
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 421: mythtic items

"Herakas!" Aldred exclaimed with a smile.

Herakas smiled at him as well. "We meet again, Aldred. How are you doing?"

"I am doing fine. Where have you been?"

"Doing my job."

Aldred laughed. "You don't have a job. You don't need one. Watch out for that worm!"

Herakas smiled, turned around, and slapped the worm with his spear. The worm slammed onto the trunk again.

"This is my job, Aldred." Herakas charged forward. His speed was so fast, that Aldred's brain couldn't even process it.

The spear tore through the worm's mouth, and it was sliced to pieces. The blood, bones, and organs disappeared as golden flame devoured them.

Aldred's eyes widened and his body trembled in excitement.

Herakas floated towards Aldred.

"Herakas, you are so powerful!"

Herakas laughed. "Not really. You will be much stronger than me in the future."

Aldred could not believe how humble Herakas was. The worm was at the same level as him, and even seemed more powerful in physical strength. And yet, Herakas defeated it in three stroke.

He didn't even seriously attack the first and the second time.

So Aldred could say that Herakas defeated the worm in a single attack.

It meant that Herakas was just like him. He was far superior than most creatures in his rank.

"It will take a long time before I can reach your level," Aldred said.

Herakas smiled. "It will not be long."

"So, how have you been doing? It feels like we haven't met for a while."

"I am doing very well, Aldred. Just cleaning up some parasites."

"You said it was your job to cleanse these worm?"

"I put it onto myself to protect this tree." Herakas touched the trunk of the tree, looking at it with adoration. "This tree is the reason why so many worlds could exist. It would be a pity if those worlds are to be destroyed. And what about you? Did the Golden Emblem helped you?"

"It did! Also, can I return it? I think there's too many valuable crystals in there."

"No need. It is yours now."

"Alright, I won't reject free money."

Herakas let out a small laugh. "Aldred, I want you to promise something."

"What is it?"

"Promise me, you won't ever destroy this tree for whatever reason."

"Sure. No problem." Aldred wasn't a villain. He did not want to destroy the world. He just wanted to have fun and become stronger.

Herakas smiled and grabbed his hand before putting something on his palm.

It was a small ring box.

"What is it?"

"It's a gift. Open it."

Aldred opened the ring box, but inside it was not a ring, but a pair of golden ball.

[Ancient Greater Dragon's Eyes (Mythic)]

Description: A pair of eyes from an Ancient Greater Dragon. With this eyes, all dragonic race and sub-race shall heeded your command. A single glare from you will cause mortals and gods to bow and tremble.

"This. Why are you giving me this. This gift is too valuable."

"You are worthy of it. Son of the Demon King Hujarar."

Aldred gasped but Herakas was already gone.

"How did he know?"

Aldred grabbed the [Ancient Greater Dragon's Eyes (Mythic)] and put it on his eyes. It fitted inside immediately, without pain and discomfort.

Aldred turned around and looked at the dragons. Suddenly, the dragons felt an overwhelming force of greatness coming out of him. He was like their king, their gods, their idol. It was this feeling that Aldred was their everything.

They bowed their heads whenever he gaze upon them.

Wena and Zara noticed this and was shocked.

"He is now one of the dragons. The dragons will do anything for him," Wena said.

Zara also felt the same thing with the dragons. She was connected with them, and so she knelt on one knee and bowed.

What Herakas gave Aldred was a valuable gift. A Mythic rarity was above Epic and Legendary.

Usually, Legendary items were used by Adamantite Rank and Mythical Rank, but Mythic items were only used by Transcendent.

Transcendent Rank is two rank higher than an Adamantite Rank.

This meant that the pair of eyes on Aldred's head right now was meant for someone above Adamantite.

Even the system could not identify it's full power currently. And Aldred could not yet unlock its potential.

Just like his Phantom Doomblade, its capabilities were limited by his rank.

But that was fine since that meant he did not have to find other weapon to use.

Aldred looked up. "Let's go."

"Bargoosk Stugulze, are you really not going to tell us the key to reach the top of the World Tree?"

Bargoosk drank the wine and put a tasty magical grape in his mouth. "This one is really good, but it's too acidic for my taste. Tell the servants to bring me sweet fruits."

A beautiful maid bowed and left right away.

"Bargoosk! Do not pretense deafness!"

"Retijer, you haave been asking me this question for weeks. Why don't you sit down with me and we will enjoy this wine together. Is your so called Duke of Paury from the said Ceraisian Empire so stiff to not let you have fun with me?"

Retijer gritted his teeth in anger. "That's enough. Put him in a dungeon. This time, only bring him bones to eat!"

Soldiers surrounded Bargoosk, but the man kept his smile as the soldiers dragged him to the dungeon.

"This dungeon again? I thought some of you would have a little creativity."

The soldier kicked him into a jail cell and locked the door before they left.

Bargoosk was then left alone, in the darkness, and cold. But he did not seem affected by his situation.

This was because he knew he held the cards. He knew the enemy needed. They would torture and hurt, but they won't kill.

They won't break his mind either, because they needed that the most. As long as he kept this dependent relationship, and as long as he never revealed all of his secret.

He would be alive. They would give him carrots and sticks, it would be painful, but it would also be full of pleasure.

Bargoosk laughed before he lay down on the floor.

Retijer walked through the hallway and entered his office. There, a man stood, in waiting.

"How is the progress?"

"He still won't disclose the information."

The man frowned deep. "It's been months! Months! The treasure is one step away from us, but you failed to make even a little bit of progress. Why are you so incompetence? Be done with this task in two months, or Lord Athar will have you replaced by someone else."

The man left the room.

Retijer sat down on his chair. After a few seconds, he slammed the table with his fist, veins bulged on his forehead.

"That sucker! He think he can talk to me like that because the lord assign him as a messenger! After I am done with this treasure, I will come for your fucking head! Bastard!"

"And that Bargoosk bitch! He better give me what I want or I will cut off his limbs with my own hand!"

Bargoosk was awaken by the squibbling sound of a rat.

"Oh, you have come. Tell me what you got." Bargoosk leaned his ear into the rat's mouth.

"Aha, ah I see. So that's why. I understand."

He grabbed something out of his butt. "Here you go. Eat it while it's warm."

The rat munched on the cheese and then left.

"Seems like I have to find a way to remove Retijer. Either that, or I have to leave this place."

Bargoosk stood up, looked around to make sure there were no one before he approached the wall. He grabbed one of the bricks and pulled it out, revealing a hole.

He then grabbed a paper out of his butt, then write something with his own blood.

"Squible," Bargoosk called.

The rat came, chirping. "Take this and go outside. Go whenever you want to go, but always bring this with you."

The rat grabbed the paper with its mouth and left the dungeon through hole.

Bargoosk closed the hole, and sat down. "Now, all I have to do is wait."