
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 392: a dragonborn

"Well, I haven't fully learned it yet, actually."

"Then you should start to learn it. I am sure with your talent, you can learn it quick." Baendjbi already thought of Aldred as an idol, so he believed he could do anything.

"I guess so."

After they both talked about the sword will for a few minutes, they began killing monsters again. Baendjbi stared intently at Aldred, trying to study him as if he was a rare specimen.

Aldred killed monsters for hours.

"Even though I have been practicing with the sword nonstop for five hours now, I am still unable to learn how to utilize the Sword Will..." Aldred sighed.

"If you could in fact learn Sword Will in such a short period of time, it would be even more shocking. Even the top geniuses within the Buzzing Blade sword guild need to spend long decades of training before they can be trained to learn Sword Aura. And let me remind you that they usually need to reach Diamond Rank first before they could even touch the edge of Sword Will."

"If you train long enough, you will certainly be able to learn Sword Will sooner or later." "You should not be impatient, Aldred. You are without a doubt a genius with a high affinity for swords. If you train long enough, you will definitely become experienced with Sword Will sooner or later."

"You have that much confidence in me?"

"Why of course." After all the thing he saw from Aldred… it would be no surprise if he could learn the Sword Will in a year.

Aldred nodded and killed more monsters.

There was a notification that appeared on Aldred's screen after he killed a few monsters.

[You have received the title 'Monster Hunter']

[Monster Hunter]

You have killed so many monsters in your lifetime that the world decided to give you something. All damage to monsters will increase by 10%. This title can be upgraded as you kill more monsters.

Aldred laughed as he killed monsters even faster.

Baendjbi was surprised at how fast Aldred killed the monsters. "In a day, his sword skill increased by a significant margin…"

Aldred slashed a 3 meter tall plan monster and he smiled as purple blood splattered on his face.

'The titles are very beneficial. He got a lot of titles such as [Little Hunter] that increased his speed when chasing fleeing targets, and reduction of noise when sneaking up on the target, and more.

The title [Giant Killer] was one of his favorite. It increased his damage by 250% when the enemy was larger than him. And the larger the enemy, the greater the effect.

Should he fought a colossal space entity the size of a planet in the future, he should not be scared.

He chased after a buffed reindeer standing on two legs, and attacked it from behind with his blade. The blade passed through its neck, shoulder, torso and finally ended in its heart. When it fell down to the ground, Aldred heard Baendjbi cheering happily and praised him for it.

When Aldred arrived at the place where they rested for the night, there were already 20+ monsters dead. There were still several hours left before they would arrive at their next destination, so they decided to sleep first before going back out hunting again.

Their next destination was at the trunk. Wena told Aldred that the dragons felt like they needed to go there before they could fly again.

But the branch seemed so vast that he guessed he would arrive after weeks of travel.

He did not think much about it and began resting with the others. They started hearing strange sounds coming from the forest late into the evening. But then a tree monster suddenly appeared in front of them.

They stared at each other without saying a word as a battle between a giant spider-like creature and a tree monster started. The battle only lasted for a few minutes before the giant spider monster fled, leaving nothing but burnt grasses on the ground.

Seemed like the monsters were not commanded to only attack treasure hunters, but also each other, like real animals.

The sun set soon, signaling that it was time for everyone to prepare themselves for another day. They got ready and continued moving forward while watching their surroundings closely.

After some time had passed, Aldred saw something unexpected in front of him. It was a humanoid dragon! Its head looked different compared to the dragons he knew of, and its body was covered by golden scales.

"I guess it's our next opponent," Aldred said.

"That's a dragonborn."

"So like half-dragon, half men?"

"You can say that, but they are far stronger than a dragon."

"How can that be? A half-dragon should be weaker."

"Humans can be one of the top of the food chain. Why do you think so?" Wena asked.

"Because we are strong?"

"No. It's because we are weak."

Aldred thought for a second and he understood immediately. "I understand. We are weak, therefore we are dangerous."

Wena nodded. "We have to become dangerous and deadly so we can survive as a weak being. Some creatures evolved to be able to reproduce a vast number of babies in a short moment, but we evolved to be a problem solver."

"A human is weak, a dragon is strong. Combine that into one, and you got that dragonborn."

"A dangerous and powerful creature..." Aldred realized as he watched the golden dragon sitting on a stone, meditating.

Aldred used his godly eyes on the dragon, and what he saw shocked him.

"This thing is going to kill me when I get close... Shouldn't we avoid this area altogether...?" Aldred suggested hesitantly. He was afraid of getting killed by the dragon. There was no point if he died here after all.

He was strong, but he wasn't stupid either. If he fought this dragonborn, he would die.

[Kelxikmordel Herakas]

Level: 180

Power: Super Strength, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Master Swordsmanship, Magic Construct, Elemental Manipulation, Stealth Mastery, Martial Master, Damage Nullification, Portal Destroyer, Anus Sucker, Greater Aura.


Born at the time of this continent's creation, Herakas have seen many things. As a young dragonborn, he only knew was alone in this world. He was alone while world was against him. He was weak, so he has to be strong. Through breaking bones and bathing in the blood of his enemy, he had triumphed over them and reached the peak of existence.

"Hahaha! That's right. You are quite clever." The golden dragon laughed out loud as it stared at Aldred. It stood up from its stone seat as it revealed itself with glowing golden light. "I am Kelxikmordel Herakas."

"Herakas?" Aldred asked back nervously as he looked around for a way to escape.

"Hahaha... This name is just temporary for now," the dragon replied playfully, noticing that Aldred was frightened by his presence. "No need to fear me, young boy. If I want you to die, you would be by now."

"That makes sense."

"You were able to find my treasure island without much trouble, weren't you? How long did you take to get here?"

"Your treasure island? This whole island is yours? I thought the continent create it to challenge the treasure hunters."

"Ahh, so it's that time of the year. Treasure hunting was it? Well, how was your journey."

"It's fun, I guess."

The dragonborn laughed. "Not many have that answer. You are quite honest. That's rare, but it might be a facade. Tell me, are you a honest man?"

"Depends on my mood."

The dragonborn laughed again. "I like you. Come sit down next to me."