
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 442: trum gorelight

"A coffin for me?" Trum, the old man, asked.

"Yep. This coffin cost me a lot to buy, so we better not put it to waste, right?"

"HAHAHAHA!" The old man laughed. "You truly are amusing. I like you, young man. I really do."

Aldred laughed as well. "Would you get in the coffin if I asked you to?"

"You need to do more than asking, child."

The old man's eyes suddenly shone in blue, and the blue orbs enlarge. The inside of the orbs was a spinning water. It looked like some sort of well.

The old man moved his hand around, and siphoned off powerful magic energy from these well.

Aldred frowned. The mana he felt from the well was different than the mana from this world.

The mana pulsed in the air, but the old man did not absorb it, instead, he manipulated the energy, and turned it into lightning that struck towards Aldred.


The entire half of the castle was completely destroyed by that one attack.

"You're fast," Trum said to Aldred who managed to dodge his attack.

"You're just too slow, old man."

Trum let out a small laugh as a lightning struck towards Aldred consecutively.

Aldred ducked down, a bolt of lightning passed by his head. He tilted his neck to the side, and a bolt almost caught him by the ear. He turned, he rolled, and side stepped.

His movement was graceful as if he was dancing. Trum frowned, wondering how this young boy able to dodge all of his attack.

"Dragon lightning!" The lightning bolt gathered into one large shape of a dragon, and it flew towards Aldred, spreading its claws wide.

Aldred laughed. He spun and slashed. Flame came out of his blade and formed into a dragon that charged forward.

The two dragon. One flame and one lightning clashed against each other, creating a large explosion that leveled the entire city.

Aldred stood on rubbles. In front of him, Trum was floating calmly.

"You are tougher than you look," Aldred said.

"Many have underestimated me before," the old man replied.

"I never underestimate my opponent." Aldred raised his sword and looked at the Spirit Meter.

The Spirit Meter was a unique energy of the Phantom Doomblade that he could use to cut soul. He hadn't use his it for a while, because it wasn't necessary. But now seemed to be the right time.

Aldred flashed forward. "Spirit Slash!"

Aldred's whole body radiated out a faint red light.

"I may be a magician, but it would be your mistake to shorten the distance too soon!"

"Lightning Wall!"

A wall of lightning burst forth in front of him. Trum laughed, thinking that the boy would receive significant damage from the lightning wall.

To his shock however, Aldred's sword passed through the lightning wall. And not only that, his whole body passed through as well.

Trum Gorelight was shocked, but he reacted quickly, tilting his head back.

The tip of the blade passed through his finger.

The wall of lightning vanished.

Trum looked at his left pinky. He couldn't move it nor feel it. "You cut the soul of my pinky?"

Aldred did not reply, instead, he rushed forward and attacked again.

"Spirit Slash Twice!"

Trum, now realizing the danger of the attack, retreated immediately. However, Aldred was too fast, and his blade managed to cut off the soul of his left foot.

Aldred attacked again. "Spirit Slash Thrice!"

This time, Aldred struck the old man's thigh.

Trum growled. "You think cutting off my limbs will assure you of victory? I am a magician. My limbs has nothing to do with my power."

Aldred smiled as he raised his blade. A white outline blinked into existence around his blade.

This was Spirit Outline. There were three type: White, Orange, and Red. From left to right, every outline give significantly more damage, speed, strength, and reflexes boost to him.

If he could get it to red, he could surely kill anything in Diamond Ranks with ease.

Aldred attacked again. He was relentless with his attack. Slashing left, right, up, and down.

Trum learned from his mistake and he grew artificial muscles from his body. It was weird that all of a sudden, an enormous arm grew on top of the old man's shoulder, blocking Aldred's attack.

When the soul of the arm died, Trum replaced it. He used this technique over and over again.

The old man laughed. "Your blade can get through anything, but it's useless if it can't touch me."

"Yeah?" Aldred smiled, raising his blade. The outline blinked from orange to red.

Trum frowned. He did not understand what was the meaning of the color on Aldred's sword.

"It's my time to attack. Summon: Angelic Lightning!"

Powerful lightning blasted from the orbs that were floating around Trum, and it created two 5 meter tall angels of lightning.

The angels had two pair of wings and a pair of sword.

Their eyes were full of electricity as they stared at Aldred.

They flashed forward, leaving a trail of lightning behind their wake, and then they slashed at him.

"Lateral Step Slash!"

Aldred step to the side, dodging the attack, and slashing the angel's arm.

The other angel swung at him, and just as the lightning blade struck his head, Aldred activated another technique.

"Foresight Slash!"

His whole body became ethereal for a fraction of a second as he slid backward, and then dashed forward swinging his bladed down.

The lightning angel was cut into two, and it vanished. The other angel that lost one of its arm swung its blade at him.

"Spirit Round Slash." Aldred spun, easily dodging the attack, and cut the angel in half from the waist.

Suddenly, he heard a shout from the old man. "Power Smite!"

The orbs shot blue lightning bolt towards Aldred. Aldred dodged it, and they went passed him, but suddenly, the lightning crashed against each other, turned into a golden lightning bolt, and flung itself towards Aldred's back.

Aldred was surprised by this, but he dodged without any problem. To his eyes, the lightning bolt was as slow as a snail.

Suddenly, as the golden lightning bolt passed him, it yet again jolted directly at him.

"A living lightning bolt?" Aldred continued to dodge, ducking and rolling.

Trum Gorelight laughed.

"You think this one lightning bold is enough to defeat me, old man?"

"Who said I only have one?"

Thousands of lightning bolt flashed out of the orb and they condensed together, creating numerous golden bolt that homed towards Aldred.

With hundreds of lightning bolt coming at him from every direction, his movement became even more impossible.

After dodging a few more minute, he got enough of it.

"Get in here!" Aldred opened a portal in front of him of which the lightning bolt entered accidentally. He closed it immediately before charging towards the old man.


"Wait, until I cut open your skull. That will be more impressive."

Trum Gorelight smiled and they clashed against each other. The old man with his lightning, and Aldred with his blade and flame. Their clash thundered the earth, and they fought for hours.

After enough time, Aldred decided to activate that spell.

"Dragon's gaze!" His eyes turned golden and a powerful aura burst out of him.

Trum Gorelight froze in place. "What in the world?"