
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 247: respect and wealth

After school was over, the students all ran to their luxurious private carriages. This school was really for the rich as the student's carriages looked more impressive than the others. And the beasts that pulled these carriages weren't ordinary at all. At minimum, these beast were at Platinum Ranks.

Dozens of Platinums ranks even guarded these children as they went home. Everyone was excited when the school was over.

Especially 1st grade martial class F.

Although their body was so exhausted that they couldn't even run to their carriage. One after another, the kids entered the carriage and weakly told the coachmen to bring them home.

When they arrived at home, their parents asked what happened. Of course, they told them about the training and how tough it was. But there was no animosity to Aldred in their tone. In fact, they were proud that they just experienced the hardest training they had ever seen.

The parents on the other hand were slightly disturbed by the training. Some of them wanted to talk to Aldred again. But the students told them not to.

"How can I let the teacher train you like this. I know you respect Master Aldred, but I need to talk to him."

"No, dad. Although the training is hard, all of us went through the same thing, and we started enjoying it."

"I still have to talk to him. This is too much."

"Dad, look at this." The boy punched forward, and a small sonic boomed burst forth, throwing the table into the air.

The father frowned. "That attack… it's approaching the power of a Bronze Rank. You haven't even entered that rank yet."

"It must be because of the training, dad. Master Aldred doesn't torture us for fun. He really wants us to win against Class A."

"That yearly competition is near?"

"It will begin in a month."

"In a month?! I need to tell your master to increase the training."


Although the students began to enjoy the training, that didn't mean they want to do it again.

Not to mention making it even harder.

But alas, the parents still talked to Aldred to increase the training even more. They also tried to invite Aldred to their home.

Aldred shrugged and thought to spend an hour or so visiting their home.

He was welcomed with a feast, a little laughter, and chit chat. After that they asked Aldred to teach their subordinates a thing or two.

Aldred accepted immediately. He knew they paid him 3 billion gold coins not for chatting, and they were his allies, so there was no need in scamming them more of their money.

The Diamonds Ranks were skeptical at first. Aldred was just a Gold Rank. How would someone two ranks lower than them be eligible to teach them?

But their boss told them to listen to Aldred, and so they did.

In less than a minute later, these Diamond Ranks were shocked and looked at Aldred in a different way. The spells, skills, and martial techniques that they trained for decades was improved and strengthened in mere minutes.

This made them respect Aldred like he was their father.

"Master." They bowed at him.

Aldred laughed. "No need to call me master. Aldred is fine."

None of them dared to call him with such a casual name. It was hard to improve oneself when one was already at Diamond Rank. No one could teach them as they were already the strongest. The only way to improve was decades of training and experimenting.

Everyone knew this. So when Aldred improved their strength, they knew that Aldred was a national treasure and should be respected for his skill.

When they heard that Aldred was paid 3 billion gold coins for each visit. They were shocked.

"Why so little? Master, you should ask for more."

Aldred waved his hand. "I am not here for money. I am here because I want the Phoenix to be stronger as a whole."

That was of course a lie. How could he show his greedy tendency in front of his students? He had to set a good example.

The Diamond Ranks widened their eyes when they heard that. They didn't expect Master Aldred to be so generous, compassionate, and loyal to the Empress' ideology.

"Master, I believe you will become the strongest Diamond Ranks in the future. There's even a high chance that you will become an Adamantite Ranker. But if there's ever a chance that you want to be the emperor of this nation, please be assured that you have our full support."

Aldred smiled. "I thank you for your words. Now, I have to take my leave and go to other places. I have a lot of Diamond Ranks to teach."

"Please let us escort you out, Master."

"You don't have to."

"We insist."

The Diamond Ranks then escorted Aldred out of the manor to the shock of the guards and servants. Even the lord of the house was shocked. Earning the respect of these Diamond Ranks was like creating a house in the sky—near impossible.

For Aldred to have gained their respect in a snap of a finger was very impressive.

Even the house servants couldn't help but talk about it.

"Who is that? How come he's escorted by the Diamond Ranks?"

"They even call him 'master' like he was their most respected teacher."

"Shhh. Don't talk too loudly. That's Master Aldred. I heard he's a new teacher in Phoenix Military School."

"That doesn't explain why the Diamond Ranks respected him so much."

"Haven't you heard? He even taught Bravar, the Headmaster of the Phoenix Military School, some lessons about his power."

"What? Who can give the headmaster himself a lesson?"

"That man is a legend. I heard of his tale and nicknames, but I never expected a Gold Rank like him would earn the respect of a Diamond Rank."

Aldred walked out of the gate and turned around as the Diamond Ranks bowed.

"Please have a safe trip, master."

"I will." Aldred smiled and entered a carriage that was given to him by the lord.

He then traveled around the city and taught the subordinates of the noble and wealthy merchants, earning him their respect and tons of money. TONS!

Aldred looked at his adventure guild card while sitting on his carriage.

The number showed in bright golden light.

"36 BILLION! I am so rich!"