
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 478: zarg slimeskin

Naley, Barne, Zaxary were shocked to hear the news.

Especially Naley. She was a master in gathering information and knew the major organization in the underworld and how powerful they were. And yet, all of them were destroyed in a single night!!!

She also knew the the attacker was the Mechanicum, but why did they attack all the underworld group? Not just the 4 main organizations but also other large group as well.

Suddenly, there were no enemies for her to worry about.

Zaxary sat on the sofa while taking a deep breath as he looked at the projection. "Aldred, really did it. He is truly something else."

"How did he convince the Mechanicum to do his bidding?" Naley asked.

Barne laughed. "He must have done something to their leader. Knowing him, there is no wall that can prevent him from grabbing the neck of their Tech Priest."

Aldred even manage to defeat Victor which was the strongest being in Duria. Everything else were ants to him.

"So that's it? We solidify our rule?" Naley asked.

Suddenly, a portal appeared of which Stella and Aldred stepped out.

"Hello," Aldred greeted.

"Aldred! Did you do all of these?" Naley asked.

"Are you asking me did I destroy all the underworld organization, removing their cities, eliminating all their army, destroying their secret bases, and assassinating all of their key members? If that is the question then yes."

Stella rolled her eyes when she heard that. Aldred could be a little braggart sometimes.

"So you really did it… I can't believe this. You made it too easy."

"It was easy to be honest."

The three of them looked at each other and realized their level compared to Aldred was far off. This man could literally fixed the world's problem in a single day which was impossible for them to do.

"Now that there is no troublemaker, you can set up your own army. I am sure Victor left a lot of mechanical legions to defend his nation. Now make sure all of those robots are serving you."

Naley nodded. It wasn't a complicated procedure, but it would take some time before Naley could take control the entire nation's automated robot.

"What about the Mechanicum?" Naley asked.

"They are now working for me. I was expecting a collaboration with your team as well. Maybe we can make something useful for everyone."

With Naley controlling Duria, Victor's lab should also fall in her control. Aldred was sure his lab contain far more technologies that the Mechanicum could only dream of having.

Aldred smiled. He now got the Mechanicum, a powerful organization that always looked for improvement and progress. He also got the best weapon engineer in Duria, an information master, the boy who could control time, and a singer that can manipulate emotions.

This was an amazing team. He could destroy any nation with them.

Or even better, built a nation with them.

Suddenly, Stella frowned. "Aldred, Selia is not retreating."

"Why? Did their arrogance got ahead of them?"

"No, it's not that. Apparently, they have an ally that comes from outside."


"Apparently, they are not from this continent."

In the principality of Aliravilia, the nation of Gnolls.

Atop a mountain near the city of Kiszala, stood a particularly tall and handsome gnoll. Unlike other gnolls, he was handsome and noble-like.

He was the leader of the revolution army. Ever since the Republic of Selia took over the nation, he rose up and inspired many gnolls to join him. But, with no experience of fighting and lack of equipments, their battle were filled with defeats.

But Zarg Slimeskin proved to be a firm inspiration for the gnolls. They intently listened to every word during his speech, and they way he bring himself in front of his men made him the figure of respect and awe.

Despite their losses, the gnolls never lose their trust in him.

Zarg kept promising them of a bright future and that they will take over their nation once again. And that future seemed so close after tens of thousands of golems were sent for their aid.

Now, they were hiding atop the mountain. Below them was Kiszala, one of the major cities in Aliravilia.

It was guarded by a powerful army.

But they still wanted to take it.

Zarg raised his hand. The jewelry in his wrist reflected the light which made everyone looked at him. He was now the center of attention.

"Gnolls of Aliravilia! The foreigner that came from the east saw us as weak and tiny! Let us show them what we can do!"


They clanged their blades onto their shield as they shouted in excitement.

"Attack," Zarg said that in a low voice, almost a whisper, but everyone heard it loud and clear.

They charged down the mountain along with the golems, the steep surface increased their speed it and by charging together, their spirits were lifted. It was okay if they die today because they would die for a good cause.

The guards atop the wall noticed them and frowned. They grabbed the nearby fence to prevent themselves from falling and took a deep breath.

The crystals on their forehead lit up and suddenly, a powerful beam shot out from them and struck towards the charging gnolls.


Dust clouds flew everywhere, but then the gnolls army rushed out of the dust cloud, some sort of transparent barrier flickered around them.

Some golems had crystals atop their head, apparently, they were the ones who casted that barrier.

"Corn Nuts! Those golems are big trouble!"

"Use the big weapon to destroy them!"

Republic of Selia did not become strong merely relying on their talent, but also their intelligent and creativity. It was long known that the Shardmind were smart. It was one of the reason why they were so feared. In negotiation, they never take the bad deal.

Naturally, in warfare, they would have the same mindset.

A powerful cannon, made with the crystals of their deceased warrior stood behind the wall. With careful aim, they precisely set the direction of the barrel.



What came out of the barrel was a powerful concentrated beam.

The golems erected the barrier, thicker this time, but it was nothing for the beam as it pushed through it and vaporized a large chunk of area, killing dozens in a single shot.

That was one cannon, the next second, came another three cannons and they fired one after another.

The gnolls charged through explosions and flames with their comrades dying every second.

At one moment they were screaming side by side, the next moment, half of their body got decapitated.

It was brutal.

But they kept charging through. There was no fear in their heart nor mind.

There was only one thing and that was to charge forward.

Soon after, they reached the gate and with the help of the golem, they managed to destroy it within seconds.

The Shardminds attacked, using the crystals on their forehead, they lifted the nearby swords and using telekinesis to throw them at the gnolls.

The golems, using their large body and shield protected the gnolls and counter-attacked.

The gunner golems sending bullets precisely at the crystals, killing them instantly.

In half an hour, they manage to conquer the city.

Zarg looked at his men with pride. "Gnolls! We have won!"

"YEAHHH!!!" Their cheers reverberated which was heard by every citizen within that city. And those cheers were like a call of victory to them as well. A call that they were now safe.

"Clean this mess. We are going to have a party tonight!" Zarg shouted.

The soldiers quickly get to work with the golems to fix the gate and removing the bodies.

Zarg watched his men work before he turned around and noticed something in the distance.

At first, it was a weird silhouette of something, but then so many of it appeared.

And then Zarg's eyes widened. "Are those… battleships?"