
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 238: saphira marshtride

After they finished eating the fried banana, they were served with fruit salad. The dish was called Fruit Fantasia which already gave an image of what to expect. The variety of fruits were incredible. A lot of the fruits looked similar to modern earth such as sliced watermelons, strawberry, dragon fruits, and many more. They were then slightly drizzled with cheese and yogurt. (Cheese doesn't go on fruit - T)

Overall, it freshened their throat after a heavy meal.

When they finished everything, Aldred leaned on his chair, feeling so full. "That was so damn good. I really feel like I was in heaven when eating all of that."

The girls nodded in agreement as they leaned on their chairs too. Their belly was so full because they ordered a lot of food.

"I will definitely come again when I have the chance," Aldred said. "Hello, can I have the bill?"

"Certainly, dear customer." The beautiful waitress immediately gave the bills in a fancy board to Aldred.

Aldred took a look at the bills and his eyes bulged. "1.7 million gold coins?! Heaven is a short yet expensive experience apparently."

"Unless you die. Heaven is free if you die," Mira said jokingly.

They all laughed when they heard that. Mira was a nun, so hearing it from her made it even funnier.

"Technically, you paid the ticket to heaven with your life, but I admit that joke was good," Aldred laughed.

Aldred was about to take out his adventure guild card until a woman approached him from the side.

She was a beautiful woman with a tight black dress that wrapped around her curvy waist and slender ass.

"Hello, I am sorry to bother you."

"How can I help you?" Aldred asked.

She giggled with a cute voice. "I heard you're a humble man. Seeing you now, I know that to be true. But you didn't hesitate to treat your friends lavishly."

"Of course not. Money is there to be used after all. I cannot bring it to my grave, so why not treat my friends so they can enjoy life."

She giggled again. "My name is Saphira Mashtride. My father is Bravar Mashtride."

The customers nearby immediately widened their eyes when they heard her name and her father's name.

"Bravar Mashtride? The headmaster of Phoenix Military School?"

"No way. That's his daughter? Damn, she's so beautiful."

"She's out of your league, bro. Don't even think about it."

"A man can dream."

Aldred heard their conversation. "So how can I help you?"

"I will be blunt and honest. My father wants you to teach temporarily at our school. I heard your fleet will be ready in 3 months?"

"That's what Tulban told me."

Saphira smiled. "While your fleet is being built, why don't you become a teacher at our school? I heard a lot about your legendary feat. Riding an eternal beast the size of a mountain you bulldozed through opposition and cleared an entire province of bandits. I also heard of your skills in the sword arts and magic. With that capability, how can we not invite you to teach at our school."

"I am not sure. I think I am good at teaching, but I usually use my own methods of teaching."

"That's totally fine. You have full control on what and how you want to teach the students. There will be no curriculum to follow. Only guidelines. But the guidelines are merely common sense written in words, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"I am still not sure. I ran out of money for building the fleet. I was planning to do something to earn money."

Saphira giggled. "You're a funny one. Of course we will compensate you handsomely. You're on our side, and so it will be fair to you."

'Does that mean you will not be fair if I was your enemy?' Aldred bitterly smiled. This lady was exceptionally honest.

"I can do that. But I don't think I can work for long hours."

"No problem. You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you feel like it. No restriction."

"Seriously? This sounds too good to be true."

Saphira slightly tapped off the dust on his shoulder. "You think too lightly of your worth, Aldred. I heard you have a good pair of eyes that can see the imperfection of a technique."

"You even know that?"

"We have the habit of gathering a lot of information about a person before we meet them."

"That sounds like a breach of privacy."

"Everyone does things this way." Saphira shrugged.

"I am fine actually. But I am still not sure if I can teach or not."

"I think you should do it, Aldred," Mary said. "There's no harm in teaching. You're a very good teacher."

Aldred then recalled how he taught a leonin in improving his technique.

"Yeah, I will try it then."

"Great," Mary said. "Try your best. The students in this school are our allies. If you can make them stronger you will help the empress a lot."

"I will do that. By the way, Saphira. I forgot to bring my card, can you pay the bills for me?"

"No problem." She took the bill and her eyes widened when she looked at the cost.

Aldred was laughing inside when he saw her reaction. Today was a good day. He ate a lot of good food, and now his bill was being paid by a beauty.

It was the best day ever.

"Aldred," Saphira called.


"Is this all your bill?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I thought you would eat a lot more than this. This is too cheap. Next time, I will bring you to a fancier place."


So the shocked expression earlier wasn't because it was too expensive, but because it was too damn cheap.

"So when can you begin, Aldred?"

"I can begin tomorrow. I have nothing to do in this city except walking around with my girls."

"Then it's a perfect job for you. Being a teacher is not that stressful."

"Hehehe. If the students dare to play around while I teach, they better be prepared to experience the word 'hell'."