
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 356: leaving hofnmoen

Aldred grabbed some blood, flesh, and organs of the monster and fed it to the Phantom Doomblade.

Even though the creature has no soul, the Phantom Doomblade could devour some of the life force and essence in the organs. It wasn't that effective, but it was better than nothing.

"Dobbs, Stella. Try absorbing some of the blood or flesh."

Stella used her star power to refine the innards and consumed it while Dobbs directly ate the flesh.

Both of them experienced incredible pain as shown on their face.

Their bodies turned hot, brimming with power. They punched, creating a powerful airflow.

Aldred kept the rest of the innards in a bottle for his wives and the soldiers. This should be useful for them as it could increase their strength further.

He could absorb more, but it wouldn't give many advantages anymore, so it was better if he gave it to them.

The four Ultra Golems inspected the chamber, looking for something valuable. Dobbs had put a powerful inscription within their eyes, letting them see what normal men would not be able to see. Not to mention Aldred had shared the power of his godly eyes with them.

This made them able to see to the molecular level.

In battle, they could even see the weakness of the enemy in less than a second. Aldred's godly eyes were just that powerful.

After searching for hours, and making sure there was nothing else inside, the Ultra Golems returned to the lab.

There were computer-looking devices in the lab. The Ultra Golems approached them and tried to obtain information only for the screen to be filled with black color. It seemed like the computers had a shut-down function if someone without authorization tried to access them.

Aldred did not have too much problem with that. He already felt satisfied with what he obtained in this secret cave.

"Leave the cave."

The Ultra Golems were about to leave until one of the worker golems accidentally dropped a few mana crystals to the floor.

The sci-fi-looking altar beside the mana crystals siphoned the energy within the crystals and activated a portal.

It only activated for two seconds before the portal vanished as the mana crystals had run out of mana.

Aldred and Stella looked at each other.

"Where does that portal lead to?"

"I don't know," Stella replied.

"Should we go in?"

Stella shook her head. "Not now, Aldred. That portal could lead to a dangerous world or dimension with different laws. Exploring the unknown is good, but we better get you to Diamond Rank before exploring something that dangerous."

"Why Diamond Rank?"

"You might not know this. When people reach Diamond Rank, they begin their real exploration. Looking for treasures, secret techniques, and entering deep into a dangerous dungeon to find a way to reach the legendary Adamantite Rank."

Aldred looked at the sci-fi altar in silence. "Alright, I guess I will wait until Diamond Rank before entering it."

Mary and the others entered the storage room and greeted Aldred.

"What is that smell?" Ivette asked.

Rachel closed her nose. "Yeah, what is that?"

"Perfect time!" Aldred said. He summoned the bottles filled with the Xenorph's innards inside and gave them to them.

"Drink this. It will make you stronger."

They each grabbed a bottle and opened the lid.

"Ughh! It smells terrible." Mary coughed.

"Do we really have to drink this?" Mally asked as she looked at the bottle in disgust.

"Of course, you have to."

The wives looked at each other in hesitation before they nodded and drank it together.

"Yuck! It tasted like shit!" Mally almost vomited.

"Well, the worse the taste, the better the benefits."

Soon after, hot energy spread through their bodies, and they gritted their teeth in pain for a few hours.

Soon after, they felt their body becoming so much stronger than before.

Aldred's wives nodded a bunch of times as he analyzed their bodies with godly eyes. Their body now became more durable, and they would not get easily hurt even by Elite Gold Rank.

Looking down, he also saw their forbidden body parts.

Mally walked toward him and flicked his forehead. "Like what you see?"

Aldred gave a laugh. "Okay, we're done here. We should set sail again."

"Are you sure you're ready for the third phase?" Stella asked.

"Of course I am. I just absorbed the innards of an Adamantite Rank beast, how can I not feel confident after that?"

"So the thing we drink earlier is the innards of a beast?" Rachel asked.


"Excuse me for a second, I think I am going to vomit." Rachel ran off.

"Rachel, wait for me. I am going to vomit as well!" Ivette ran after her.

Aldred shrugged with a smile. "Stella, bring us to the command room."

Stella teleported them to the command room.

"Commodore Burchard, let us begin our sails."

"Finally, I have been waiting for that order, My Lord."

"What about Lord Shagatik?" Zafrina asked.

"I already got what I wanted from this place. He can take care of himself. If he needs my golem army, he has to pay."

"Wait!" Where are you going?"

On the port, a lizardman was running toward the dock. "We haven't conquered the region yet. Why are you leaving already?"

Aldred raised an eyebrow. "I thought this guy was in Setboker City."

"Maybe he's been looking for you. After all, we have left him on his own for more than two months," Stella replied.

"Yeah, my babysitting time is over."

Aldred used the announcement magic of the mothership: "I appreciate everything you have done for me, Lord Shagatik. Unfortunately, I now have to leave for my quest for treasure."

"No. You cannot leave! There's an army coming for me. I need your strength. Serve me!"

"Arrogant bastard," Aldred scoffed before he announced: "Serve yourself. If you want my golem army, then pay for the service. The manager will take care of the paperwork."

Lord Shagatik frowned. "How dare you disobey me! We have a deal!"

"The deal was to let my company do whatever we want to the region. This means we can extract all the resources available without any taxes."

"Then I will break the deal."

"With what power?" Aldred grinned.

"You have no army, Lord Shagatik. The well-being of the people within the city relies on my golems. Once they stop working, the people will suffer and the flames of riots will storm your castle."

"Bastard! You tricked me!"

"I did not trick you. I gave you what you wanted: praise, admiration, honor, territory, and legacy."

Shagatik gritted his teeth in anger. "Just wait, you will pay for this!"

Aldred laughed before he told: "Burchard, ignore that lizard and set sail."

"Yes, My Lord."

As the mothership set sail, Shagatik became even more enraged. He picked up a rock on the street and threw it.


The rock bounced off the super-durable armor of the mothership. Not to mention a rock, even an attack from a Diamond Rank would only dent it.

One of the main cannons on the mothership moved, and aimed at Shagatik.

Shagatik wet his pants as he fell on his butt.

Aldred and Burchard laughed at that scene.