
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 370: ogre attack

Ever moving, never descending, the island floated high above mountains and clouds. Birds yearned to reach it, and men dreamed of it in their sleep.

But never would they ever set foot in this holy land. Not without broken bones and spilled blood.

Elean stood at the edge of the island. Behind her, angels with harps, flutes, and trumpets played a heavenly sound that would bring pleasure to the ears, and salvation to those in despair. This sound was said to be able to bring back death, turn evil men into good, and turn any situation for the better.

The angel stopped playing and dropped to their knees, bringing their hands together as they closed their eyes.

In front of them was the hall of the thousand gods. Their bibles were each put on an altar with holy light basking them from above.

"O' great Lords. Please let us serve you for eternity. Let us toil in your garden, and serve your table with fruits and wine."

The angels recited all kinds of prayers for each god. Each god preferred different things, and the way to pray to them was also different.

Elean looked down again. She was looking for something, but when she failed to find it, she turned around and left.

Aldred, his wives, and the soldiers kept on walking despite the harsh wind. With the star barrier protecting them, they didn't have any problem proceeding.

It wasn't the same for the other adventurers. A lot of them were pushed to the wall so hard, their whole body became black and blue.

Baendjbi looked at this and was terrified. If he didn't befriend Aldred, he would suffer the same fate.

Mount Savy was known as an impossible mountain to climb not because it was high and the wind was harsh, but because monsters and Ranehawkes were always ready to strike and kill anything they saw.

The moment Aldred and his wives walked for a few kilometers, a group of monsters surrounded them.

They were ogres with a club in their hands. Aldred counted their numbers and they were 150 in total.

They were quite powerful too.

[Mountain Ogre]

Level: 88

Power: Club Smash, tough skin

If anyone looked at this ogre, they would be able to tell immediately how evil they were. These were the kind of creatures that would enter your home and eat your babies.

"Oh hooo… It's been a while since I have had humans for breakfast. Do you dare to come this far to meet this lord? Eat my club!"

As Aldred was staring at their ugly faces, one of the ogres suddenly shouted and raised his club.

Hearing that shout, the other ogres followed from behind. Some brought crossbows with them, and they fired toward Aldred.

"This is damn discrimination. There are hundreds of people here, and you all attack me?"

Aldred dashed forward, to distance himself from his wives before he twisted his body and dodged the ogre's slash while casually flicking the arrow out of the air with his fingers.

"You are surrounded by beautiful women, so you deserve to die first! Ogres! Kill him!" an ogre leader shouted.

"So you are the leader." Aldred ran toward the ogre leader. He wanted to send the message, and what is the better way to send it than killing the leader?

Seeing Aldred rushing toward, the ogre leader roared and activated [Tough Skin]. Its ugly skin shone with bronze color. He also grabbed something from his pouch and threw a handful of powder at Aldred.

"Shit!" Aldred halted his step and jumped back.

The powder exploded in mid-air.

"A smart ogre. I thought you all would be stupid."

"Not me." The ogre threw another powder that formed a white mist, blocking the ogre leader from sight.

Aldred activated his godly eyes and laughed maniacally. Charging right through the mist, he saw the ogre was running away.

"Where are you running, you piece of shit?" Aldred slashed his shoulder.

"Gah! Impossible! How did you see me in this mist?"

Aldred did not reply and cut the ogre leader's head, before sending flames in all directions, removing the mist.

His senses activated as he detected the movement of the air and the vibration of the earth. This was his battle sense. It warned him of threats without him even looking with his eyes.

Aldred did not even turn around as he stabbed in the back. An ogre groaned in pain, Aldred pulled the blade and spun, cutting off his head.

Soon after, he kicked an ogre in the head, knocking him up tens of meters in the air.

More ogres came from above, and they attacked the other adventurers too.

Aldred's soldiers and his wives were attacked as well, but they could defend themselves.

In the midst of the battlefield, Aldred was dancing, killing ogres left and right.





All of Aldred's attacks were fatal and deathly. A single slash and three ogres could die in an instant. And for those who survived, they wouldn't be able to fight ever again.

Aldred ducked, and performed a sweep attack, cutting off their legs.

Twisting his body again, Aldred avoided the second wave of arrows. The ogres behind him groaned because arrows got stuck in their throats.

"Be careful where you're firing!" one of the ogres shouted.

Stretching both of his arms, Aldred grabbed the ogre that shouted before and kneed him in the face.

The ogre was sent flying in the air, with a bleeding nose, and his eyes went to the back of his head.

"[Tough Skin]!" the ogres shouted which made their skin shine in copper light.

To Aldred, however, such action was completely futile because his attacks were too powerful. All of them were fatal strikes!

No matter how much health or defense the ogres had, they were nothing in the face of his blade. Phantom Doomblade was on a soul-absorbing spree!

"Spirit Slash!"

"Lateral Step Slash!"

"Spirit Round Slash!"

"Foresight Slash!

"Spirit Thrust!"


Leaping high in the sky, Aldred came down like a blazing meteor and slammed into the ground, sending out flames with a dark red aura in every direction.


The ogres screamed as they were devoured by the flame. Not just their skin, blood, and bone, but their souls as well.

Aldred had cleansed the ogres around him while the other ogres that saw this were terrified of him and quickly retreated.

Aldred looked around and saw dozens of rare items. Most of them were clubs, but there were sabers, crossbows, and swords.

Aldred picked one of the items and realized that they were trash. He sighed before throwing them away.

The adventurers that saw this gulped. Did he just throw away a rare-grade item?

"All of these are trash. Let me just burn them."

"Wait, wait, wait! My Lord, if you don't like them please give them to us."

Aldred looked at them. "Sure, whatever."

The adventurers quickly sprinted and threw themselves at the item.

A lot of them stood still because they already had a bunch of rare items, but most of them knew that fighting for a few rare items was not worth it.

Aldred sat down and was about to relax when he heard a monstrous roar from above.