
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 480: continental war

Paphia, the land of the winged-men. They were once thought upon as angels, but when humans realized that they were similar in traits: deceitful, vengeful, and greedy, their status and name quickly dropped into a human with wings.

That was when the terms 'winged-men' was born. Winged-men was no different than human except the fact that they had wings and could fly. And just like human, they also had their good sides.

Good people were considered rare, especially in the political world where everyone seemed so evil and could not be trusted. Lies were spouted like breathing, and corruption was not just normal but also a necessity.

But of course, one or two political figures were known for their honesty. These figures were loved by the people, but they never had enough power to change the whole nation.

Nevertheless, the people loved them.

One of those loved figures was Manius Heranus. A tall, old, scholarly man who spend most of his time reading. He preached that the day to day fulfillment of the majority of people should be a priority. Basically, he wanted people to be contend with their life, and he wanted to do this by spreading his mindset and philosophy and integrating them into schools.

But his opposition strongly disagreed because they argued that a contend nation would never aim for greatness. Instead, they would become lazy and stagnant.

The rulers could care less about the happiness of their citizen so they didn't even take his advice seriously.

Currently, Manius was in his office, writing about the pros and cons of his philosophy and how he should change it to make it better.

After a few hours, he realized something. "To be content is not to be stagnant in life, but to always be growing. Growing in strength, and financially. Creating strong relationship with loved ones, and be confident in day to day life. Being fulfilled doesn't have to be lazy and stagnant at all!"

Manius wanted his citizen to have an objective view of the world, and that they should not take things personally. This will be better for their mental health, and they can do things with a more rationalize thinking.

This way, they can be more fulfilled in life.

He stood up and grabbed his paper. He was about to share this with his students and discussed this with them. He always wanted a different perspective before he preach something to the masses.

As he opened the door out of his room, however, a shadow immediately engulfed him. He vanished without a trace.

Suddenly, another shadow rose up and formed into a man that had a similar appearance with Manius. And then another shadow came with the appearance of a soldier with spiky metal armor.

They both smiled at each other before the man in spiky metal army grabbed the old man and ran out of the buildings.

The guards noticed them and shouted. "Sir Manius is kidnapped! Notify all the guards!"

One of the guards climbed the tower and rang the large bell. Making all the guards in the building alerted. They all saw a man in spiky armor pulling Sir Manius by the collar.

Suddenly, a guard shouted. "That's the armor of Brago's subordinates! They must have tried to bribe Sir Manius, but he refused!"

The guards quickly became confused. Who the hell was Brago?

No one really knew who Brago was. His existence was kind of a secret, and Edeline only manage to know because she had so many spies all over the place.

After running around the buildings, the two vanished which confused the guards.

"They're taking Sir Manius away!"

Soon the news spread that their beloeved Manius Heranus was kidnapped. Almost every citizen in Paphia was shocked to hear that news.

Why would they kidnap someone as kind as Manius?

At first, they directed their attention towards the government, but then rumors spread that Brago, a conquerer that came from a strange continent is coming and wanted to take over the world.

They said that Brago is trying to bribe the governments, and those who refused were kidnapped and tortured.

People was hard to believe that news at first, but then more political figures got kidnapped one after the other.

It did not matter if the figure was a Diamond Rank, they all vanished without a sign of fighting back.

Naturally, this caused a turn moil among the governments and the people.

Who the hell had the guts to kidnap a Diamond Rank?

Naturally, an investigation ensued and they all led to one person...

Brago, the conquerer that came from another continent. They found out that the thousand of ships were currently marching on land!

Ships marching on land was shocking enough! But then they also found out that they were led by Brago.

That was when another rumors came, saying that Brago is coming to conquer the world and enslaving them all.

These kind of events happened to every nation on the continent. From Thignia Empire (The land of Vampire), Holy State of Montcresia, Torvenia (The land of Leonin), Hofnmoen (The land of Lizardfolk), Lympsian Theocracy, Yevileria (The land of Bugbear), Trelder and many more.

The events and the rumors happened and spread so quickly.

And the longer they took action, more and more political figures were kidnapped. They just vanished without a trace except for some clues such as helmet, armor piece, or weapon that was found to be similar to the weapon of Brago's subordinates.

All the nations asked the Republic of Selia for answers, but they refused to give any information about Brago.

That was when they immediately declared war on them.

It was a shocking news for the world. The whole continent was in war. This kind of event had only happened once before, and the destruction it caused was written in details.

They were scared to imagine what the future looked like, but also, they did not want to back down. Because this wasn't a war between nations in this continent, but a battle against invaders.

Quickly, all over the continent, powerful generals moved their grand armies towards Selia.

Naturally, Aldred also moved his army or else they all would be suspicious of him.

But he was also surprised to receive so many letters of gratitude.

Ceraisian Empire was always known to be the strongest Empire in this continent. It was usually getting a lot of hates for how powerful it was, but now, everyone loved the Ceraisian Empire and their soldiers were served with special treatment whenever they went.

Aldred, Stella, and Edeline watched the projection that showed the movement of the army.

Aldred smiled. He had never seen so many armies before. Literally, soldiers from every nations came to fight Selia. And none of them held anything back because Aldred had spread some of the items he stole from Brago's ships, showing them that their weapons were much more powerful than their own.

He also leak some footage that he kept showing the destruction and capabilities of Brago's ships.

With all of that information, none of them dare to hold their army back. They knew they would be destroyed if they do that.

"Now, how will this war develop? Will it be long or quick?"