
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 436: returning back

Aldred clenched his fist.


Health Points: 32,580/32,580

Level: 120 (Diamond Rank)

Titles: Treasure Boy, Giant Killer, Little Hunter, True Warrior


-Fire Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Water Manipulation (Click to show the list of skills)

-Air Manipulation

-Earth Manipulation

-Mana Manipulation


-Shape Shift Lv. 2 (Click to show the list of morphs)

-Racial Ability (Click to show the list of racial abilities)

-Sword Art (Click to show the list of Sword Art)


-Strength: 3,472

-Vitality: 3,880

-Intelligence: 6,432

-Dexterity: 3,384

Stat points: 66

Skill points: 66

Aldred looked at his own stats in awe. Most of his attributes were under 1,000 points, but now they were over 3,000!

And the quality of his mana was far higher than before. Even his weakest spell could decimate an entire army of Gold Ranks.

Summoning his Phantom Doomblade, Aldred felt great power coursing through his arms and then his whole body. The blade had always been something that a higher rank should use. When he was a Gold Rank, the blade limited its power to avoid killing him.

If he received too much power from it, he would explode. But now his body, mana, and spirit could take on more power from the Phantom Doomblade.

Aldred turned around and saw his comrades lit up, engulfed by a bright light.

"Will they turn into a Diamond ranks as well?"

Stella shook her head. "No. They can only get Platinum Ranks, but their growth will be much faster from here."

After the light disappeared, everyone instantly became a Platinum Rank. Their powerful aura oozed out of their body, and the floor under their feet cracked.

"I can't believe there will be a day I can reach this height of power." Bartrem looked at his fist.

Mary smiled and looked at Aldred. "Now we have a chance to take the throne."

Aldred nodded. "Now I have the chance to take my steering wheel back."

The steering wheel that could be used to control the flying castle was still in the Emperor's hand. Now that he became a Diamond Rank, he had a fighting chance to take it back.

Aldred punched down with a fraction of his power, but what happened next baffled him. The giant roots were pierced through by the powerful wind, and kept going down, blasting holes, and creating destruction.

A Diamond Rank beast roared and jumped out of the hole. Angered that its sleep was disturbed. The beast roared, lightning flashed all over its body, and lunged at him. Aldred smiled and use a single finger to poke its nose.

The nose of the beast caved in, then fractions of seconds later, the beast exploded.

[You have killed Lightning Beast +8,400 EXP]

Aldred smiled. "Not bad."

"Do you think you can kill the Emperor with that power?" Mary asked.

Aldred thought for a second. "But the Emperor has a lot of Diamond Ranks protecting him right? How can I fight him alone?"

"We should consult the empress with this. I am sure she will find a solution for us," Mary said.

"Alright, let's go back."

Space and time stopped and the world shattered like glass.

The next thing they founded themselves standing on a vast plain. The wind blew the grass around them, and moved their hair.

A few hundred meters to their north was a fort they were familiar with.

"It's been a while," Bartrem said. "Ruandeurtin. That fort has never changed."

Aldred smiled. "I wonder if he's still there. Let me do something to test him out."

He closed his eyes for a few seconds before abruptly opening them again while a thick and powerful aura burst forth from him. Aldred directed the aura straight towards the fort.

The soldiers, horses, rats, and even cockroaches felt a suffocating sensation and stopped in their tracks. They all stopped what they were doing and wondered what this pressuring sensation was.

"This is an aura of a Diamond Rank!"

"Who? Who is it?"

"Is Montcresia coming to attack us? Is this a full-blown war?"

Pharder was sitting in his office and he frowned when he felt the aura.

"Sir, is it the Montcresian?" His assistant asked.

"No. It's someone I am far too familiar with. Take care of the rest." He vanished into thin air.

And then he appeared in a vast plain. In front of him, Aldred stood there, all alone, except for a tanned beauty who stayed silently beside him.

"So you have obtained the treasure."

All out of a sudden, the sky trembled and a loud explosion was heard in every part of the continent.

'What was that?' Aldred asked Stella with telepathy.

'That was the announcement that someone has obtained the treasure and that the treasure hunting has ended.'

'So everyone will know that I obtained the treasure?'

'No. But those major powers probably know about you. After all, you do spare some people.'

"So what now? Are you going to kill me?" Pharder asked. "You just obtain this power. You think you can do it?"

Aldred smiled. "Kill you? No, that would be too easy. I am here simply to see you. Not much has change from what I observed."

Pharder frowned. "Are you mocking me?"


Stella and Aldred vanished.

Pharder stood still, and gazed into the distance. "What is his plan?"

Edeline sat on her throne. Icy cold gaze set forward. She was expressionless, and distant, making everyone in the throne room nervous as they couldn't predict what she was thinking.

Beside her, sitting on another throne was the Emperor. Unlike her, the Emperor was full of expression, and he was currently dissatisfied with the fruit in his hand.

"What a low quality product. Find the farmer and kill his entire family!"

"Yes, your majesty."

A group of soldiers set out immediately.

Suddenly, Edeline stood up and walked away.

"Where are you going?" the Emperor asked.

She ignored him and kept walking.

"Edeline Rose Wildingham!"

Even when her full name was mentioned, Edeline did not care and left the throne room.

The Emperor slammed his fist onto the throne in anger. "That fucking bitch!"

Edeline kept her ice cold expression as she walked back to her room. The Emperor disgusted her by his tyrannical abuse of power. She had enough of his presence for today and would like to return to her bedroom.

She entered her room, and closed the door. Right after that, however, two person appeared in front of her.

Her cold expression quickly turn into a smile. "Aldred."

"I am here, your highness." Aldred slightly bowed.

"You've done it. When I see that announcement, I knew it would be you."

Aldred smiled back. "I am glad that you have a high expectation of me, your highness."

"Drop the formalities when we are alone."

Aldred nodded. "So, what's next? How can I take the throne? Just killing the Emperor is not enough I believe?"

Edeline nodded. "We cannot kill the Emperor yet. The Dragons will riot and it will truly divide this empire into two."

"So what do we do?"

"I have a plan. I heard that you have a friend from Montcresia. Can you bring her here?"


"We need her for this plan to work."

"Alright, I will bring Mira here."

Leaders around the world looked at the trembling sky. From Montcresia, Ceraisian Empire, Thignia, Paphia, Yevileria, Duria, Hofnmoen, and all the way to Selia.

Everyone stared at the sky with mixed feeling.

"Someone has obtained the treasure. Who is it?"

"More importantly, who's wings will he hide under, or perhaps he already has wings above him."

"Is it the Montcresia? They desperately needed it to fight against the Ceraisian?"

"Is it Duria?"

"I just got news! It's regarding the treasure."

"Did they found out who it was?"

"They did. They told me that this boy suddenly appeared out of nowhere in Ceraisian, and in less than 3 years, he had reached the peak of Gold Rank. He passed every challenge with absolute ease, and he had obtained the treasure."

"What is his name?"

"He goes by the name… Aldred."