
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 240: school visit

"So where do you think this Aldred is?"

"Word says that he's here. In Thory City."

"Should we hunt him down?"

"A lot of people tried and became his undead. Do you want to be one of them?"

"We can surely bring him down with enough people."

"Sigh. Let me ask you simple question. If you gather your people now, can you go and conquer a city in one day?"

"Of course not."

"Exactly. This man can do it, and you think enough people is enough to defeat him?"

"Fuck, you're right. But with that amount of money, why haven't the Platinum Ranks made a move yet?"

"He's protected by the curse of the treasure hunter."

"Ah, I see. So he's one of those treasure hunters. No wonder."

After an hour or so, Aldred finished eating his food. Then they all stood up to leave the restaurant after paying the bills.

But before that, he slowly passed the table that talked about him earlier and gave them a haughty smirk.

The people there were immediately irritated, but then they took a closer look at his face, and their eyes widened in shock. They watched as Aldred left the restaurant.

"Is that Aldred?"

"He looks like the same guy in the poster, it has to be him. Should we jump him?"

"Are you a fucking idiot? You know that lady beside him? That's Saphira Marshtride. She was the daughter of Duke Bravar. The head of Marshtride family and also the headmaster of Phoenix Military School. Do you want your whole family to be slaughtered?"

"Uhh… no?"

"Then sit your ass down, idiot."

"Where are we going now, big brother Aldred?" Krista asked.

"We're going to visit Saphira's school."

"A school?" Krista's eyes turned bright. "Krista wants to see a school too!"

Aldred laughed. He had never seen anyone be so excited to go to school before. Back on modern earth, everyone just wants to play and avoid school. school sucks. (FACTS!!)

Though for him, school was the best time of the day. Not because of the lesson, the friends, or teachers, but because he was away from his parents.

He shook his head and drove the bad memory away. That wasn't his life anymore. He should forget about them and be the new Aldred.

"Saphira, can you lead us to the school?"

Saphira smiled. "I will be happy too. But I cannot let you walk there. Let me call my carriage."

She snapped her fingers, and looked up towards the sky.

At first, they saw nothing, but then, a pair of white flying horses neighed in the sky while pulling a luxurious carriage.

The horses flew down with high speed, but they landed without the slightest vibration and stopped in front of them.

"I am sure flying is not a new experience for all of you, but please let me host you during our journey in the air."

"I have never flown before," Kiara said. "Or I think I haven't. I cannot remember."

Saphira was slightly surprised by that. In her view, Kiara was a noble as well. Her majestic hair and clothes made her look like she was a princess from the Leonin race. Looking at her amazing curve, Saphira felt a tinge of jealousy.

They all entered the carriage. From outside it looked compact and elegant, but inside was a spacious space of elegant white color, and when Aldred sat down, he could feel the soft and refreshing texture.

"This is nice stuff."

"It's much better than riding on Teethless' back or staying inside Xer Xai's stomach."

"That is true."

They all laughed after that.

Aldred caressed the soft sofa. "I think I should get a carriage like this."

"If you want one, I can arrange for our craftsmen to build it for you."

Aldred smiled. "Thank you for that. But I don't want to burden you anymore than this, so please let me politely refuse the offer."

Mary, Mareona, and Mira thought that it was suspicious for Aldred to reject free stuff. Did he really feel bad about burdening her?

No way. Impossible.

And yes, it was impossible. Aldred did not want to waste his favor for a mere carriage. He might find something better in the future, and he can ask for it without the risk of being called shameless or greedy.

They were his allies after all, it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if he did them evil like that.

He'd try his best teaching in this school. With his ability, teaching students shouldn't be a problem at all.

As they enjoyed wine and juice in the carriage, they saw the beautiful view of the city. It was a magnificent sight.

"Look at this view," Saphira said. "It's a view that only someone like us can experience. Isn't it sad that a lot of people cannot enjoy this?"

"That's how this world works. Some people are born at the top. Others have the chance to fight for it. And the rest can only toil at the bottom. Forever."

"That's a very realistic way of seeing reality."

"I would like to be as real as possible."

Although this world was a fantasy world in its essence. Well, in this case, it wasn't a fantasy anymore. But a magical reality.

"Look, we have arrived."

What they saw below was a vast school that in itself was as large as a city. It had thousands of buildings, proper streets, a few gardens, training grounds, and many more. The cafeteria was bustling with students, and he saw their food was magical as well.

Those foods can increase attributes stats, and they cost a tremendous amount of money. To feed the students here with that type of food, just how rich is this school?

When they landed in front of the school, the large gate automatically opened itself as dozens of guards saluted respectfully. The carriage went in and parked in front of the majestic building.

As they exited the carriage, a man with expensive-looking clothes was standing in front of the building.

Saphira ran to him with a smile. "Father!"