something to increase your strength. It'd be terrible if someone far stronger than me try to take you away," Aldred said.

He was being realistic. Should he visited another continent, there must be a higher rank than Diamond Ranks. And he might be powerless to them.

From what he learned in his journey, the people were not very nice. Especially the strong and the rich. They thought they could do anything as they liked and get away with no consequences.

He was afraid that he might be too weak to protect his wives.

During the treasure hunt, they were protected by the curse. But now, there was nothing to protect them.

Mary and the others knew what Aldred was thinking. They used telepathy to communicate with each other, and then came to a decision.

"Aldred." Mary approached him and held his cheek. "Maybe it's not the right time for us to join your next adventure."

Ivette's eyes tear up after Mary said that. The thought of being away from Aldred terrified her. She was so used to his touch and presence.

"I cannot leave all of you here, either," Aldred said. "There has to be a way."

"Umm," Rachel stepped forward. "Aldred, can we just stay in your Divine Dimension? I know there's a limit to how long we can stay there before, but is it still the case?"

Aldred blinked, dumbfounded as he never thought about that. "I don't think the divine dimension has that limit anymore."

"So that means we can stay there for as long as we like?"

"Yeah…" Aldred smiled. "I can bring all of you with me!"