
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 426: sky battle 2

"Grigradd, The Sky Dragon!" Mary's eyes widened. "I can't believe they send someone like him to chase us."

Aldred activated his godly eyes.

[Grigradd The Sky Dragon]

Level: 89

Power: Ultra Reflex, super sight, Multi-Tasking Capabilities, Spiritual Focus, Advanced Tinkerer, Advanced Blacksmith, Advanced Craftsman, Fine Control, Precise Movement, Advanced Air Contraption Control, High Spatial Awareness.


Known as The Sky Dragon, Grigradd delivered fear to his enemies through the air. His flying dragons contraption would roar in the sky, making all heads look up, and then he would drop hell towards them…

"So he's a craftsman like Dobbs," Aldred said.

"That is correct." Mary nodded. "But his work focused on making flying contraption. Using magic and mana crystals he created his infamous Sky Dragons."

Grigradd stood up from the seat of his dragon contraption. He had white beard and mustache. He was short, standing around 145 CM. But he had big muscles and belly, making him look like a dwarf.

"So you are the famous Aldred." Grigradd laughed. "I heard so many things about you. The Lord of The Dead, Golem Master, Master Swordsman, Fire Monarch. They tried to stop me from hunting you, but your head will be my tickets to get more investment from Lord Athar."

"I keep hearing this Athar guy. Who is he?"

"You will know that answer after I destroy you!"

The dragon fleet dived down and then opened their mouth. Like a gatling gun, fire bullets came out rapidly.

Stella waved her staff. "Star Barrier!"

A transparent energy protected them, but Aldred could see that the layers were continuously being thinned bit by bit.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the shield shattered and they had to protect themselves with shields.

Aldred looked at the scales of his dragon, and saw that the scales were being thinned as well.

"We can't be on the defensive for long. We have to counter attack!"

Aldred stood up and glared at the sky. Golden veins bulged all over his body and they all led towards his eyes as it turned shining gold.

"Dragon Gaze!"

The sky boomed as cracks appeared on the dragon contraption.

Grigradd was shaking in his seat. "What the fuck is that power!?"

"Everyone, keep your distance from them!"

He gritted his teeth and steered his contraption to make some distance.

"Don't let them run away!" Aldred shouted, ordering his dragons to give chase.

Grigradd grinned. "Foolish! Drop the bombs!"

The belly of the dragon contraption opened and wooden crates with runes carved all over it began to drop. The runes glowed and then went straight towards Aldred.

With Phantom Doomblade in hand, full of fire, Aldred slashed forward. Slicing the crates, it exploded in mid-air, sending lava particles in every direction.

His soldiers also helped by shooting the crates with arrows or sending energy arc towards them.

Aldred sliced another crate, but this time, it exploded with white phosphorus-like substance, creating a smoke screen in front of them.

Slashing the air, the smoke was blown away by the wind as Aldred glared with anger.

But the dragons fleet had turned around and began to send fire bullets towards them again.

Grigradd laughed. "You can't defeat my Sky Dragon!"

Aldred laughed back. "You are truly stupid. You know I was called Fire Monarch, and yet you use fire against me?"

"Let me show you my power." Aldred raised his hand, and all the fire bullets stopped in mid-air. Suddenly, they all rotated towards the direction they came from.

Grigradd slammed his fist. "Shit! Retreat!"

"Too late!"

The fire bullets shot forward, destroying dozens of them.

"Charge!" Aldred pointed with his sword.

His dragons swooped in released their dragon breath at the fake dragons.

"This is the power of a true dragon!" Aldred shouted. He jumped off into the sky, landed atop a dragon contraption and stabbed the pilot by the neck. He then kicked the contraption towards another flying contraption which made them crash and exploded.

Bartrem and the soldiers revealed their dragon wings and took flight towards the enemies.

Their powerful dragon muscles enabled them to slice through the powerful materials. The dragons were not idle.

If they were not burning, then they would be crunching the fake dragons with their mouth. Something about these contraptions irritated them.

Grigradd kept on fighting. Slamming his contraption to another dragon and barraged it with fire bullets at such a close range.

The dragons were stronger than he expected however. With its dragon paw, it slapped his contraption to the side, which made him lost control and spiraled downward.

Grigradd tried to take back control, but when he saw the tree in front of him, he was hopeless. "Shit!"


The rest of the dragon contraptions were no match against the real dragon. Their powerful claws, dragon breath, and flight speed was far more superior.

After 10 minutes, all of them were eradicated.

Grigradd crawled out of his seat. As he was about to stood up, a man stepped in front of him. He looked up and realized it was Aldred.

"Are you going to kill me?" Grigradd asked.

"Of course. Did you expect me to spare you?"

"No. Do it then."

Aldred raised his Phantom Doomblade and stared at the eyes of his enemies. Grigradd stared back.

Laughing, Aldred lowered his weapon. "I won't kill you. Instead, I offer you to work with me. I will give you anything you need. Help me build something stronger than the dragon you make. I prefer something that can fly. I believe you like making flying things?"

Grigradd frowned. "I tried to kill you. Why did you spare me? What if I betray you?"

"All you wanted is investment. Why would you kill your investor?"

Aldred smiled. "I can see it in your eyes. Your only purpose is invention. Killing people is just the side effect. So what do you say?"

"I am guessing the other option is death?" Grigradd asked.

"Nope. You can leave if you want to. But if you come after me again, there won't be a second chance."

Grigradd laughed. "No. I am willing to join you."

"Good choice. Let me introduce you to your working partner."

"Hmmm, I don't really like having a partner."

Aldred laughed. "You will like him."

"You guys wait here. I am taking him to Dobbs." Aldred opened a portal and led Grigradd to the mothership.

They entered the workshop and Dobbs was there, working on some project of his.

"Dobbs!" Aldred called. "Meet your new partner. His name is Grigradd."

Both Grigradd and Dobbs stared at each other. None of them like working with others.

Grigradd looked at the weapon in Dobbs hand and noticed that it was of very high quality.

"That weapon. Did you made it?"

Dobbs nodded.

"How did you make it so perfect? The weight, the shape, length, and the mana conductivity is so high as well."

"Well, if you must know…" Dobbs explained his theory to him.

Grigradd nodded a bunch of times. "I have never tried that method before. And what is that?" He approached a golem.

"That's a golem that I am trying to make. It's supposed to fly."

"No. This cannot do. The weight is all over the place. You should made this part lighter, and put more weight to that. You also don't need wings."

Grigradd explained his theory on how to improve the golem and Dobbs listened intently.

"Aldred, I think I like this guy," Dobbs said.

"I know you would. I will leave you two nerds alone. Make something good for me."

Aldred walked back to his portal.