
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 338: business tips

"Aldred, look. The herbs are growing so fast!" Zafrina's eyes lit up as she watched the herbs grow.

Aldred was happy as well. "The more I level up, the faster this dimension can grow stuff. Even animals reproduce a lot faster."

"What? Is that true?" Stella asked.

"Of course. Why would I lie?"

Stella then hit Aldred on the shoulder.

"What was that for?"

"If that was true, then why are you growing ordinary cattle? We should get some magic beasts and let them reproduce here. Their meat and organs can be used for various things, and some regions can use the animals as a workforce for farming, transportation, and construction."

"I don't really have the time to think about that," Aldred replied with a low tone. "I guess we need to focus on the divine dimension for some time. This treasure hunting stuff is occupying my mind most of the time."

Stella crossed her arms. "Get Tarrar to make a list of animals that have a good price on the market. Tell him to buy a few of them, and put them here."

Zafrina stepped beside Stella. "And also tell him to get more herbs and set up a company for selling meat and herbs respectively."

"Okay." Aldred waved his hand and a portal opened inside Tarrar's office. Tarrar entered the portal without much thought. It was like a normal routine for him.

"So what do you need me for? Does Burlisleho want to order more golems?"

"No. I want you to take a look at those herbs."

Tarrar looked to the side and saw all kinds of rare and exotic herbs ready to be picked. His eyes widened. "These are… these are high-quality exotic herbs! How did they grow here?"

"I want you to make another company specifically for selling and buying herbs," Aldred went straight to the point.

"Are you not going to explain anything to me?" Tarrar asked.

"All you need to know is that I can grow slow things much faster than anyone else."

Tarrar smiled and looked at him with an understanding gaze. "You said you can grow slow things much faster, does this include animals?"

Aldred laughed. "I know you would pick up on that. Yes. I also want you to set up a company for selling and buying magic beasts. I can make them reproduce a lot faster."

"I don't know. I already have three companies in my hand," Tarrar said in a meaningful way.

"Don't play hard to get, Tarrar," Aldred replied with a smile, knowing that Tarrar wanted to get more benefits for this. "The deal is the same. You will be the CEO, and if you work enough you will get a lot of bonuses. And don't think that I don't know you build a lot of connections and influence in a lot of regions because of your status."

Tarrar grinned. "I am wondering. How did you know?"

Aldred grinned back. "I have my ways. Say, you wouldn't turn your back on me someday, right?"

"How can I turn my back when you already know all my moves?"

Aldred laughed. "It's not like I treated you as a slave. You are doing much better than you are before. Much richer, much more influential, and much more respected."

"That is true. I love my job."

"Good. Now I have more jobs for you, and you will love them even more."

Tarrar laughed. Aldred found out that he loved making new companies and tapping into new markets. Because each market had a lot of people involved in it, more people would respect him, and he would become even more influential.

Even though the company was named with Aldred's name, not a lot of people in the business world actually know who Aldred was, so they thought Tarrar was the real boss.

"Just how fast can you grow these herbs?"

Stella stepped in and said: "Herbs that take months to grow can be reduced in mere days."

Tarrar frowned. "It'd be terrible if this news comes out. I will have to reduce the number of herbs I sell per month."

"You take care of it, Tarrar. I believe you know what you need to do," Aldred replied

This was one of the reasons why Tarrar was happy with his job. Aldred gave him a great amount of freedom in doing things.

"Okay, what about the magical beast?"

"Same thing. Procure rare magic beasts and herbs, bring them here, I will make more of them, and you will sell them under the company."

"I like how you simplify stuff like this within a single sentence," Tarrar said. "I will get it done."

"I will summon you in a few days. Make sure to get enough magic beasts and herbs."

"You got it." Tarrar stepped into the portal.

The portal collapsed and Aldred looked at his wives. "Alright, let's pick our herbs and grow more of them. System, do your thing!"

The system obeyed and lifted the herbs. There were various ways to grow herbs. Some had seeds, some needed to be cut, and some needed a mere leaf to reproduce. The system knew how to handle the herbs perfectly, and took the necessary procedures before keeping the ripe herbs in a separate space.

This space worked like his inventory. Aldred could access it through a panel and saw the name of the herbs and the quantity he got.

[Tundra Mint 4X]

Tundra Mint is a rare, small plant that can be found only in a cold region where warmth could not take place. This plant exuded a chilling cold sensation that will freeze bones and blood as a defense mechanism.

– Can be used to make a spell scroll: 'Freezing Strike'

– Can be used to make Freeze Powder

[Demon Ginger 3X]

Demon Ginger is a rare plant that can be found within caves and deep holes where sunlight could not reach. As a defense mechanism, the nearby creature that dares to approach it will experience internal bleeding and suffer great pain.

– Can be used to make a curse scroll: 'Hemorrhage'

– Can be used to make an 'Eyrie Draught' potion that caused the user to exude a red mist that caused internal bleeding to nearby creatures.

"Wow… no wonder these things are so expensive."

Aldred looked at the plot of land where the herbs planted had already grown ripe enough. "System, pick the herbs that are ready and then plant more of them before you store the ripe herbs. I am not sure if herbs can be ripe or not, but you know what I mean."

The system apparently understood what he meant thankfully. The herbs were sliced in some parts, and those parts were planted back before the herbs were stored.

This happened numerous times as the herbs grew, the system would cut them, plant them, and store them.

It was an automatic farming system!

"I'd be rich without doing anything," Aldred said

A few days later, Tarrar entered the portal and a lot of exotic magic beasts came in.

"These are the magic beasts. They are quite pricey which is a good thing for us. And these are more herbs for you to grow." Tarrar gave Aldred a bag of herbs.

"Good job."

"I am not done yet. Here is a bag of seeds. Within it are seeds for magic trees and plants. I am not really sure what they are for, but they are expensive. I will do my research about them, but my time is limited and there are so many plants I can research."

"Just pay someone to do it for you, and write you a list. You are a CEO now, you don't have to do things by hand on your own."

"You are right, but most people are incompetent, and I despise incompetence."

"Then replace them until you find a competent worker. Didn't you have a bunch of subordinates?"

"They are not suitable for business, though they are quite useful to take care of territory. Their hands are full."

"Then create a Human Resource Division. Make a team to scout talents, and filter people if they want to work for the company. Offer high salary, and protect them with golems. Make sure to study their background, and watch them all the time using golems."

"Human Resource Division… That never crossed my mind before. I will do as you said, and create a team to recruit and filter people."

"You can even hire delegators to go to places and make deals with various powers."

"Aren't delegators only for a government institution?"

"Who cares. This way you can send a lot of people to a lot of people at once and negotiate with various powers. Of course, if they are important enough, they can ask to meet you directly. This way, you don't have to leave your office too often."

"Seems like I underestimated your capabilities, Aldred. I thought you're only good at fighting," Tarrar said.

"Stop with the flattery and get to work."