
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 396: golden dragon city

Aldred and the others chatted with the spirit tree some more and even stocked some of her spirit fruits.

"Well, we have to continue our journey now. It was nice meeting you," Aldred said.

"It's nice to meet you too!" The wooden girl hugged him like a child, and giggled. "Thanks to you, now I can explore the world."

Aldred caressed her head. "Be careful out there, okay. Don't trust in strangers. The world has its beauty, but it also has its ugly side."

The wooden girl nodded.

"Wait. I have some treasures that can protect you." Aldred gave her a bunch of weapons, trinkets, and lastly a necklace.

"This necklace will change your appearance. Make sure no one can take it from you." Aldred put the necklace on her, and her wooden skin turned into that of a human. This transformation happened to her whole body. Her hair, eyes, nose, lips, and everything else looked very much like human. She even had the same facial structure and facial expressions.

Her face was a bit smaller and she had more facial features than the average human, but other than that she was human.

Stella summoned a mirror, and the Spirit looked at herself.

"Is that me?"

"Yep. That is you."

"I am so beautiful..." She giggled and turned towards Aldred. "Thank you."

Aldred smiled. "So, will you think of a name for yourself?"

"A name?"

"Yeah, so people can call you."

"Silva. Nima Silva."

"That's a beautiful name. Does it have meaning?"

"I think so. A few hundred years ago, I saw an old man talking with this language."

"Nima Silva?" Stella raised an eyebrow. "I believe it means Spirit Tree."

"Ohh. That's the perfect name for you," Aldred said.

Silva giggled. "What about you, Aldred? Does your name have meaning?"

"My name means wise."

"But we have never seen anything wise from you, Aldred," Mareona said which made everyone laugh.

The group decided to part with Silva. She wished them well, and promised she would see them again when opportunity come. They were about to leave, but Stella stopped them.

"Aldred, I found a city a few hundred kilometers from here. We should check it out."

"What do you think, Aldred? Shall we check it out?" Mareona asked him.

"It's better than staying here and doing nothing." Aldred shrugged.

"Let's go," Stella said, and the group left the cave with Silva, then they parted ways as she wanted to explore the world on her own.

After Aldred watched her leave, he checked his own body and realized that he had become much stronger because of the spirit fruit.

Not only his stats, but also his intellect to comprehend skills, spells, and techniques were improved so far and wide. He had to train hard to keep his skills sharp.

"Let's head to that city!" Mareona said cheerfully.

Aldred nodded. The city was right in their way as well, so it was no problem going there. Who knew he could find something useful for the journey.

"Let's go!" Mareona said.

As they were about to leave a familiar face appeared in front of them.

"Hello, we meet again. Have you ate the spirit fruits?" Herakas, the powerful dragonkin, greeted them.

"Yeah we do. Lots of them," Aldred said.

Herakas laughed. "Good, good. All of you looked much stronger now. I overheard that you are trying to reach the next city."

"We do. It's on the way of our destination, anyway."

"Well, let me bring you there. I have some familiarity with the city."

"That would be wonderful," Aldred said.

Herakas slashed the air beside him, and space itself peeled off like the skin of an apple, revealing a portal. "Let's get in."

Herakas entered the portal and Aldred followed soon.

When they all arrived at the other side, they saw a grand city with lots of people and wagons stretched for miles seemingly waiting in line.

"Damn, the traffic is much worse than the modern world!" Aldred said when he saw this.

"It's only natural that this place is so crowded. As a result of its rich environment and abundant treasures, Golden Dragon City is among the most popular places in the World Tree, so powerful cultivators and merchants come from all over to do business here," Herakas explained

"Golden Dragon City? Why does that sounds like you?" Aldred asked.

Herakas laughed. "I told you I am a bit familiar with the city."

"Hmm, how did you get an entire city to be named after your race? Are you like a god for them?"

"Something like that." Herakas looked at the city while he recalled the past. "Anyway, go get in line. More people are coming soon, so hurry up. I won't be attending you. I will take my leave. Here take this." He gave Aldred a golden emblem.

"The city doesn't accept gold coins, so you can use that. It should be enough for you to have fun in the city."

"Thanks," Aldred said.

Herakas nodded. "Go now."

Aldred nodded and the group started to walk down the road. When they reached the line, Aldred saw the line was made of people and horses waiting on both sides of the road.

They waited for half an hour, and finally got their turn.

"That would be 1 Epic Crystal."

"1 Epic Crystal?" Aldred was shocked by that price. Epic Crystal was a rare item, and even Platinum Rankers wouldn't think about giving them away. It could even be considered to be a family heirloom for some people.

Aldred had a few, but he did not have a constant source of Epic Crystals. Sure, he could buy these crystals with his business, but that did not mean he would give one away for an entrance fee.

"Is this the normal price?" Aldred asked.

"Yes, it is. Now pay up!" The guard was annoyed.

"Aldred, use the emblem," Stella said.

"Alright." Aldred took out the golden emblem that Herakas gave him.

The guard widened his eyes, and his whole body trembled.

"Can I pay with this?"

"What? O--Of course."

The guard took a stone tablet that had a slot for the emblem. After the emblem slid inside the slot, the tablet shone.

"Usually, non-residents in this city can only stay here for a week at most, but you can stay here as long as you'd like. Here is your emblem back, sir. Please enjoy yourself, and do forgive me for my rudeness."

"Uh, yeah, sure."

The guard bowed as Aldred and his entourage entered the city with confused expression.

They entered into Golden Dragon City, and saw that it was much more crowded than what Aldred thought of. They were surrounded by people from all walks of life. The group walked around until they found an inn that could accommodate all of them. The city was also filled with shops of various kinds.

"Umm, Aldred. Are you sure we should enter this luxurious inn?" Mary asked.

"Since when have we scared of entering luxurious buildings before?"

"Since the guard asked 1 Epic Crystal for merely the entrance fee."

Hearing that made Aldred had second thoughts about entering the inn.

"Hello how can I help you?" a beautiful woman came from inside the inn.