
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 483: different kind of torture

As they fired towards the sky, the ground beneath them shook.

And then a powerful beam of light burst out of the ground up into the sky revealing Aldred with a pair of shining eyes, Phantom Doomblade raised high above his head.



A light burst forth from Aldred. A light so bright it blinded everyone and everything that cast their gaze towards it. Even people from the other side of the continent thought there was a second sun appearing.

Everything was blinding white. The sailors had no chance to react because it happened too fast and they too were blinded by the light.

And when the light disappeared, the sailors had vanished, and the vast plain became bald with no greens in sight.

The warships had been cut into ten million pieces.

Lyra watched this all happening from a distance, the wind moved her hair in the air. Her pupils expanded and her body jolted.

"What is that power…" Even she couldn't imagine to reach that level of mastery in her blood spell. And she was considered to be very talented. That meant that this man was more talented than her.

She had heard rumors about him. That he was an extremely powerful person, an especially dangerous one. And absurdly talented. They called him the Death Lord, the Fire Monarch, the Legendary Sword Master, and whatnot.

Lyra did not believe.

Until now.

Aldred landed on the ground and then waved his hand. The scraps of the warships vanished and entered his divine dimension. He would give them to Dobbs and Corduul later to help in their research.

Aldred looked around and found one man who was unconscious. He had intentionally spared one.

Grabbing the man, he casted his water spell and splashed his with water. The man suddenly woke up and gasped for air.

Blood mist came beside Aldred and Lyra appeared. "What are you planning to do?"

"Gathering information." Aldred grabbed the man by the collar and then cut off his right arm.

"AHHH!" The man screamed in pain.

"What are you doing? You didn't ask him anything yet."

"I just want to show him that I am not bluffing."

Lyra couldn't believe it. This man cut off an arm so heartlessly before even asking a question. She… loved that attitude.

"Now." Aldred turned his head towards the soldier. "Tell me, is Brago really at the center of Yevileria?"

"No." The man shook his head but his expression was full of fear.

Aldred closed his eyes and sighed before they opened abruptly and turned crimson red.

The man's eyes turned black and he screamed in pain scratching his skin so hard that he began to bleed.

Lyra took a step back out of fear. "What did you do to him."

"I put him in the worst kind of torture he could possibly imagine. But all of that happened inside his mind."

"You can torture people's mind?" Lyra's eyes lit up. What a wonderful man. Torturing someone this bad without even lifting a finger. How lovely!

"Sorry, I misjudged you," she said.


"Never mind." Lyra smiled and took a step forward to get closer to him. "So how long will you torture him."

"A few second can be weeks for him. So I will stop now."

The man returned to reality and he breathed in and out weakly. The light in his eyes reduced as if his spirit was being sucked by a devil.

Lyra pouted thinking that Aldred should torture the man some more.

But suddenly, the man's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he screamed in pain again. This time he rolled around on the ground. "BURN! IT BURNS! PLEASE STOPP!!!"

"Didn't you said you want to stop?"

"I did that just to give him hope and then destroy that hope to nothingness."

"Oh my…" Lyra put a hand over her mouth.


She shook her head and stayed silent. Lyra kept looking at Aldred and the more she looked the more satisfied she was. He was looking more and more handsome.

Aldred did not think much about her behavior and grabbed and snapped the man back to reality. The man was about to puke before Aldred used telekinesis to shut his mouth, forcing him to swallow it back.

"Where is he?"

"He… he is in the city of Ercsat. Now, please kill me! Kill me!"

"As you wish."

His head exploded, and the body fell to the side with a thud.

"Now that we confirm our information, we can proceed to go further. Going there directly is a bad idea. Brago is surely guarded by a lot of warships. I say we pretend to be on the defensive while eating their numbers."

Lyra nodded in excitement. "Whatever it is. I agree with you."

Stella suddenly appeared in front of him. "Aldred, Paphia asked for your help. Three squadron of warships are currently marching Puszlokajfa. They desperately need your help or the city will be destroyed."

"Isn't that city near Nakatiharna?"

Nakatiharna was one of Aldred's cities that he had taken over. The government actually did not change, but all of its natural resources nearby was his.

That city was also near Folineley which was where Aldred found Tarrar.

He was a bit nostalgic. At that time, he helped Paphia fought against the bugbear with his golem army. What a wonderful time it was.

But now the bugbear was his allies.

"Are you going to help them?" Stella asked.

Lyra glared at Stella. She did now know who this woman was, but the way she looked at Aldred irritated her. And what was up with her clothes being so tight and revealing!

Her clothes barely hid her private part! How can someone walked around with that kind of clothing.

"I will. My plan is to reduce the number of warships before I began to fight Brago. We need to be on the defensive. We have to pretend to lose."

"Are you going to let them take the city?"

Aldred nodded. But I will destroy some of their warships in the progress.

"Let me help you this time." Stella smiled.

"Sure. That will make thing easier."

"You almost died last time. I cannot bring you with me."

"That's because my power is actually not for offense. I am specialized in helping armies to win wars."

Aldred looked at her. "Alright, let's go."

They vanished from the spot.

4 squadron consisted of 4 motherships and dozens of smaller warships marched towards a city. When it was in sight, the cannons atop them moved.

But this time, instead of a beam, they fired a shell that arched in the sky.

"Enemy attack!"

"Defend the city!"

"NO! The higher ups told us to retreat! Evacuate the people quickly!"

"Are we giving up our city!"

"This is an order!"

"How can we bring so many people?"

"There are many teleportation altars set up around the city. Everyone will be safe."

The shells in the sky burst open, revealing thousands of smaller shells.

It was a scatter bomb, and uncountable numbers of them were popping up in the sky.

And when they fell, the whole city was razed to the ground.