
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 359: the necromancer

His wives chatted with Eneth Frayte with giggles and laughter as she told stories about when she was young. Aldred let them talk as he figured those old people here loved to tell stories to the young ones. Maybe it was their tendency to share.

Apparently, it was very rare to see someone with a lot of wives here. Most men here only had one wife. Aldred did not think that was weird since he came from the modern earth. The old lady even teased him if his rod could stand upright after puncturing many holes.

If only she knew his rod could even puncture the moon…

"You have told me a lot about this husband of yours. Your name is Aldred, right? What do you girls think of him?" Eneth asked the girls.

Mary giggled. "Where do I start? Ummm, I guess he's funny. But more importantly, he's determined. And he's really great in bed."

"Yeah, he's great in bed." Stella nodded, and so did his other wives.

Aldred smiled with pride at that comment.

Eneth giggled. "What a weird relationship you all have. As long as all of you are happy, then it is fine."

Aldred laughed. "Of course we are happy. Anyway, can you guide us to the Necromancer first?"

He said that, but Aldred knew she was lying.

"I will take you when nighttime comes. Why don't we have a little chat until then."

"Sure. I love chatting with you," Mareona excitedly said.

"I am fine with that," Aldred replied.

And they chatted for a few hours until Aldred asked: "Can I ask where the bathroom is?"

"Sure. Just go straight and to the left."

"Thank you." Aldred got up and followed the instruction.

He pushed the wooden door and entered the primitive-looking toilet where you had to squat to take the big two.

He was about to take his pants down to pee when he saw the water on the toilet bubbling green.

Aldred activated his godly eyes to identify what it was, and his eyes widened.

He put his pants up, opened the door, and walked to the living room.

"And we have gone on a lot of adventures, killed a lot of monsters, and even experienced many close calls!"

"You won't believe me if I tell you how many times we almost died."

"Yeah, thankfully Aldred was always there to help us."

Eneth smiled. "He sounds like a powerful man, and not just in bed."

His wives burst into laughter when they heard that.

"Hey, I think your toilet has a leak. Can I see the basement? Maybe I can find something there?" Aldred asked.

"That's fine. Just leave it."

Mary stood up. "No, Mam. We have to help you with the leaks. Come, guide us to the basement. We can chat while Aldred does his thing."

"Oh no, that's fine. It's normal for this city to have some small leaks. This happened because the city rains a lot. And whatever you do, do not enter the basement."

"Oh… Okay." Mary looked at Aldred.

"You know what, maybe we can look for the Necromancer tomorrow. You all should rest here. I have a big room for a big family." Eneth laughed.

Night came, and Aldred and his wives were in the bedroom. The bedroom was spacious, and Eneth told them she had a lot of children before and slept together with all of them. That was why she needed a big bed, but she hadn't used it since a long time ago.

"Hey, let's check the basement," Aldred said.

"Hmm? Why?" Kiara asked while she hugged him naked.

Aldred did not tell them what he saw in the toilet. "Eneth is a nice old lady. We should surprise her by fixing her leaks, and maybe we can clean the basement while we're at it. She's old, and cannot do hard tasks anymore."

Kiara nodded with a smile and kissed him. "I agree with that."

"What do you all think?" Aldred asked his other wives.

Mally, who was breathing heavily from their usual night routine, looked at him with blushed cheeks. "Of course, but you better be quick, because I want the 10th round."

"Me too." Rachel sat on top of him.

Sophia crawled onto the bed and sat beside his head. Her pair of mountains was clear for him to see. "Let's clean the whole house, and we can have fun again."

She hugged his head, breast pressing onto his face, before giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.

Aldred smiled. "Alright, let's go."

They dressed up and slowly opened the door. Aldred slightly pushed the door upward, to prevent it from creaking.

They could use an anti-sound spell, but where was the fun in that? So they tiptoed their way to the basement. The girls couldn't help but let out a giggle or two as if they were doing something naughty.

As they were walking down the dark stairs, a weird smell started to enter their nose.

"Seems like there's a lot of fungi here. We got work to do." Mira summoned her staff, ready to clean.

After they took the last step down, Rachel clenched her fist, and orbs of light appeared around them.

What they saw were not fungi or leaks, however.

It was a giant pot in the middle of the room, bubbling with green liquid that started to spill all over. A skeletal hand grabbed onto the rim of the pot, pulled itself up, and revealed a head.

"H—elp me."

They all gasped in shock.

"Is that a person?" Mary frowned.

"I think so," Mareona replied.

"Why does the old lady have this pot in her basement?" Ivette asked.

They all looked at each other and said: "She's the Necromancer!"

The door to the basement slammed shut, and the orbs of light flickered as if something tried to kill the light.

Dark mist formed beside the pot, and Eneth Frayte stepped out, staring at them. "I was planning to bring you here, but it seems like we are ahead of schedule."

"Defenous Candashio!"

Time and space froze for a fraction of a second before the entire room turned into complete darkness and transformed into a graveyard with thick mist in every direction.

Numerous death warriors with a scythe rushed toward the mist, and Eneth laughed.

"All of you pretty girls, along with that dumb boy will be the sacrifice for my ritual. Everyone in this town will fall under my curse and become my undead army!"

Suddenly, the mist spun slowly, the speed increased, and then burst out of the way.

Her eyes widened as she saw a green mist protecting Aldred and his wives from the attack of her undead.

Aldred grabbed the [Protective Necklace] and saw that it had lost its splendor.

"My turn." Aldred dashed forward, Phantom Doomblade forming in his hand, and then he slashed as Blood Lust leaked from his eyes.

His blade went through the undead like it was never there, and they were not cut, instead, their souls were absorbed into the sword.

Eneth widened her eyes in shock as she took a couple of steps back. "Cih! I have more cards than you think!"

"Intimiortis Viralortus!"

A skeletal hand burst from the grave, and then dug itself out, revealing a skeleton with shining, hollow green eyes. More skeletons appeared from the grave, and then dark mist engulfed them all, vanishing before reappearing as one three-meter-tall skeleton.

Green mist leaked out from its eyes, while its body was covered in a dark mist.

Eneth laughed maniacally. "All of you will die here. My skeleton is a Platinum Rank, and no one can defeat it!"