
Aldred chomped on a kebab filled with magic meat, vegetables, and special sauce made by Bartrem.

"Why did they stop attacking?" Aldred asked as he took another bite.

"It seems like they are gathering their forces," Mary said as he saw the demon army retreated and gathered at a particular area.

There seemed to be hierarchies among the demons. The larger demon that had wings seemed to be the squad leader. But those who had horns were even more higher in hierarchies. The bigger and thicker the horn, the stronger, and the higher they were within the ranks.

At least, that was what Mary assumed from her observation. She told this to Aldred and he nodded in agreement.

"I think you are correct, Mary. Look at their position. The high-ranking demons stayed deep inside the formation while the lower ranking demons stayed outside."

They began to chat and enjoyed their lunch while watching the demons.

"Oh, look. The demons are charging towards us."

"Are they not going to the other mountains as well?"

"It doesn't seem like so."

Aldred smiled. "So they realized that they need their full power to siege my fortress?"

He laughed with both arms on his waist.

His wives rolled their eyes at him.

The first wave began.

An army of demons, around 100,000 in size began to charge towards his super fortress. But they encountered an obstacle. A large and deep ditch stretching more than 130 meters with the depth farther than their eyes could see.

Suddenly, their legs grew bigger, and they kicked the ground to jump high.

A pair of terrifying eyes shone from the abyss and Xer Xai pounced at the demons, grabbing a mouthful with her mouth and devoured them.

That did not stop the demons. The majority of them still managed to pass the ditch, and began to climb the wall. Half of them tried to destroy the wall with pickaxes.

What they did not expect was the thousands of gunner golems situated on top of the wall, ready twenty four seven for situation like this. Soon enough, rain of fire projectiles burst through their chest, and their bodies fell like rain drops.

"Wow. What a group of powerful golems. How many mana crystals do you think they consume after all of that?" Stath asked.

"I don't know," Strannon replied. "But I don't think the owner of these golems have that concern.

"He has to be sent by an emperor. There is no way an unknown group have the resources to deploy hundreds of thousands of golems."

Strannon nodded while he looked at how well-defended the fortress was. The demons could barely past the ditch, and 15% of them fell to their death. 5% killed by that huge creature, and the rest were cleansed by the golems.

It was unfathomable how they could build a fortress like this in such a short amount of time.

"While the rest of us have to fend for our lives, these guys can have a picnic and have fun," Stath said with a sigh.

"Life has never been fair, Stath. Don't complain over it."

Stath nodded.

The highest ranking demon, lord class demon, Grablax furrowed his brows in anger. He was 12 meter tall with wide wings, and thick, bulging horns on his forehead.

A 8 meter sword appeared in his hand, then he stabbed his subordinate with it. The blade sucked the life out of the demon's heart, then pulled it out as his subordinate fell with a thud. He looked intently at the blade, ignoring the death comrade he just killed with his own hand.

The other demon did not seem to care as if this was a daily occurrence to them.

Grablax looked at the wall, pointed it with his sword, and then roared.

All the demons roared after him and then they charged towards the wall.

As the demons leaped over the ditch, Xer Xai again pounced on them.

Grablax leaped to the sky, spread his wings, and flew towards Xer Xai at high speed. He slammed his feet to Xer Xai's face, slamming her to the wall.

Xer Xai roared, about to fight back, but the 8 meter tall blade, fully engulfed with flames made its way into her skull.

Runes appeared around her skulls, and Xer Xai vanished.

"That guy is quite strong," Aldred said.

Grablax noticed Aldred's gaze and stared back at him.

Aldred smiled at the challenge. "If you can come here, I will fight you."

Grablax trembled in rage. He flapped his wings and appeared atop the wall before slashing forward. A 100 meter arc of red flames appeared in front of him, engulfing the golems and destroying them all.

He roared again, and thousands of winged-demons made their way to the sky and flew forward, spitting fire breath towards the golems on the wall.

The demons below managed to crack a hole on the wall, and they surged inside only to meet resistance by thousands of fighter golems who had waited for their arrival.

But the winged-demons in the sky changed the game. These demons dove down and burned the golems, making the demons had the advantage.

But after defeating the fighter golems, they realized they had another ditch to leap over, and more walls to break through.

"Too slow." Grablax raised his blade and slammed down, sending an arc of fire that stretched over the abyss.

But unlike normal flame, the demons could step on it, and then used it as a bridge.

They sprinted through a hailstorm of fire bullets. A lot of them died, but death had never stopped these demons from charging forward.

The demon archers began to counter-attacking, taking down the gunner golems atop the walls.

After half an hour, they managed to breach the second wall.

Aldred simply watched all of this with interest.

Baendjbi on the other hand looked worried. "Aldred, how can you be so calm?"

"Why would I not?"

"There are more than 400,000 demons coming towards us."

"Why are you so scared of them. I think they look cute. Especially that guy with big wings and horns."

Grablax frowned deeper when he saw Aldred's gaze towards him. For some reason, Aldred's face pissed him off.

After penetrating the second wall, the demons marched through desolate lands filled with traps and potholes all the while receiving attacks from gunner golems and artillery golems from all over the place.

One demon stepped on a rock, and a dark explosion engulfed everything 50 meters around it.

Not only traps, the more they sprinted deeper, their sight became fuzzy, and their minds became confused.

Some demons were so affected by this they forget how to walk and began to crawl forward.

This was Breth's dark magic. His dark magic was so strong that even demons were affected.

Aldred was proud to turn him into his undead.

Grablax roared in anger when he saw his army was being slowed down significantly.

Aldred laughed. "Why don't you come directly to me, big guy? Are you that scared to be far away from your army?"

The demon army was currently on its way to the third wall, which mean it was still more than 70 kilometers from Aldred's spot.

Grablax scoffed. "A lord always come with his army."

"That's what a pussy would say."