
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 445: fighting zehmud

The sky thundered and shook as the battle between fire and lightning continued. It went on for a few hours, before Zunescin managed to struck the agile demon right in the face.

With a loud explosion, the demon's body was vaporized.

Zehmud frowned once again. Zunescin was one of Trum Gorelight's top disciple, but he did not expect him to be this strong.

Aldred laughed. "Is this all you got?"

Gritting his teeth, Zehmud's eyes turned crimson red. "I will show you my army. Demon Summon: Grand Army!"

Suddenly, the earth trembled violently, and cracks appeared all over the place. And then, the cracks widened as if giant hands were pushing them.

Demons crawled out. Their bodies were red from head to toe with no hair. Their nails were black, and those looked as sharp as a blade.

Aldred scanned the demon army and saw that most of them were Gold Ranks with a bunch of Platinum Rank in the mix.

"What a disappointment."

"What did you say?"

"I said what a disappointment your army is. I expected something larger and stronger, but this... this is child's play."

"Big words."

Aldred shook his head. "Let me show you a true army."

Raising his Phantom Doomblade in the sky, the blade flickered with red light and then suddenly, 300,000 demon appeared.

"You think a mere 300,000 demons are enough to defeat my army of 5,000,000?" Zehmud sneered.

"I am not done yet."

A bunch of portals opened, and golems began to flood in.

Zehmud creased his eyebrows. "How is this possible? 6 million golems?"

Filling the entire plain was an army of unfeeling golems, ready to take arms, and kill anything their master ordered them to.

"Humph! Their materials are very cheap. At best, they have a defensive level of a Gold Rank. And There are no Platinum Ranks among your demon army. You may have numbers but you are actually weaker."

"Your Platinum Rank demons will be overrun by my golems."

"Really? What about my Diamond Rank golems? Summon Demon: Ten Sin!"

Ten flame came ablaze from different spot, and from each of those spot, a demon appeared.

Zehmud laughed. "Now I have ten Diamond Rank demons to back my army. You think your weak golems and demon is enough to defeat me?"

Aldred smiled. Even though the ten demons were at Diamond Rank, their true power were still far compared to a real Diamond Rank. These demons were pseudo-Diamond Ranks at best.

Which meant, they were slightly above Platinum Rank, and right below Diamond Rank.

That made sense, otherwise Zehmud would be one of the strongest Diamond Rank in the Empire.

Aldred then raised his fist. "Arise."

Suddenly, 177 large undead appeared. And they were all at Platinum Ranks. These were his main undead. They were almost immortal since they would regenerate right after being hit, and they could revive if someone managed to kill them.

After that, both Aldred and Zehmud stared at each other.

The atmosphere was tense. After a few seconds they both shouted:


The demons and undead roared, and the golems began to charge forward, raising their weapons high.

It did not take long for both sides to clash against each other. The unfeeling fighter golem slashed left and right, systematically killing everything in their path. When their arms were chomped by the demons, it regenerated back in less than a second, and the golems were back into fighting mode.

Gunner golems fired in every directions including the sky. A lot of flying demons bombarded them with fireballs, but with the golems' increase in power, these demons were quickly turn into shreds of meat.

The artillery golems were constantly at work, sending volleys of explosions towards the enemies. Thousands died for every second in this battle of large numbers.

At hindsight, Aldred's army seemed to take the advantage. But it all changed when the ten Diamond Rank demons began to make a move.


Large explosions ensued within the golem's ranks, disturbing their formation, and destroyed tens of thousands of them at once. When they tried to regenerate their parts, a powerful flame engulfed them and constantly melting them into liquid form.

"Zunescin, take care of them," Aldred ordered.

Zunescin clasped his hand as electricity crackled around him. With a super sonic speed, he rushed towards the ten demon and fought them all alone.

The sky shattered with lightning and flame all over.

But because the ten demons were preoccupied, Zehmud's army were being wrecked.

Aldred's army could constantly regenerate and attack without end because Aldred's mana was infinite.

They could not tire, not need to stop, or even pause for thoughts. They were constantly hacking and slashing while also being in sync with each other.

This made it impossible for them to attack their own allies which was common in large battles.

Zehmud saw that his army was being depleted, and he did not like it at all.

Aldred grinned when he saw Zehmud's expression. "What now. Are you going to surrender?"

Zehmud scoffed. "Far from it." He raised his hand, and suddenly, the demon army bulged in size. They became stronger and faster than before.

"Oh, what a nice ability. It would do me good if you become my undead."

"Dream on, Aldred."

"You really think I can't kill you, huh?"

Raising his hand in the air, Aldred muttered: "Red Rain."

The sky turned crimson red and giant crimson spears began to fall like rain drops. Each spear was longer than 8 meter, and they precisely struck the enemies. The precision was so scary that even enemies huddled among the golems were still got hit without hurting the golems.

In a matter of seconds, Zehmud's army was obliterated.

Zehmud was shocked by this development. With a single wave of Aldred's hand, his whole army was completely wiped out.

Zunescin and the ten Diamond Rank demons were still fighting, but the ten demons were at a disadvantage. Their power proved to be far below Zunescin. Aldred of course knew that since their levels, power, and quality of mana were all detected by his godly eyes.

He basically knew his enemies better than themselves, so when he went into battle, he already knew if he had a chance to win or not.

Despair was plastered all over his face. Zehmud had never encountered something like this before. He was considered to be one of the Elite, because he could fight against two or three Diamond Ranks at once.

"I have enough of playing this game. This time we will fight. You and me one on one!" Aldred shouted.

"Come and get it then!" Zehmud accepted the challenge.

Aldred kicked the ground, shattering it as he flew towards Zehmud.

Zehmud's eyes turned deep dark, and a gray, transparent barrier blocked the attack for one second before it shattered.

He gritted his teeth before retreating a few steps.

"Is this all you got?" Aldred taunted.

He stared at Aldred for a short moment. His eyes brimmed with power, and then an invisible wave erupted from them, blasting toward him, which caused Aldred to back up about 5 steps.

"Not bad." Aldred smiled.