
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 450: great reform

His wives got all smile and excited when Aldred praised them.

"So are you all ready to meet my parents?"


Aldred smiled and grabbed the steering wheel. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button in the middle.

The runes on the steering wheel let out a faint light. Aldred smiled at the thought of meeting his mother and sister again. Hopefully, he could meet his father as well.

But a few seconds later, the runes died.

"What happened?" Mary asked.

Aldred frowned. "I don't know."

He pressed the button again, but the runes still remain inactive. "It doesn't work."

"Maybe the Emperor broke it."

"No. It's not broken." Aldred had scanned the Steering Wheel. If it was broken, the system would have told him.

There was nothing wrong with the steering wheel. Then that could only meant one thing… something was wrong with the castle!

Mother… sister… where did the two of you go?

Everyone noticed his bitter complexion and looked at each other in worry.

"Aldred, we can try again tomorrow. I am sure it will work," Mareona said.

Aldred smiled, realizing that his wives worried for him. "Alright, let's try again tomorrow."

Edeline nodded. "We can try again after your coronation as Emperor."

"That's right! How can we forget about the coronation!" Zafrina exclaimed in excitement. As the daughter of a noble, she loved the idea of the coronation for Aldred.

"I will take care of it," Edeline said. "I will let everyone in this continent know that the Ceraisian Empire now has a new Emperor and will lead it to a completely different path."

For the next few days, everyone was busy preparing for the coronation for the Emperor. News spread to every class of citizens in the Empire.

"A new Emperor? Does that mean the old Emperor is dead?"

"That's probably the case."

"Damn, I have heard there are bad blood between the Empress and the Emperor. Do you think she killed him?"

"That's probably the case. Lord Athar had not been seen for a while, and so does his allies. It's clear that the Empress has taken over the Empire for herself."

"Is this a good thing or bad thing for us?"

"I don't know. Their battle doesn't usually involve us. Nobody cares about the peasants."

They were later proved wrong as delegations from the Royal Palace came to every corner of the Empire and created free facilities for the locals. Health Care, education, security, banks, and even transportation were now readily available for everybody.

Slaves were now freed and millions of golems created a well-built house for each of them. Basic food necessity like grain and eggs were given to them free of charge.

In less than a day, the whole Empire completely changed. The change was so fast that the nobody could react to it properly to this change.

Only after a day had passed, when the people realized that it wasn't a dream, did they finally rejoiced and took it to the street to celebrate.





In every city, in every community, in every village, in every home, in every shop, the excited shout and roar of the people calling for their ruler was heard.

All of a sudden, the future seemed so bright. The painful days they expected to come was now replaced with leisure and fulfillments.

That day, every peasants in the empire smiled.

Aldred was in an office with Edeline sitting next to him. "So everything is done?"

"Yep," Edeline said. "I also put the books about science in our education system. I don't know why we needed to teach them this? We can do things better with magic."

Aldred shrugged. "Maybe the people can surprise us."

"Also, why give free food? Won't that make them lazy."

Aldred smiled. "The food we gave is only the basic. If they wanted to eat fancy meals, they will have to work hard for it. People got bored easily, I am sure they will find that as motivation to work hard."

"Besides, we won't see any sick or hungry people anymore with this system.

The Ceraisian Empire was vast, and with the power of magic, they could easily turn any land to farm lands. They can grow any crops high up in the mountain, down in the hottest desert, and into the darkest of cave.

This was the power of magic.

"I still don't understand why we need this science and art subject in the education system. Magicians proved to be a better painter."

"Don't worry about it, Edeline." Aldred smiled.

Duria was a powerful nation, and from what he knew, the nation condemned its people from using magic if they had the talent to use it.

They relied on science and art to innovate and create technologies. Their technologies were so powerful that they could even match the military might of the Ceraisian Empire.

What if Aldred could obtain that power? Wouldn't his Empire be much stronger than before?

He also obtained some robot parts, and even knowledge about science during his journey. He had copied them and spread them to every new school he built.

"Has the roads been fixed?"

Edeline nodded. "The houses and buildings were also repaired and repainted with magic. Every building is as good as new."

"That's good. I want everyone to feel that a new age is coming."

Edeline smiled. She did not expect to be so good in dealing with this matter. She first thought that she would have to deal with it alone, but apparently, Aldred got better ideas than her.

She was good in politics, but she lacked the knowledge to reform the life of the peasants.

Aldred came from a poor family in his past life. Going to hospital could actually be worst than death for some people because of how much it cost.

So much so that they could spend their entire life paying it off.

He also understood how expensive schools can get. Families would eat less and saved the money to pay for the school.

Roads and facilities in poor communities could be so bad, terrible, and disgusting that made it seem like prisons were a better place for them to live in.

With this experience, he knew what he needed to do to fix it all. He did not know much about politics, but he was glad he could help Edeline in some matters.

"The coronation is in a few weeks, but everyone already knew of your name," Edeline said.

"I am just doing my job." Aldred smiled.

Edeline giggled. "Anyway, I did not expect that the golem companies in the Empire is yours. I have heard that you are a golem master as well."

"I don't want the Dragons to disturb my companies."

"That's a wise decision for you to make. Did you also own the potion shop, herb shops, and the auction hall?"


"That would make you one of the richest man on this continent," Edeline said. "The money coming in towards those companies is huge."

"How did you know?"

Edeline smiled. "You think I am naive enough not to spy on a newcomer?"

"Make sense. And yes, the money I have is huge. In fact, money for me is as abundance as water."