
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 347: brath, breth, broth

Aldred frowned. He had been hearing about this Three Lizardmen brother for the last few weeks. It was said that they could defeat the early Platinum Rank by working together.

Shagatik pulled his face in fear. "We should retreat, and apologize."

"Why are you so fearful of them?" Aldred asked.

"You don't understand. They might be Gold Rank, but they are powerful and talented that even a Diamond Rank would respect them."

Mary scoffed inside. If Shagatik knew that numerous Diamond Ranks called Aldred their 'master', how would he react?

"Don't worry about that, my golem is quite powerful."

Shagatik gritted his teeth. "If we lose, this is on you."

Aldred ignored him and watched the battle that was about to ensue.

"Oy!" Brath shouted while looking down at the golems. "Walk back home, and don't bother this city."

The golems' eyes shone with red light and began charging forward.

Breth laughed, almost falling because he threw his head back too far. Holding on to his magic staff for support, he wiped the tears of laughter and said: "Seems like they don't care at all."

"Can I start shooting now?" Broth asked as he used an arrow to pick his nose.

"Wait for a moment."

The golems kept charging and reached 100 meters from them.


Broth grinned and placed his snot-covered arrow on the bow. The arrow shone with a bright light when he released the string.

It struck forward before bursting into thousands of arrows. They were like a narrow stars with a trail of light coming out behind them.

The arrows pierced through the golems, coming out of the back. The golems slowed down and slowly turned into rocks.

The arrows were not done with one golem each, they kept piercing through golem after golem, and then they arced upward into the sky, before falling back down again, changing their own trajectory to hit as many golems as possible.

Breth laughed before he tapped his magic staff to the ground.

"A dark and evil spirit, the infinite devil of the world, witness me in my time of need. Sustain me with your power so I may save my eternal soul and serve you for eternity. I request this of you with true devotion, o bountiful devil. Exalt me with your dark power."

Dark energy swirled around him, and his veins bulge on his forehead. Raising his staff, he pounded it on the ground one last time. "Hell Tower!"

Bang! The staff was light, yet the impact shook the ground like an earthquake.

Suddenly, the ground a few meters ahead of them cracked, and the rocks and dirt fell into the abyss before a dark tower, covered by hideous spikes erected from the abyss and stood more than 200 meters tall.

The sky darkened, and the clouds turned red.

"Ultimate Evil: Bloody World!" Breth bit his finger, and his blood was siphoned by the tower.

After the tower absorbed his blood, it burst with an evil aura, and holes started appearing of which small, red, goblin-like creatures rushed out of the hole and began attacking the golems.

The devil goblins pounced on the golems, engulfing them in flames, and slowly melting them as they fought.

More holes appeared on the tower from the bottom up to the top. The bottom holes kept summoning devil goblins while red arrows shot out from the top holes.

It was raining arrows, and they pierced through the golems. Its heat prevented the golems from regenerating.

Broth and Breth looked at Brath.

"What are you two looking at?"

"Aren't you going to show your power?" Breth asked.

"Nah, I will let you two handle these golems."

"Just say that you are too weak and don't want to embarrass yourself." Breth laughed.

"Fuck. Fine, I will show my power." Brath lifted his large sword, and it burst into blue flame.

Raising the sword above his head, he stared towards the golem army, and then swung down. "Blue Nova."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Numerous blue explosions exploded within the golem formation, sending dozens of them into the air, and evaporating hundreds of them at once.

Shagatik panicked. "Aldred, tell your type 2 golem to attack now! Your golem army is being defeated."

"It's not the right time yet."

After thousands of golems were killed, Aldred ordered them to retreat.

This made the three lizard brothers laugh.

"Look at them running away like a group of ducks." Brath laughed.

Breth let out a satanic giggle.

Meanwhile, Broth sighed in disappointment. "I wish I can shoot more of them."

"Welp, the job's done. Let's go back to the brothel. I was getting it good with that petite girl until these stupid golems showed up." Brath sheathed his giant sword and was about to walk away with his brothers when a loud bang was heard from behind.

The three of them turned around and saw a gigantic 5-meter-tall, hulking steel standing before them.

Brath's lizard eyes spun and his lips curled into a smile. "Now this is more like it. Those small golems are nothing, but this… this is something worthy to fight."

Broth's eyes lit up. "I wonder how many times I can shoot it before it goes down."

Breth lifted his magic staff. "Stop talking and prepare for battle. I sensed something weird."

"You three are strong. I commend you for that," a voice came from the golem. It was rough like sandpaper rubbing against concrete.

"A golem that can speak… interesting." Breth rubbed his chin with a smile. "From what I can see, you have a consciousness of your own. The other golems have it as well, but you are far stronger… it's almost like you have a soul. Like a true living being. But why are you still obeying your master?"

"I am his creation. Therefore, he is my father."

"Eh…" Aldred and his wives were shocked.

"Aldred, that golem considers you as his dad," Mary said.

"Who would have thought that your first child would be a golem…" Mareona said.

"Wait a minute, I don't consider that golem to be my son. It's a golem."

"Now, don't you dare say that in front of him," Sophia glared at him. "I have always been wanting a child, now my dream can finally come true."

"Seriously, that thing is a 5-meter-tall golem. If it was my child, at least become a baby first!"

"A child can be in any shape and size. Don't treat your son like that, Aldred," Zafrina said.

"Ughh… can you guys stop teasing me about this?"

They all laughed at being found out.

"Your father, you said?" Breth raised an eyebrow. "Very interesting. I am looking forward to meeting your creator."

"You cannot. You will die here."

"Big word." Brath brandished his large sword. "I like it."

"Can I shoot?" Broth asked

"I don't know," Brath replied as he stared at the golem. "Do you want to fight, sir golem?"

"That is the order given to me. Die!"

The type 2 golem charged forward and slashed with a wave of powerful wind and flame. These two elements wreak havoc on the surrounding area.

"Nice!" Brath, Breth, and Broth smiled as they fought back.


Fun Fact: Their names are inspired by the sound of fart.