
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 475: picked the wrong enemy

In a gigantic underground hall with pipes and cables all over the place. A masked man with red robe slowly walked forward.

His iron feet clanged for every step, and his mechanical joints make grinding noises. In the middle of hall was an altar with bright light shining from above it. On this altar was a particularly muscular man.

Standing 3 meters tall, the man stood strong and had the eyes of a soldier. But when the masked man approach, the 3 meter tall, muscular soldier knelt on one knee and one fist on the ground.

"Subject 3341 is ready to serve the Mechanicum," the soldier spoke with rough voice, almost like sandpaper grinding against each other. People with a little bit of trouble in their ears would have a hard time listening to his words even though it was loud.

"You have done very well. In this generation of Supreme Warrior, you might bested them all.

Subject 3341 did not change his expression. He was cold but his eyes always showed respect to the tech priest. But in his heart, he was satisfied with his work.

To become a Supreme Warrior, he had to kill more than five thousand test subject who were as muscular, as powerful, and as cunning as him. Not only that, their faces, appearances, and body shape were all similar to him as well.

The tech priest had told him that they were clones, and only the best of the best would survive. Subject 3341 did not know if he was the clone or not, but only one thing mattered--

He was the only one.

The tech priest seemed satisfied despite the mask hiding his face, not that he had a expressive face to begin with.

It took decades to train one Supreme Warrior, each one should be more powerful than the last generation. This was possible because they kept advancing new serum and getting more data from the previous generation.

Supreme Warrior did not only had their powerful body to aid them in battle. The tech priest also provided them with the best armor and weapon they could create.

These weapons were made with the best technology and knowledge they have. It was cutting edge, hard and expensive to maintain, but they would do anything to keep its performance at the top.

All kinds of mechanical arms came from above.

"Receive your blessing, Supreme Warrior."

A thick and bulky armor was installed onto his body. It wasn't just fit in, the mechanical arms literally put nails and bolt into the armor that pierced into the holes in on his body. Those small holes were created specifically to fit the armor.

This way, it would be hard for the enemies to dismantle them.

The shoulder plates came next. They were bigger than the soldier's head, and when they were put on his shoulder, he leaned a bit because of the weight.

The armor was one thousand times heavier than his own weight. Because of his super strength, the tech priest had more space to create a more powerful armor.

More mechanical arms came down and installed the armor from tip to toe. There was no weak spots. Every spots was strengthened to the maximum. Inside the armor was oxygen, communication devices, and strengthening serum.

The first generation of the armor provided antidote for all kinds of diseases, but the Supreme Warrior was now immune to all kinds of diseases.

After the armor was installed in place, the mechanical arms slowly lifted the main weapon down. It was a super large assault rifle with rocket-propelled high-explosive high-caliber bullets.

The weapons had been tested and improved numerous times. It could even destroy the gate of a bunker with 20 shots. And it took less than a second for the weapon to fire that amount of ammunition.

Not just ranged weapons, a powerful blade was also given to the warrior. The blade had two function; to cut or to destroy. The sharpness of the blade should be able to cut any known material while the vibration would shatter the target if it failed to cut through it.

It was a long and large weapon.

The Supreme Warrior deserve this type of weapon. They were the symbols and the muscle of the mechanicum. If they needed to show their strength to their enemies, the Supreme Warrior would bulled through any fortress and bunkers in the world to proof their might.

Even if an entire army was standing in their way, they would push until their body won't let them anymore.

But a Supreme Warrior was usually attended by an army of his own that ready to assist him in any type of mission.

And for every birth of a new Supreme Warrior, the mechanicum would propose something crazy.

"Supreme Warrior, your first task is to kill Victor. All the data about him is already sent into your brain chip."

Data about Victor entered his mind at a rapid rate, but his brain wasn't overwhelmed. Because of the modification, his brain was like a computer processor in its own right, able to process multiple things at once.

"When can I begin my mission?"

"You can begin as soon as possible. All of our resources will be yours to use to achieve this goal."

Once a Supreme Warrior was given a goal, he will use any means possible to achieve it. This also meant they used a lot of resources for every mission.

It was one of the reason why they were rarely used except for vital operation.

"Then I will begin now."

"Begin what exactly?" A foreign voice came which made the tech priest and the Supreme Soldier to turn towards the source.

They noticed a man was leaning on the wall before he smiled and walked towards the altar.

"What a cool looking armor. I think I have seen something like those before."

"Intruder," the tech priest said. "Kill him."

"You will be my first kill as Supreme Warrior." He rushed towards Aldred. Weight so heavy that the reinforced floor under his feet cracked.

He appeared before Aldred and pulled the trigger of his weapon at point blank range.

The large assault rifle fired, its sound boomed in the hall as the rocket-propelled bullet came out.

Not only was the bullet heavy, it was also packed with explosive. In literal words, it was a miniature rocket that would explode after it punched through its target to make sure fatal damage to its internal organ.

When the bullet reached Aldred, he stopped it with his teeth which made the Supreme Warrior raised an eyebrow.

The bullet exploded which filled the hall with smoke.

Their scanners scanned the area and their expression slightly changed. When the smoke dissipated, Aldred was still standing with a smile on his face.

There was no damage at all. Not even to his clothes.

The tech priest started to wonder if he gave the Supreme Warrior with the right weapon or not. He had never make such mistake before because the motto of a tech priest was 'to be as precise as machines.'

So they only made mistakes 1% of the time in average. But not him since he was the leader among tech priest.

His chance of making a mistake was zero according to statistic for the past hundred years.

But maybe this was his first mistake ever.

Though what he did not realize was something else. He did not pick the wrong weapon. He picked the wrong enemy.