
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 295: sea serpents encounter

Dobbs smiled when he heard that. "I will teach you that later."

Aldred sighed. "I guess I have to make do with what I have. I will try my best to control my mana."

"Good luck."

"Thank you."

They ended the conversation there.

Aldred then went back to his room where he was greeted by his wives.

"Welcome back, dear husband. How was your trip?" Stella asked.

"I learned a lot from Dobbs."

"I see. I hope it was fruitful for you."

"Yes. Now I can craft whatever I want. Not really, but I am going there."

"Yay! That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you."

"I am happy as well," Aldred said. "Soon, I can craft a more powerful golem army. Who knows, maybe I can make a golem as powerful as a warship."

Aldred chatted with his wives in bed before they make love all night. The next morning, the magic alarm rang.

"Pirate," Burchard announced. "Just a small group, but why do I get pissed when I see them?"

The Devourer's fleet sailed past the small pirate fleet.

The pirates were of course terrified to see such a gigantic fleet near them, so they scurried away.

"Should we destroy them, My Lord?" Burchard asked through his communication crystal.

"Kill every pirate you see. They might be spies."

Burchard grinned. "Yes, My Lord."

Right after that was utter destruction for the small pirate fleet. The pirate couldn't even react as 90% of their ships were blasted. The pirate on the lead ship was shocked. "Why did they attack us? We didn't do anything!"

Sadly, they would never get those answers as a large shell coming from the main cannon of The Devourer, engulfed them in a powerful explosion.

In less than 30 seconds, a pirate fleet was destroyed.

Burchard smiled. "Even though it was sad that the pirate didn't have a mothership, I am more than satisfied to kill people like them." He looked at the sea. "Come on pirates. Come to me so I can destroy you."

Unbeknown to him, his communication crystal was on, and his voice was transmitted to all the captains.

The captains scratched their heads. They didn't know their commodore was this crazy about pirates.

Tilford shuddered. As a former pirate, he somehow felt the wrath of his commodore on his spine. He was thankful that he quit pirate life.

They set sail without any obstruction. Bartrem practiced his cooking skills. The soldiers were having fun in the pools. Dobbs was watching the female soldiers with his glass of juice kept being refilled by the golem. The captains had leisure time in their command center but still kept an eye for danger.

And then there was Aldred with his wives in the bedroom making love.

Life was peaceful for everyone.

Sure they met a bunch of pirates again and some sea monsters. They met a bunch of Platinum Rank monsters. The destroyers and frigates bombarded them with shells, and they died. Their carcass was quickly stored in the cargo ship.

They steamrolled through the ocean of monsters. Even Aldred shuddered in fear when he saw the number of monsters that were coming at them. The majority of the monsters were at Gold Rank, but Platinum Ranks were there too. No wonder nobody put a Platinum Rank on the ship. The threat didn't only come from pirates but sea monsters as well.

"These are the weaker monsters," Stella said as she watched things unfold through her magic mirror in the bedroom with Aldred and the other.

"We might meet something stronger later. A Platinum Rank monster with Diamond Rank durability."

"Is that possible?"

"It is. Some creatures might even have the speed of a Diamond Rank while still at Platinum."

"That's scary."

"You should be. They are practically invisible in the Platinum Rank, just like you who are invisible in the Gold Rank. Almost nobody in this world could defeat you."


"I know some Gold Rank who can probably defeat you. But I know for sure you have to struggle to fight them."

"That's interesting. I might meet them."

"You will. Those kinds of people are more desperate than anyone else to obtain the treasure."

Suddenly the ship shook.

"Burchard, what happened?" Aldred asked through his communication crystal.

"I think you need to see for yourself, My Lord."

A projection appeared, showing the fleet, and in front of them was a gigantic sea serpent.

"So big... it almost matches the size of my mothership."

Stella frowned. "Not good. This thing has the durability of a Diamond Rank. And possibly even stronger than the common Diamond Rank."

"Will we be in trouble?"

"Are you in doubt of my creation?" Dobbs' voice came. "Just sit back and relax. See how your mothership handles this situation."

The sea serpent roared, creating ripples in the water. But The Devourer shone out light that protected itself and all the ships.

Enraged, the sea serpent dived into the water before pouncing on the mothership.



One cannon fired at the head of the sea serpent and blasted its right eye.


The sea serpent cried out in pain as another shell came at its slender body, creating a massive wound.

The sea serpent struggled to remain afloat as it tried to heal itself using its regeneration ability.

"Keep attacking it. Another one is coming as well."

"All ships keep firing. Make sure this beast dies before its friend arrives," Burchard announced.


Another cannon fired at the same spot as last time, and the sea serpent roared in pain.

"I am done here." The destroyer pulled back to the fleet.

"Do not hesitate to attack even if the enemy is already dead. Do it until they are nothing but dust," Burchard ordered.

"Yes, My Lord."

As the sea serpent was bombarded, it roared one last time before its body slammed into the water. It died, and then another one came.

"Time to test all 92 main cannons at once," Burchard grinned. He moved his hand around the command orb, and the ship's structure moved around. All the cannons that were located on the sides were moving to the front. They all aimed at the sea serpent that was approaching them.



The sound of the explosion reverberated even deep under the water, scaring the other sea creatures. And the sea serpent was blasted into a million pieces.

"Nice!" Aldred shouted when he saw this through the projection.

Burchard smiled. "Good job everyone," he said. "My Lord, I found something."

"What is it?"

"Please wait, My Lord. I will send it to you."

The mothership sent out a magic perimeter, and then two glowing orbs came out of the water and flew to the mothership. The two orbs passed through the hallways and then arrived at Aldred's bedroom.

"What are these?" Aldred inspected them. "Monster core?"

"Oh, these are quite rare. You're lucky Aldred."

Aldred used his godly eyes to obtain more information about the monster core. "I can eat this?"

"First you have to refine them with a special solution and spell. After some time, you can turn them into liquid and drin—wait! Don't eat it yet!"

Aldred swallowed the two orbs immediately.