
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 373: raining boulders

While the Ranehawkes were preparing for their trap, the viking men approached the swordsmen and bumped into them.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Baendjbi replied.

"Or what? What can you do with your measly swords?" The viking spoke.

Baendjbi gritted his teeth in anger before he realized he was surrounded by the vikings.

There were around twenty of them who appeared before him.

An ax flew at him at high speed. It spun in the air as it went directly toward his face.

Baendjbi blocked the attack with his sword, but he was forced to retreat by five steps. His arms trembled, and if the others weren't here, he would spat out blood right now. But no, he must not be seen as a weakling in front of his enemies or his friends, so he swallowed his blood.

The viking laughed. "Swords are for weak men. Real men use axes!"

Baendjbi stood up and patted his clothes. "It is clear to me that you brutes don't know what manners means. Perhaps your mothers have never spanked you before."

"You dare?"

"If that is the case," Baendjbi continued, "Let me do the spanking."

He charged forward and swung his sword at one of the vikings. The viking blocked with his shield, and then kicked him, sending him to the ground.

Everyone was silent after that.

'Bro, you acted so cool earlier, but you got your own ass beaten…' was what everyone got in mind at that moment.

"Leader!" The swordsmen rushed to help him.

Baendjbi held out his hand, telling them to stop.

"Leader, are you okay?"

"I am fine." Baendjbi stood up.

"What is this? Are you not going to cry and grovel before that guy and begged for his help?" the viking pointed at Aldred.

Aldred was quite annoyed at being brought up. But if Baendjbi needed help, he would give it to him. Though Aldred did not know the man for long, he had a favorable impression of the guy.

"Let me show you my true power!" Baendjbi shouted. He grabbed the spatial bag from his pouch and threw it to the sky.

Everyone waited with bated breath. Baendjbi looked like a powerful swordsman, so they really wanted to see his true power.

The spatial bag fell and all kinds of treasure fell. Baendjbi wore them. All kinds of rare-grade armor wrapped his body.

Some of them were powerful powder, potions, side weapons, and two swords.

"This is my true power! Are you ready to die?!"

Everyone was speechless once again.

"So your true power is… wealth?"

Aldred watched in disappointment. Baendjbi's equipment was of the highest grade, and almost matched Aldred's armor, but he could not believe that Baendjbi said this was his true power.

The vikings shook their heads.

"Let's get this over with. Kill the man and take his treasure."

The viking sneered and then charged with ferocity. Two axes were raised, and then they swung down with a powerful force.

Baendjbi's eyes flashed with a cold glint and then he flashed forward.

There was silence for a short moment as a soft wind spun around them. And then a loud clashing sound reverberated, ringing their ears, as a powerful wind burst out like a shock wave.

The viking that charged toward Baendjbi earlier trembled with widened eyes before he fell to both knees, and then fell to his death.

No one could see what just happened. It began in less than a second and ended so quickly, that they couldn't even fathom the event. When did that man move his sword? How did viking die without an apparent wound on his body?

The sight stunned everyone there.

"You bastard! How dare you kill one of us?!"

Six vikings charged at him with the intention to take revenge.

"Baendjbi," Aldred called. "If you need help, just tell me."

Hearing that, the six vikings sped up their attacks and increased the intensity of their strikes. They knew how strong Aldred was, and even though they were here to piss him off, they wanted to kill Baendjbi first before dealing with Aldred.

"Don't worry I got this." Baendjbi blocked the attack from six different vikings and the bones in his arms almost broke.

"Okay, I don't get this. Help me!"

"Hahaha! And you call yourself a leader. If this is the leader of a swordsman, then I expect the rest must be trash."

Baendjbi frowned. "You know what. I don't need help. I can handle the six of you by myself!"

"Leader, don't forget about us. You can call us for help as well. There are six vikings fighting so, they are the losers, not you."

The other vikings grinned and then attacked the other swordsmen after hearing that.

After seeing that, the adventurers realized that this was infighting between adventurers. Because a lot of them had passed the first and second phases, they knew that adventurers fought each other all the time for all kinds of reasons. Whether it was because of treasures, pride, envy, or rage, the battle always turned bloody.

And sure enough, as they slashed and hacked at each other, blood spilled.

They fought for hours, and the others kept on watching in silence except with the occasional cheers as the person they supported killed someone, and they groaned in disappointment when their favorites died.

They already treated this as if it was a game.

After fighting for a few more rounds, both sides backed off with major wounds.

Baendjbi breathed heavily as his chest went up and down. His armor took the brunt of the damage and it still held up because of its high quality. But his stamina was depleting ever more slowly. If this kept going, he might die because he ran out of stamina.

Raising his expensive sword that would make any normal adventurer cry in blood, he glared at the vikings. "Come at me!"

The vikings roared and charged forward only for them to be crushed by a boulder. Blood splattered.

They all looked up and their faces darkened.

"It's raining boulders!"