
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 260: trading gift

"You guys stay here and train," Aldred told the students.

"Yes, Master!"

Aldred tightened his grip on Saphira's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Where are we going?"

Saphira just noticed what he had done and she couldn't help but blush. "Let's go to my office first."

They ran to Saphira's office, passing many teachers who were surprised to see Saphira holding hands with Aldred.

"Is that the new teacher?"

"Teacher of Class F right? Why did Saphira hold hands with him?"

"Damn. Does that new teacher have a secret charm? Saphira is the headmaster's daughter. I have never seen her hold hands with anyone except her father. What is happening?"

All the male teachers talked about Aldred, more so even the female teachers talked about him as well.

"Aldred is a handsome and genius teacher. It's no wonder Miss Saphira would have interest in him."

"But he has a lot of women already. Will it be okay?"

"I heard rumors that Aldred is very generous and treats all of his partners fairly, and unlike many others, his harem has a comfortable social environment."

"So they don't have to fight for his love and attention?"

"Not at all."

"Ahh, I wish I can become one of his harems. It would be a blessing," A beautiful lady said as her cheeks blushed.

A beauty glanced at Aldred as he was running. Aldred noticed her and smiled.

That small glance made the lady's cheeks blush. "Maybe I have a chance."

When Aldred and the ladies arrived in Saphira's office, they all sat down on the couch, and Saphira rolled a scroll of a map on the table.

"The red dots are the entrance of the tunnel, and the yellow lines are the tunnels."

Aldred looked at the map and frowned. "There are so many lines… but, they're not complete."

Saphira nodded. "Ever since I sent a lot of people to the tunnels, the Dragons retaliated and killed them. This is why a lot of the yellow lines are cut off."

"So you want my assistance to map these tunnels?"

"I just want you to help us protect the men that will map the tunnels."

"So it's a protection job. It should be easy for my undead and golems."

Saphira looked sad. "I am sorry to burden you."

"What are you sorry for? I am your ally, and I am glad to help."

Saphira smiled. "I will give you a high compensation for this."

"You don't have to. I will do it for free. I already consider Bravar a good friend. He gave me anything I asked for, one of the martial fields is even given personally to me."

Saphira chuckled. "Even so, I still have to give you something."

Saphira flicked her slender fingers, and a small beautiful lady pouch appeared in her right hand.

She inserted her left hand and pulled something out. It was a thick book. Saphira put the book on the table and gently pushed it towards Aldred.

"What is this?"

"Take it as my gift for you. I heard you are quite good at the art of golem creation, so I figured I should give you something related to that."

Aldred touched the book.

[Advanced Golem Creation]

– Increase overall attributes of golems by 250%.

– Golems have a random chance to obtain a unique skill such as martial art technique or magic spell.

– Golems receive 1 point of durability for every golem within a 10 kilometers radius.

[Would you like to learn this skill?]

'Yes,' Aldred replied in his mind. Suddenly, a surge of the information entered his mind, and all the applications, theories, and techniques about golem creation made a mark in his brain.

After a few seconds, Aldred fully learned the book word by word.

"Thank you, Saphira. This book must take you a while to obtain."

Saphira smiled. "Not at all."

It actually took her quite some time to obtain this book. She had been thinking hard about how to impress Aldred with something, but since he was very talented and powerful, and had a lot of treasures, she had a hard time on what to give him.

When she found out that Aldred had an army of a golem, she thought of an idea to give a skill book related to that.

And looking at Aldred's grateful face, she knew her plan was successful.

"I am very happy with this gift," Aldred said. "Let me give you something in return."

"You don't have to," Saphira said.

"I insist." Aldred waved his hand and a portal opened beside him.

Saphira was slightly shocked at how easy it was when Aldred opened that portal. She knew it wasn't a space-elemental space by the energy being used, and that made it even more impressive because non-elemental spells had a lot of restrictions on mimicking elemental spells. Especially space. It was one of the top 3 hardest and rarest elements to find or master.

Three 12-meter golems stepped into the room. Saphira was amazed by the dozens of mana crystals dotted all over the golem's body.

"What is this?" Mary asked. "I never see your golem looking like this."

"It's an experimental golem. I have been experimenting with making a new type of golem, and this is what I came up with."

"How strong is it?" Mary asked.

Aldred smiled. It can at least hold three full-power attacks from a Platinum Rank, and fight against it for a few minutes."

Everyone there widened their eyes.

"Is that real?" Saphira asked.

How could she not be surprised? A lower rank couldn't defeat a higher rank, so for Aldred to create a golem that can defend against a Platinum Rank was nothing short of amazing. That meant he was unbeatable in the Gold Rank.

"But I know you are protected by a lot of Diamond Ranks, Saphira, so this golem will do nothing for you. Of course, knowing it means I wouldn't give you something useless. There is one ability that made these golems worthy to be your gift."

Everyone leaned forward to listen to Aldred's next word.

"It can teleport you to a place through a mysterious dimension."