
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 428: entering the tower

Aldred was back on the mothership again, staring at Phantom Sky as it flew around in the air.

In satisfaction, he nodded to Dobbs and Grigradd. "Impressive work. So many people is going to buy my golems."

"Uhh, are you sure you're going to sell it to someone else? What if they use it against you?" Grigradd asked.

"The golems are fully under my control. Besides, I will sell them the weaker version by using less rare materials. That way, we can cut cost as well."

"How much are you planning to make?" Dobbs asked.

"Probably 100,000 this month."

"Why so much at once?" Grigradd asked.

"My companies already announced the news of a new golems. Empires from all over the continents have placed a large orders on it. Some just want to see the new golems, but those who trust my company really wanted to use it for war."

"War? Which war?" Grigradd asked.

"Ceraisian against Montcresia, Paphia against Yevileria, and I heard there's a huge problem in the East Sea of Selia. A large fleet of ships, complete with motherships are wrecking havoc. Even pirates avoid that place right now."

"Wait, aren't we nearby that part of the sea, currently?" Dobbs asked.

"That is true. I will tell Burchard to steer the ship away. I am currently busy and don't want to deal with war right now."

Aldred chatted with the two of them before he teleported back on top of the dragon.

"All done?" Mary asked.

Aldred nodded. "The new golem is amazing. They can fly without wings, very agile, and quite powerful."

"I bet nations all over the world are crazy about it now," Stella said.

"You bet they did. They placed large order before they even see one. Tarrar is going to be so busy this week. Anyway, Krista, can you tell me how close we are to Avre?"

"She is close. There." Krista pointed towards the north.

"She's on that mountain?" Aldred asked.

Krista shook her head. "That's not a mountain."

The dragons approached the mountain, and flew near its surface. Aldred looked around. "There's no one here."

"Enter the mountain," Krista said. "You have to enter the mountain, big brother."

"Through a cave?" Aldred asked.

"No. Just dive down."


The dragons soared to the sky before they flipped and dived down. When the dragons were about to crash to the mountain, they went through it like it wasn't even there.

And what they saw was a huge castle. And unlike the outside world, it was night time in here. The sky had stars and a single moon.

Aldred felt like he just teleported to another planet.

"Even my godly eyes failed to see through it. What treasure did they use?"

"To create another world in this realm, it has to be at least Legendary Grade treasure," Stella said.

Aldred bit his lips. "Then we have to be very careful. Krista, where is Avre right now?"

Krista pointed at the tallest tower. "Over there."

"We shouldn't approach too close," Aldred said.

The dragons landed on the ground.

"I think they should hide as well."

The dragons began to dug a hole and covered themselves.

Aldred turned around. "You guys stay here. I will bring Avre back."

"We are coming with you."

"Too dangerous. This is a sneaky mission. Bringing all of you will defeat the purpose."

After a few minutes of argument, his wives finally relented.

"Alright." Mary sighed. "Make sure to be careful."

She gave him a kiss. He nodded and morphed into a mosquito before he flew towards the castle.

As he entered, he realized there was a strange force permeating the place. "I can't open my divine portal in here. This castle must be Legendary Grade treasure as well. But why did they use this type of item just to lock Avre in?"

Aldred's eyes widened. "Did they also realized that Avre hold the key to reach the top of the world tree?"

He made his mosquito way from building to building, hall to hall, and then he found a staircase. He flew up.

Suddenly, a man appeared with butler clothings. The man saw the mosquito and slapped it.

"Annoying bugger," the butler said before walking down stair.

Meanwhile, Aldred was on the wall, shaking his head. "That bastard dare to slap me. I will get him later."

He continued to fly up. And met more butlers and maids along the way that tried to kill him.

Aldred learned the lesson and dodged before flying away. He found Avre locked in a room with a guard at her door.

The guard was wearing black armour and a helmet that had an eagle on it. He had a red scarf and gloves. His belt was made out of leather and he carried a sword on it. The sword glowed in the dark as well.

Aldred flew near and studied the man carefully.

The man noticed him as well and came closer.

He punched the wall before looking up.

The man jumped down from the wall and came face to face with Aldred.

The man snarled and raised his sword before Aldred morphed back into his original form and held his Phantom Doomblde in front of him.

The man blinked at him before he attacked.

Aldred blocked the attack with his sword.

The man lunged with a quick jab followed by a long swing from the left and right side. Aldred parried them all before pushing the man back.

The man swung down at Aldred who ducked under it before hitting him with the end of his blade in the gut.

The man grunted as he staggered back from the attack.

Aldred charged and slammed his sword down on him with a thump before he pinned him against the floor with his sword underneath his chin. He bent down and looked at the man with an angry glare.

The man glared back at him as he struggled to breathe. He was gasping for breath, unable to move from the pressure Aldred used on him.

The man struggled against his strength until he finally managed to speak up.

Aldred grabbed his face and slammed it on the floor.

The man groaned as he struggled to breathe.

Aldred slammed his sword on the ground, shattering it into pieces. The man gasped for breath as he tried to push himself up but Aldred put him down with another slam. He pushed harder this time, sending a crack in the floor that opened a pit that was large enough to swallow a dragon whole.

The man crawled away from it in fear before he got up and looked at Aldred, gasping for air.

Aldred put his blade back together and stood up while staring down the man who stared back at him, still gasping for air.

Aldred leaned on his sword and stared at the man who slowly stood back up and wiped the blood off his face.

The two stared at each other for some time before Aldred broke the silence by speaking up in a calm tone. "Why do you want Avre?"

The guard rubbed his chest where Aldred struck him and grumbled before speaking up with a croaked voice. "You don't need to know."

The guard charged with incredible power that almost had Aldred flying across the room as he pushed the man away before he put him on the ground again with a slam of his blade on the ground, this time cracking the entire floor that opened a hole that was big enough to swallow the entire tower.

"A mere guard could match me in strength. This is more serious than I thought."