
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 279: a pirate attack (3)

Aldred aimed at the middle hull, intending to sink the mothership. But, when he fired the cannon, its aim was deflected to the side, making its shell only strike at another cannon.

He glanced to the side and noticed that one of the pirates destroyed the cannon and changed its aim.

"I'm gonna destroy you first!"

Aldred was about to steer the cannon toward its direction until he saw thirty wooden speedboats quickly traveling on the water with mana particles pushing them from behind.

Aldred narrowed his eyes and saw that it was Bartrem and the soldiers.

"What the hell are they doing?"

Then, he saw the soldiers approach the pirate's ship, threw a grappling hook on it, and then climbed onto the ship before attacking the pirates.

Aldred laughed. "They want to join me for fun, huh?"

He got back to steering the cannon, but a large shell came at him and blasted his cannon. It came from the other mothership that he was trying to attack.

"Shit! Time to get out of here." He morphed into an insect and slipped into the keyhole again before morphing back into a human. He quickly ran away before the cannon room exploded to ruin.

"This place is dangerous. I have to get away."

As he ran away, a minotaur appeared in front of him. It held its large hammer with two arms and snorted steam out of its nose.

The minotaur slammed Aldred to the wall.

Aldred spat out blood to the side. "I am too handsome for you to kill!"

He summoned his Phantom Doomblade and slashed at the minotaur's head. Its soul was immediately consumed.

Aldred was going to find more cannon rooms, but then he saw a group of people pushing a cart with a 7-meter-long cannon and pointing it at him.

At that moment he knew had to get the fuck away from there. "Blood Teleportation!"

The shell flew at him right before he vanished and it made a dent in the wall. Even Aldred couldn't make such a dent on the wall of a mothership.

Appearing on the deck, he saw his undead and clones wreaking havoc on the mothership, but more and more people came out pushing out the cart of cannons to counterattack.

His undeads were blasted, and one of his clones even got killed.

"Time to leave." Aldred set up a teleportation point here just in case before he leaped into the sea.

A whirlpool spun around his body and it pushed him toward the other mothership. "Water elemental spell does have the benefit."

The whirlpool then pushed him out of the water and headed straight to one of the mothership's cannons.

The cannon fired at The Mother of Destruction and Aldred quickly took that chance to enter the barrel and went in inside the cannon room.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Kill him! He's the enemy!"

Aldred grinned and moved his hand elegantly, creating a whip out of water. He then slashed at the pirates, killing them all instantly.

The door opened, and Aldred was about to attack until he saw Bartrem.



"How did you manage to get here?" Aldred asked.

"I stole the key. Anyway, I will go to the other cannon room since you have already taken over this one."

"Where are the others?"

"They're on the deck, fighting those pirates."

"Alright, be careful with the smaller cannons. Even my clones got killed by them."

"I will keep that in mind." Bartrem ran off.

Aldred steered the cannon and destroyed a few destroyers nearby. "Hahaha! One of those could cost billions of gold coins. These pirates will be broke after this."

Just as he was about to steer the cannon to another mothership, a group of men entered the cannon room.

"Why can't I destroy ships in peace?"

"Fire!" The group of pirates aimed at some sort of wooden object with magic engraving on its surface. It looked like a gun, and it shot out a steel ball covered in a blue aura.

Aldred activated his godly eyes and knew that he couldn't dodge the steel balls due to they were too damn fast. It seemed like these handheld cannons were made by Diamond Rank as well.

"Golden Battle Gear!" The Golden Battle Gear wrapped him, and Aldred raised his golden shield before he was enveloped by his blood barrier.

The steel balls crashed through the blood barrier as expected, but it reduced their power.

They then slammed against his shield and threw him to the wall. Aldred spat out blood before he glared at the pirates and reached out with his hand. "Blood Leech!"

Blood particles flew at the pirates and formed into leeches before they pounced on their bodies and sucked out their blood.

"Ahh! Get it off! Get it off!"

"It's sucking my blood! Kill it!"

