
The crowd started to fill in the surrounding of the arena with the burgers that they bought from one of Aldred's many stalls.

"Students from both classes please come forward to the stage."

Aldred nodded to Jeben and the other students. "Fight as if your life depends on it. Remember all the hell you had gone through."

"Yes, Master!"

"You guys can win! I am sure of it," said Kiara while raising her fist and motivating them.

"Y—yes, big sister."

Kiara nodded. "Un. I will be your big sister if you can win this."

Their heart thumped with a flame of passion, and their fiery gazes were now focused on their enemy.

"Boys, we have to win this," Jeben said.

"Hell yeah, we are!"

Aldred scratched his neck. "These boys shouldn't be so motivated by a lady at this age."

The students walked onto the stage, and they stared at each other. Class F was glaring fiercely at Class E, so they were confused and slightly terrified.

'Why do they stare at us as if we insulted their mother?' was what they thought at that moment.

Even the audience noticed the fierce fighting will in Class F's students.

"Wow, look at those eyes. It feels like those students are about to kill someone."

"Nah, they're Class F. They're the weakest of the weak. The teachers must have taught them how to bluff against their opponents in the hope of scaring them. These students have no skill."

"Hey look, there is a betting avenue for this fight."

"Who is stupid enough to do that? It's obvious that Class E will win this round."

"I am going to bet on it. Let's see. It's 100 million gold coins to bid on Class E, and if they win, I can get 1 million gold coins? Sigh. What a cheap bidding avenue. Whatever. Let's just do it for fun."

A lot of the audience didn't even care about the amount of money due to how little it was, but they did it anyway just for the sake of bidding.

Aldred laughed maniacally inside. There were thousands of people in this arena, and a lot of them would surely bid just for the sake of it.

He'd get a lot of money after this.


"What are you laughing about?" Kiara asked.

"It's nothing."

The host looked at Class E students. "Are you ready to fight?"

"Yeah!" Class E shouted.

The host turned his head and looked at Class F. "Are you ready to fight?"


"A weird reply, but we all can feel their fighting spirit!" the host shouted. "Now, with both sides ready, all of you may begin your fight!"

The crowd started chanting: "Class E! Class E! Class E! Defeat those losers! Class D might be a great underdog, but there's no way Class F can crawl out of the pit!"

Mira frowned. "Why are they against Class F that much? These are only young children."

Aldred thought it was so weird as well. Each student had influential, powerful, and wealthy parents, so discriminating against any of them should be unacceptable.

Kiara clenched her hands. "I hope they win. Those poor children. How sad it must be to have the entire crowd booing at them."

It was very sad and demotivating indeed.

Jeben and the students looked around and all they saw were people booing at them and saying that they were a loser and would lose no matter what.

This brought pain to his heart, and he felt like he didn't want to fight at all.

"You guys!" Kiara shouted. "No matter what you all do, win or lose I will still become your big sister!"

When Class F heard this, they all widened their eyes and all other voices were silenced. Fighting spirit seeped into their heart, and they regained the fierce flame in their eyes.

"It doesn't matter what other says!" Jeben shouted. "We have to win this for big sister! Let's shout our new slogan! MILF FOR LIFE!"


"Say it again!"


"Wait, isn't this a wrong slogan?"


"Meh who cares! MILF FOR LIFE!"


A few seconds later, the fight began.

"HAA! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Class E shouted as they charged forward.

"MILF! MILF! MILF!" Class F shouted as they rushed at their opponent.

"Who told them to shout that?" Mary asked. "And what does MILF even mean?"

Aldred coughed a few times. "I am not sure myself."

"You Class F will lose against us!"

"Oh yeah? We will see about that!" Jeben widened his stance and took a deep breath. He then glared at the enemy before punching forward.


A powerful shockwave immediately threw 5 students a few meters away.

The audience was shocked.

"A shocking attack from Class F!" the host shouted. "One strike from the student pushed 5 of his enemies back. Is this their true power? Or is it a one-time-use ability?"

More students of Class F widened their stance and punched forward, sending shockwave by shockwave that knocked Class E students away.

"WOW! Not just one student but all of Class F has this ability! What is this?! How is this possible?"

The audience widened their eyes.

"Could they actually win?"

"No way."

Suddenly, the students of Class F set a formation.

Jeben looked at his friends. "Remember our training!"

They stomped their left foot forward and pushed both of their fists to the ground.

Boom! The area cracked and all of the Class E students were blown out of the stage.

"All of the Class E students have been thrown out of the stage!"

"Class F win this fight!"

The audience was speechless for a second, but then they exploded into cheers.

Aldred was surprised. Didn't they mock and insult his students before?

"Class F!"

"Class F!"

"Class F!"

Jeben and his friends looked around and people were smiling and cheering for him.

It was a weird sight at first, but then they cried out of happiness. They had faced discrimination for a while, and only now did they get some sort of validation from the spectators.

The feeling of being cheered and congratulated was so good because they had never felt it before.

"Congratulation Class F! You may step down from the stage."

Jeben and his friends walked to down the stair, and the people were clapping and cheering for him.

The crowd spared them a path as they gave the students handshakes and high five.

"Congrats on winning!"

"That slogan was awesome! Did your teacher teach you that? Anyway, amazing fight!"

The students passed the crowd and saw Aldred standing proudly with a smile on his face. "You all did great."

The students embarrassingly scratched their heads and giggled.

And then Kiara came. "You guys did wonderfully! Congratulations. Come here and let me give you all a hug."

"Big sister!" They all ran up to her and hugged her.

Aldred's eyes showed a fierce glint, and a terrifying aura bursts out of him.

The students trembled and they turned around only to see Aldred smiling at them.

With the aura disappeared, the students continued hugging Kiara.

'I will let you kids achieved this victory for now. After this tournament, all of you will experience another level of hell.'