
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 350: ultra golem

Aldred removed the notification and frowned as he looked at the alien's body. The alien's history said that these aliens hopped from one universe to another, and just happened to land on this continent.

But he was more intrigued by its memory. Outside of this planet was a vast world with myriads of cultures, technologies, magics, and creatures. He had seen it with his father and mother because they took him around different universes a few years ago, but there were an endless amount of galaxies and universes out there.

Even if he was immortal, Aldred didn't think he could explore them all.

"That makes it even more exciting. There's an endless amount of worlds to explore out there."

Now the question was, would there be more Xenorph in this region?

"Stella," Aldred called.

Stella instantly teleported by his side. "Dear, did you call?"

"Can you tell me where that thing comes from?"

"Let me try something." Stella knelt by the corpse and star particles glowed around her arms. Soon, they moved forward and enveloped the corpse.

"I found it. It's to the northwest from here."

"Bring me there."

Stella teleported the both of them, and they appeared in a world of snow and ice. There was a heavy storm of snow as well, and Aldred would not be able to see anything if not for his godly eyes.

In this world of snow and ice, there was a bubbling active volcano that spewed smoke and lava to the surface.

"It's below that volcano." Stella pointed before they teleported right below it.

Aldred felt the heat of the lava around them, but the snowstorm made it cold all over again. It was a weird combination of hot on his lower body and cold on his upper body.

Creatures with thick fur trod on the landscape. Most were docile looking for some plants to eat.

In front of them was a cave. It was small and narrow, but Aldred could tell that someone or something had done something to it that made it so.

Originally, the cave was wide. At least, that was what he discerned from his analysis. The dirt and stones on the surface were slimy, almost as if something spat on them to make them stick to the cave.

"This is the place?"

"Yes. See that footmark on the ground? It's the same as that weird creature."

"Let's get inside."

"Wait." Stella held his hand and frowned. Raising her hand, she held a tiny star before throwing it into the sky.

The tiny star streaked upward and shattered, revealing the stars in the sky even though it wasn't nighttime yet.

Staring at the stars, Stella frowned even deeper. "Don't enter this cave. It's full of traps and monsters that are not safe to handle. Not even for me."

Aldred glanced at her and nodded. "In that case, we have to send golems and undead inside."

"Don't send the undead. I am afraid there is a cave that can attack your soul by attacking your undead."

"But sending golem is fine?"

Stella nodded.

"Weird, but okay."

"Wait a minute, Aldred." Stella held his hand again. "How long do you plan to delay our journey? We have not set off yet for more than 3 weeks."

"I am still preparing for the third and last phase. You should know that the third phase is the most dangerous one."

"That is correct, but taking too long is not a good thing either. Others may surpass you."

"I am confident that no one will surpass me. But, you're right. I need some sort of deadline. How about this, after taking care of whatever is inside, we will begin our journey again."

Aldred looked at the cave. "Hopefully, I will find something good inside."

"Do you think your golems can handle whatever is inside?" Stella asked.

"Nope. That's why we're going to come back and prepare."

Dobbs looked at the report he was given the other day. It was about the ship-grade materials that Aldred had ordered, and he was reading them to determine if it was enough for modification and creation of new ships.


Dobbs jolted from his seat until he saw the one who was calling him. "You scared the shit out of me. What do you want?"

"Help me build a golem," Aldred said.

"You know that's not my field of specialty."

"Yes, but you can take part in making the blade. What I made is not very good." Aldred summoned the type 2 fighter golem's blade which was 2 meters tall.

Dobbs looked at the 2-meter-tall blade and shook his head in disappointment. "What a waste of quality materials. Fine, I will help you. What is your plan? Do you just want me to improve the blade?"

"I am thinking of making you my adviser. My plan is to make a strong golem. The type 2 fighter golem is not bad, but I want to make a golem that has an advantage in any situation."

"That's a tough wish to fulfill."

"But I think we can do it." Aldred looked at him with conviction. He was sure with Dobb's Divine Craftsman skill, anything is possible.

Dobbs stood up and smiled. "In that case, let's get to work."

They entered the workshop inside the mothership and began to work.

First, Aldred began to write a list of the features and capabilities of the golem, and draw the design.

Dobbs was at his side, advising on what to add and remove. Their planning took more than three days before they began creating the golem.

First thing they made was the armor, which was one of the prominent features of this golem. It was created with custom-made materials that Dobbs crafted with his own hand. This armor was durable and also flexible to allow the golem to move much more freely.

It also allowed them to easily withstand brutal attacks that would rip Elite Gold Ranks.

What came next was the sword. Apparently, what Aldred made for the type 2 fighter golem was considered trash by Dobbs, and he made a completely new blade.

It was called the Spellsword. Though its name has the word 'spell', its purpose was not to cast spells, but rather consume them.

The sword had the ability to consume mana and spells which meant if a mage cast a defensive barrier, the golem could cut through it easily. Not only that, but it could also consume spells, and convert them to power, before releasing a powerful explosion.

Of course, it has other abilities as well.

In any case, it would become his most powerful golem of all time. The only disadvantage this golem had was that it was impossible to mass produce, and Aldred and Dobbs had to work on it by hand.

And it took weeks to finish.

What stood before them was 2.4 meters of hunkering steel. Aldred and Dobbs intentionally made it much shorter than the other golem to make it nimbler, but its durability, strength, and destructive power was much higher than his previous golem.

"I never thought that making a golem would be this much fun."

"Wait until you see it in battle. It will be so much more than fun."

"Should we give it a name?" Dobbs asked.

"For sure."

"I will let you name it. What will it be?"

"I have prepared a name for it, but I thought it would be unsuitable, but when I look at it, I know it is the perfect name. I will call this golem as—

Ultra Golem."