"Ahh, fuck it!" A pirate shouted before he shot the leech off his shoulder. It exploded the leech, but it also exploded his whole arm in the process.

The pirate was enraged and aimed his weapon again at Aldred.

"I will kill you, bastard!"

"Not today, buddy." Aldred shot a sticky string at the weapon and snatched it off the pirate's hand.

[Soul Flare]

"Soul Flare? An interesting name for a gun-looking thing." He aimed it at the pirates and fired.

The man's head exploded like watermelon and his body fell to the floor.

The orb in his pocket vibrated. He took it out.

"My Lord, we're ready to counterattack. Please leave the enemy's warship immediately."

"Okay, give me a few minutes."

"Please do hurry, my Lord. I can only give you three minutes at most."

"Will do!"

Aldred immediately got out of the cannon room and luckily met Bartrem on the deck. "Leave this ship immediately. Burchard is about to counterattack."

Bartrem nodded and shouted for his men to leave as well.

They all ran to the edge of the ship and met fierce opposition from the pirates.

Aldred and Bartrem led the charge and they cut the pirates one by one. Aldred noticed that the soldiers were also using Soul Flare. It seemed like they had stolen it from the pirates as well.

"We don't have much time! Two minutes left and Burchard will attack."

"Dammit! Men! Push and shove!" Bartrem shouted before he and the soldiers were covered in the red aura and charged like a raging bull. The pirates were all knocked away, and they quickly neared the edge of the deck.

Aldred fired a couple of times using his Soul Flare and slashed at a pirate with a water spell.

"Keep going! We have one minute left!"

"Why does time pass so quickly when we need it to be slow!?" Bartrem shouted.

"That one sentence cost you thirty seconds. Run faster!"

They ran as fast as they could while fighting against the pirates. Steel balls were flying everywhere along with blood and screams accompanied by the booming sound made by the cannons.

It was loud, chaotic, and a whole mess.

A steel ball burst right by his feet, and it threw a shard of steel at his cheek. The shard made a cut, but it wasn't anything fatal.

Aldred retaliated with a direct stab of fire javelin right into the man's heart.

"Fifteen seconds left! GO! GO! GO!"

They dropped their swords and hastened their pace.

The clock was ticking inside their mind.


They were approaching the edge. The water was already in their sight.


More pirates came, shooting steel balls and shells at them.


Shrapnels cut through their armor, but they ignored the pain and kept running.


The edge became near.


They were already at the edge and jumped.


As they were in mid-air, a shell from the main cannon struck the deck and created a powerful explosion that threw them away.

"Ahh!" They all screamed as the world spun. They couldn't even tell which way was up and down because the water looked so similar to the clear blue sky. Their sight became blurry and their ears rang from the explosion.

Eventually, they landed on the water. Aldred swam to the surface as he saw the other soldiers do the same.

When their heads popped out of the water, they saw the Mother of Destruction sending out shell after shell at the enemy's mothership.

Aldred's cruisers and destroyers were firing their cannons as well. He even saw some of the submarines underwater sending out magical torpedoes, using a water elemental spell to quickly navigate deep within the ocean.

Aldred, Bartrem, and the soldiers saw numerous ships being blown apart. A dozen speedboats came and the soldiers climbed on them before they raced back to the Destroyer's Fleet.

They watched as the pirate's mothership took a shell attack to its hull. Water poured in.

But even so, the two motherships were still strong. Even their cannons were still functional after taking a direct hit.

This was because the Mother of Destruction was too far away, so the damage was reduced significantly. Not to mention the pirate's motherships had activated their defensive mechanism to further lessen the impact.

But even so, the pirates still turned around and retreated.

"It's not that easy to destroy these motherships," Aldred commented.

"At least we win," Bartrem said. "It could be worse."

"You're right. At least we win, and we also sunk a couple of their ships."

Bartrem smiled and nodded. "By the way, do you think some of our ships are sunk as well?"

Aldred looked at Bartrem with a terrified face. "I hope they don't because I will chase them by myself if that happens."

One ship could cost billions of gold coins, so even one ship lost would make his heart aches.