
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 249: have you experienced hell before?

Aldred woke up in bed with 9 beauties on his bed. 10 if he counts the sleeping Krista who was sleeping by herself on a separate bed.

When Aldred had fun with his women, they would sing a lullaby song for her to sleep first. And then Stella and Sophia would cast a silent spell so the sound wouldn't disturb her sleep.

"Morning, darling," Stella said before kissing his lips.

"Morning, darling," Mareona said and also kissed him on the lips.

They all greeted him good morning and kissed him one by one.

"I am so lucky to have all of you." Aldred hugged them tight and enjoyed their warmth.

They all felt happy when Aldred expressed his gratitude to them. Though in reality, it was them who were thankful to have him as a partner. Aldred never neglected them, and loved them all the same. He didn't favor one over the other. With that personality, the girls also developed a strong bond with each other. Even new members such as Rachel and Kiara were accepted quickly.

This was because they knew that Aldred wouldn't treat them unfairly just because there was a new girl.

"Are you going to school now?"

"Not sure, I am too lazy to go in the morning. I just want to lay in bed with all of you."

The girls giggled.

Aldred had mixed feelings about school. He hated it and loved it at the same time. It was the place he could get away from his abusive parents, but it was also one of the reasons his parents would beat him if he scored low on a test or something.

He shook his head and removed that terrible memory. He wanted to live a new life, and threw away the old Aldred. That was why he wished the god would erase his old memory when he got a rebirth in this fantasy world.

But, that memory taught him to be more grateful of his current situation, so it wasn't all that bad.

"I like this place," Kiara said as she lay on his chest. Her body was on top of him.

"You like the city?" Aldred asked.

"No. I mean. This place. This family and this relationship."

"But you're only with us for a few days."

"And I want to stay for years."

"That was a quick decision. What if you recall your memories?"

Kiara shook her head. "I am sure those memories are forgotten for a good reason. I don't have anywhere to go except here."

"You can stay as long as you like," Mary said with a smile.

"Yeah, no one is going to make you go anywhere," Mareona said.

"We all will accept you as one of our own," Stella said. "That said, why is your tail so cute?" She grabbed her tail.

"Kyaa!" Kiara blushed and her whole body shook. "Please, don't grab my tail like that. It's very sensitive right now."

Stella grinned naughtily and caressed her tail.

"Kyaa! No!"

"Hehehe. Now that you're one of us, you cannot escape from my grasp."

Kiara looked at Aldred with teary eyes like she was asking for help.

Aldred shrugged with a smile, and instead of helping her, he hugged her tight to prevent her from moving.

"Aldred, you're evil!"

Stella tickled her tail for a good few minutes, and she was exhausted from laughing out loud. Eventually, she fell on Aldred's chest and breathed weakly.

"Alright, that's enough, Stella. She looks exhausted."

Stella giggled. "It's getting late, Aldred. You're not going to work?"

Aldred sighed. "Having a job is really hard, huh. Before this, I could do whatever I want, whenever I want."

"Just think of it as helping the Phoenix."

"Right. I want to ask Bravar to assign me more classes. Only teaching 24 students is not good enough for me when I can do more."

Aldred stood up. Mary then dressed him with the help of others, making sure that he looked clean and handsome.

"And we're done."

"Thank you. I am off to work now. By the way, let me transfer 5 billion gold coins so you can use them as daily money. I am sure Bartrem and the soldiers will need to buy something in the city."

The girls were shocked, except for Zafrina.

"How much did you just say?"

"5 billion gold coins."

"Where did you get so much money?"

"Don't think too much about it." Aldred transferred the gold coins to Mary's card. "Just let them buy whatever they want. I am off to work now."

Aldred jumped off of the balcony and flew to school using Flame Jet.

As he was flying in the air, a group of people shot magical nets at him. Aldred raised an eyebrow.

"Fire Combustion."

All the nets burned to ashes as Aldred hovered in the sky.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"You are breaking the rule. Your flight is too loud and it disturbs the public."

Aldred looked at the dragon insignia on their chest and immediately understood what was happening.

"I have students to teach, so don't mess with me."

"You dare!? Come down here so we can fine you. If not, we will come for your family!"

"I live in Phoenix's territory. What can you do there?"

"Humph! You think we cannot send assassins to them? If you leave, you'll find them dead."

Aldred stopped on his flight, and took a deep breath as his body trembled in rage.

He landed on the ground and glared at the officers.

The officers grinned and laughed.

"Good. Now give us all your money. This is your fine for disturbing the peace."

Aldred stayed silent and kept glaring at them.

"Didn't you hear what I said?! Give me all your money!"

Aldred looked to the side, and saw that these officers were currently tearing down a building with people still in it.

"What are you people doing? There's still people in that building!"

"None of your business. They can't pay rent so we have to destroy the building. And these people don't want to come out of their house."

"That's a lie. We always pay the rent for the land in a timely manner. We even paid extra to bribe them, but they increased the payment. We could barely eat anything now, and they keep asking for more."

"Shut up!" the officer shouted. "You have no right here to speak!"

Aldred sneered. "People like you don't have the right to live."

"What did you say?" The officer glared at him.

"I am done with talking. All of you come at me."

"You think you can fight the 8 of us at once? Hahaha! What a fool!"

Aldred sighed and summoned his Phantom Doomblade. Lightning crackled around the blade, and red mist slowly circled around the blade.

The officers didn't know why, but they shuddered when they saw the blade appearing out of nowhere. The more they looked, the more they became fearful of it.

"What a powerful blade…"

The onlookers started to back away, and nearby stores closed their stores. Some people hid on the rooftop to watch.

The officers saw a chance. "Give us that blade, and we will let you go."

If he could bring that blade to his superior, he would surely get promoted.

"Let me ask you something," Aldred said. "Have you experienced hell before?"