
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 340: lizard lord

The mothership didn't take long for it to arrive at Hofnmoen, the nation of the Lizardfolk.

While Burchard was looking for a port to berth the ship, he frowned because he saw that a lot of ships were entering a vast swamp.

"Is that the port?" Burchard asked himself.

Aldred frowned as well as he stared at the ships that were entering the swamp. "Wait a minute, the entire swamp is a port!"

He was shocked to see that the swamp was actually a port with a lot of trees, moss, lily pad, and other plants.

"It's a Swamp Port," Zafrina said. She had studied geopolitics for years, and understood that different races had different cultures and ways to defend themselves.

"The Lizardfolk's port looked like a swamp to defend their territory. But it's not for looks or for deceiving the enemy. Stories I read suggest that the swamp is actually alive, and will engulf any ships that threatened the Lizardfolk."

"This swamp alive?" Aldred activated his godly eyes, but he saw nothing except fish, crocodiles, and other swamp creatures.

"It is said that the Lizardfolk have to offer food, wealth, and valuables to the nasty creatures that control this swamp for protection. Should the Lizardfolk fail to satisfy the creature's insatiable hunger, their whole civilization will be devoured."

"That's a very interesting story, though I am not sure if I can believe that or not," Aldred replied.

"This wasn't clear yet, but the Lizardfolk believe it with all their heart, and every year, they would perform a big ritual where they would bring all kinds of offerings such as gold, meat, magic beasts, rare exotic fruits, rare items, treasures, beautiful maidens, and even sinister criminals. They will circle the city, and then throw all of their offerings into the swamp. The swamp will then devour their offerings, and the Lizardfolks will cheer."

Aldred and his wives were surprised by that story.

"There's also an interesting story of the Three Lizardmen Brother. They are said to be a promising candidate for Adamantite, rank, so much so that they didn't even need to participate in the treasure hunt."

"How powerful are they?"

"I heard they managed to defeat an early Platinum Rank. In any case, they are quite a legend despite still being at Gold Rank."

"Just the three of them?" Aldred asked. Defeating a Platinum Rank was a hard feat. He had defeated a Platinum Rank Behemoth before, but that was possible because it just entered the Platinum Rank. As for that Agile Fiz, that creature was at the Mid-stage of Platinum Rank, so it was too powerful for him.

"Yeah, they are still at Gold Rank, but they must be much stronger now."

"Welp, maybe we can meet them someday."

Their ships entered the swamp. It was deep enough for the gigantic ship to enter, and dock.

The homes here were made out of mossy stones, and the people looked like lizards, walking on two legs. Most of them were quite tall. At a minimum, these people were two meters tall.

Except for the children, they were quite adorable as they chased each other with a stick.

Aldred saw the people here brought a basket and a wooden trident with them. A man walked by, three fish were stuck on his trident, and his basket was completely filled with fish.

"Most people here work as a fisherman," Zafrina said.

"Do they have any other specialties?"

"I am not sure. I didn't study their civilization enough since they are too far from my father's territory."

Suddenly, a group of lizardmen approached them. Most of them wore armor, but it only protected their shoulders, while their abs and chest were bare.

The one on the front, who wore full armor seemed to be the leader, and he brought a silver trident with him.

"Hello, good Sir. May I ask why you visit this humble city?"

"We're just tourists and we want to look around."

The guard bitterly smiled. 'Tourists my ass! How can tourists bring an entire mothership!?'

The guard looked in the distance and saw the scout's eyes. He blinked a bunch of times, signaling them to stay put. Because of the mothership's presence, the city of Jungendyr entered a state of wartime, and all the soldiers were secretly preparing for an all-out battle.

If he sent the message, this whole place would become a war zone in a matter of seconds.

"Anyway, here is a tip for you guys. We're tourists, and need some guides to take us around." Aldred gave them a bag of gold coins.

The guard blinked in confusion and felt the weight of the bag. He guessed there were at least 20,000 gold coins inside.

"We will gladly guide you around the city." He smiled and led them away.

Meanwhile, the scout was confused. "Do we attack or not?"

"Just wait for the signal. We cannot move carelessly. I have studied that mothership, and let me tell you, it will destroy half of our city before the swamp can devour it," one of the soldiers in hiding said.

"Half of our city?" A buffed, short man scoffed. "That thing can level our entire city in one barrage."


"He's a shipbuilder with ten years of experience. If you don't believe him, then don't believe anyone else. Not even yourself."

The lizardman was silenced by that comment.

"Let's keep watching them."

The guards continued to guide Aldred around the city and explained some things about history, and culture.

"So when does the sacrifice ceremony begin?" Aldred asked.

"You come at the wrong time of the year, Sir. The ceremony will not begin until six months."

"That's too bad. Tell me, what do the people here lack?"

"I would say ores and raw materials, Sir. Most of our metal, iron, and even magic ores and metals are imported."

"Wait a minute, doesn't your county have a lot of mountains and hills in the northwest?"

"That is correct, but our race is not built for mining. We can fight, and make our own weapons, but mining consumes too many casualties. We are not very proficient in using magic for mining either."

"I see. What else?"

"Well, except in the cities near the coastline, there are quite a number of crimes. Our race is only good at fishing, so when the city is far from lakes and ocean, the people don't have jobs and resort to crime."

The scout watching on top of the rooftop frowned. "Why is he telling that foreigner about our nation?"

"Maybe he wants them to leave."

"Or maybe he wants that foreigner to invest in our nation."

"He's a human! He will suck us dry. Humans are greedy bastards."

"How can you be so racist even though a human had saved your life before?"

"Shut up."

Aldred looked at the rooftop, and the scouts quickly hid. Smiling, Aldred looked back at his guides. "I wonder if it's possible for me to meet the Count."

"O—Of course," the guard said. Any man that had a mothership would be able to meet the Count.

Led by the guards, Aldred easily entered the castle, but he noticed the guards were quite wary of him.

Aldred wasn't worried, however. He could escape to the divine dimension at any time.

A butler approached them. He was a tall lizardman with a long mustache that went sideways. He wore a black and white suit.

"Gentlemen," the butler called. "The Lord is expecting you. Please let me lead you to the Grand Garden."

The guards nodded and led Aldred to the garden until a bunch of soldiers stopped him.

"Only the guests are allowed to enter. The rest may return to your own station."

Aldred gave them another bag of gold coins. "Thanks for guiding me here."

The guards received the bag and bowed before they left.

"This way, please." The butler walked confidently with trained steps, and soon after, they entered a vast and beautiful garden.

A lizardman was sitting leisurely with a bunch of beautiful lizardwomen feeding him and giving him a massage.

"My Lord, the guests are here."

The said lord lifted his head and looked at Aldred. "So you're the man who brings a mothership to my swamp."