
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 378: the second riddle

"Death Lord?" The beautiful snake trembled.

"Have you heard of me?"

"I have. In The Tale as Old as Time. You are the one who killed an entire continent worth of creatures whether they are demons or insects. You killed them all and turned them into your undead army."

Aldred raised an eyebrow. "I don't where you heard that, but that doesn't sounds like me at all."

The snake frowned. "Then how dare you use his name to refer to yourself. You are treading with death itself."

"I will kill whoever that is. The Death Lord will be my title, and mine only."

Two Aldred appeared out of nowhere beside the snake, staring at her with cold blooded eyes, and a terrifying grin.

They slashed, blinding one of her eyes as she shot out her tongue in the shape of a trident. It penetrated to one of Aldred's clone, but the clone didn't even let out a groan in pain. He keep smiling before cutting off her tongue.

"Ahhh!" The snake screamed in pain and agony.

"Die, and be one of my undead."


The snake turned around and ran away, but Aldred chased her along with his clones and undead.

The Phantom Claws dashed forward, they were designed for speed and stealth, so it didn't take long for them to surround the snake.

"Out of my way!" She chomped four Phantom Claws at once before slithering away.

Aldred leaped on top of her head and then stabbed down. The blade created a hole through the head, and down the jaw.

The snake's head fell to the ground weakly. She struggled to open her eyes as Aldred approached her.

"Any last word?"

The snake didn't reply for a few seconds until. "Someone tell me to give you a message."

"What is it?"

"You have fucked my sister every night, now come and save me."

Aldred frowned. "Who would say tha… Ahh. Where is he now?"

The snake transformed into a beautiful half naked woman, weakly holding herself up with her hands.

She then pointed at the small cave.

"I see."

"Will you let me live? I just want to see him for one last time?"

Maverick waited in the small cave the half-snake woman called nest. Mana gems probed out of the wall, becoming the sources of light for this cave.

Looking around, he had to say that this cave was quite beautiful. It was perfect for children and husband and wife.

Shaking his head, he put the thought out of the way.

"What am I thinking? That crazy snake woman must have put something in my mind." He sighed.

"When is Aldred going to kill her? It's been 5 minutes. She should be dead 4 minutes and 50 seconds ago."

"Maverick!" The snake woman ran inside the cave and gave him a hug. "I missed you so much! Muah! Muah! Muah!"

After the barrage of kiss, Maverick asked in shock. "How can you still be alive?"

"How can you ask that? Of course I am alive and well. And now we can be together, forever."

Maverick frowned. "Wait. What happened to Aldred?"

"Calling for me?"

Aldred walked inside. "Yo what sup."

"What sup my ass. Why didn't you kill this snake woman yet?"

"I did."

"Then why is she still here?"

"She's my undead now."

"She's your what…" Maverick looked at the snake woman.

The snake woman smiled sweetly and innocently. "Hehe. Now I can never die, and stay with you until the end of time."

"Can you at least make her vanish?" Maverick pleaded.

"Yeah, that's the problem. She got a curse that doesn't let me remove her. So, she's going to stay with us."



"Why are you so upset? At least now you got someone to hug you in bed," Aldred said.

"I like my single and virginity status, thank you very much."

"Lies! I dare you to look at her boobs and not get hard."

The snake woman pressed her chest to make it bigger and shove it into his face. Maverick froze before he looked to the side, blushing.

"Hahaha. What a loser," Aldred said.

The snake woman giggled. "Come and take a look, Maverick. Don't be shy. I am yours to have."

"Get away from me, demon!" He pushed her away.

The snake woman fell on her hands as she looked at Maverick with teary eyes. Sniffing, she began to cry like a girl. "How can you do this to me. Wuaaaaa!"

"Your sister will kill you if she saw you treat a girl like this," Aldred said.

"What the hell she know!" Maverick replied.

He looked at the snake woman who was crying and hiding her face. Sighing, he approached her and tapped her head. "Alright, I apologize. Stop crying now would you?"

The woman pounced on him and hugged him tight. Smiling, she said: "I love you so much."

Aldred smiled and nodded. "I like the look of this. Now all I have to do is find a woman for Bartrem."

"Shit! Are you intentionally doing this to me!?" Maverick shouted at him."

Aldred shrugged and left the cave.

"Wait! Wait! Don't leave me with her!!!"

His scream was then muffled by sweet giggles of a woman.

Aldred and Maverick walked side by side as they explored the cave. Giggling and smiling was the snake woman who did not want to leave Maverick's back. So she hanged there like a sloth hanging onto a tree.

"Will you get off now? You're as heavy as elephant."

The woman pouted and poked his cheek. "How can you say that to a lady. I never met your sister, but I will tell you on this."

"Don't you dare!"

"Stop quarrellings like married couples."

"Who you call married?" Maverick glared at Aldred.

"I have something to ask. Can you guys solve the riddle?"

"What riddle?"

Aldred, Maverick, and the snake woman stood in front of the gargoyle statue.

"What was the riddle again?" the woman asked.

"What begins, but has no end, yet ends all that begins?"

Maverick thought about the riddle hard. "I think I know the answer."


"Drinking sea water. You can start drinking, but you won't be able to finish."

"Wrong!" the gargoyle shouted and then raised its giant hand, before slamming down.

Maverick widened his eyes as he trembled in fear. Aldred grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the back.

The giant hand slammed down, creating a deep print.

After that, the gargoyle returned to its normal position.

"Okay, so it will try to kill us if we answer it wrong" Aldred said.

Looking to the side, he saw the snake woman was closing her eyes as if she was deep in thought.

"Death. The answer is death."

Aldred entered a stance, ready to push her away in case the gargoyle attacked.


Aldred raised an eyebrow before he looked at her. "Nice job."

"It's not over yet." She looked at the gargoyle intently. "Tell me. What is the second riddle?"

"Wait. The gargoyle only asked one riddle. Why did you ask for a second riddle?"

"Solving the first riddle will make the gargoyle answer what you ask, but answering the second riddle will make the gargoyle fulfill your wish."

Aldred did not know that. Thankfully, he turned her into his undead.

The gargoyle leaned forward and looked at them as if they were mere ants.

Aldred couldn't tell the rank of this gargoyle, but one thing for sure, it could kill him with one slap.

"What can run out, but never ends?"